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1, 1921J




QUESTIONS FOR BEREAN STUDY of the world hath bC'en hid in Cod, who created all things by Jesus Christ: to the intent that now unto ~ 1. State Jehondl's purpose in giving his Word to his pC'opIe. Where only, then, will the chilu of Go,l timl true guil!the principalities and powers in heavenly places might ancC'f be known by the church the manifold wisdom of ,r 2. Where clid we get the doctrine of the" divine right of God. "-Eph. 3-: 7, 9, 10. kings" g For whom was Romans 1:3 intended g G,ve scripture proving that it was not intendeu for anyone else. 41 These words of the apostle could hardly be con~ 3, Give the suhstance of the apostle's statement, as re('onleu strued to mean that ,. by the church" on earth the in our text. How should the laws of the lanu be r('garuerl g wisdom of Cod is being made known to the princely, ~ 4. Show that all true power awl authority come from Jeho· vah. How may ve know whether a given law is right 1 angelic po 'rs in the litC'ral hean'ns. The context ~ 5-7. Prow', by illustration, that the governments of this worJJ shOvs that this is the meaning of the apostle's words, are not the' 'powels that be". to wit: That by the divine arrangcment God was us- ~ 8. Quote sC1iptme anrl show whether a chilu of God may engage m var. ing Paul as his minister to make known these truths ~ 9. lmt conclusion is logically reached as to the propriety to the principalities and powers throughout the: of laws that vary in uifferent countlies and in diffClent IlIcalities 1 church, the members of which arc 'seatrd with Christ ill hranmly places '. (E ph. 2: 6) It was Paul who was ~ 10, 11. Rhow by illustration whether the various man-made laws and onlinances Imposing restraint or cOJllpulsion ale giYCII the privilege to disclose to others, the apostles propel'. To Ihat power, therefore, docs the apostle here and leaders, the mystery of (lad. The Scriptures 1dcd therefore :';ow that the apostles, and particularly ~ 12-H. Of whom does God's organization cOllsisH What do the Scnptures say as to delegatiOn of power to the membel~ Paul, occupied importallt positions as governors in thereo11 '1'0 hat doC's the power here mentione,[ refed the ehurch; and this must be taken into consideration. Prove the H]C'ntity of "the higher power" and of "the higher powers". in determining the meaning of their words. ~ 1,;' Hi. 'hat does the Apostle Paul say concerning Chnst 42 There are no successOl'S to the allostks. There and IllS I C'lationship to the church 1 has long be('n in the world an organization called the ~ 17, 18. 'hat evi,knce ha"e we that Christ Jesus confel'l'ed "Christian ehurch", or "Christianity". I3pcause mp!I pOll er upon his apostles, amI that they exercls('d such power' in that organization have assumed to be succpssors to ~ 19, 20. How dOl'S tllf~ rule of citizenship come into consideration here~ hat is the citizenship of the body of Chnst, awl t he apostles and individually to direct the affairs of ,,,here, therciore, ,]0 the members thereof Ove their allethe ehureh and of the worILl, there has been much congiance'l fusion of mind of those vho han' studied the Word of ~ 21-24. Describe what is pietured ill Ezekiel's proplletie vislOn of C;od's organization. Pomt out the lesson contained therem Cod. The apostle's wonls have hepn vofully misconand in 1 COl inthians H: :1:;' strued. It should always be kept in mind that Christ ~ 23. Explain how the anointed on ('arth, being imperfect, can is the IIpad of the ehurch, and that the allost les held be a pal t of God's holy orgamzation Zion. sppeial positions thel'l'in and that no men sinee the ~ 2(i. hat aJ'J'angement has the Lord been using to represent Illm III the eal th in this time of his secoml presence1 Of <,pastil's' day have filled their places. They exercised ,,,hom docs this company consist~ How is this "servant" certain gOn'l'lling powers in the church. The 1.01'<1 ,Jeclass related to Zion 1 sus, and the apostks, under his direction, laid dO'n ~ 27. Explain whether infallibility is to be expected of those m positions of 1esponsibility in the "Society" and througll certain rules for the gO,(,l'lling of the ehureh; and the whum direction concerning the work is given. Then how may ccclcsia, as a body, is clothed with ecrtain power and others of the" ~oclety" know whether the work is properly authority to act, and evny individual rnembel' of the dir('ete<ll ch1ll'ch should be subjcet to that arrangement.- '1 ~8. How mav it be known whether the course of actIOn of any in(h'l,]u~ll in the organiza,tion is pleasing to the Lord I Eph. 2: 18-21. How <loes the Lonl deal with any mistakes made by individ43 Seeing', then, that the Society is made up or comuals in IllS orgamzation ~ posed of Cod's anointed yet on earth, and that this 1r 2U, :)0. What lS the status of eldcrs amI· of deacons in th3 ecclesia ~ What jJl()ision has the Lord made for correeting body or company of Christians is diligently endeavor,]isorl!er in the church ~ ing to carry out the Lord 's commandments, and know- ,r :31. Clearly, then, what did the Apostle Paul mean when he ing that the Lord Jesus is the Head thereof, en'1l sai,], ,. Let elelY soul Le subject unto the higher plmers"l every member should diligcntly seek to be in harmony cr :;~. Quote 1 COl inthians 12: 18, 28, aUlI identify the" pOWel'8 lb:t be". with the poliey, course of aetion and work of sllth

j:~, :~.!. 'hat is nwant by ., ordinance of nw"n", referred to

Soeiety. If any arc of the opinion that the Society is ~i m 1 PdpI' 2: 1: How do the words of Paul (Heb. 7: 17) not pursuing the proper eourse, then commit the and of Peter (1 Pet. 2: 13, 14) show that the" human creatIOn" 1efe!led to is the olllinance of the church 1 matter to the Lord and wait upon him to do the judg~ 33, 36. Explain Peter's OIl]S referred to in verse 13, aboye ing and to determine what is the ]lro]lCl' course to be' elt(',!. taken. Bvery member of Zion on earth is in the cove- ~ 37, :. What was Peter's argument, as indicated 11l 1 Petl'r nant with the Lord, and cvel'Y onc must be in har2: J 71 Quote sel iptUJ'e to prove to whom he was speaking. Prove, with scriptures, the correct application of Peter '8 mony with the Lord; and, that being true, everyone ,vmds in yerse 14, here under consideration. must be subject to the higher powers. ~ 3n, 40. Prol'e that the apostles were vesteu with authority in (To be COlltillllCd) the chUlch, and that they exercised that authority.

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