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n. SlloW "ht·tl!('l' the wonl ,. full'I'd ., uSt.},l lwl'f' hy Paul 1 e~ fers tu tilt' ..]lUl..]' 01' tu 1'atan aIlll his organinltion. <" i. Pl'OY(" b,Y illustratiun of tll~ll' attitndp towanl good 'ulks HlHI tual,l lll 'olks, that the' 'rulers" n'ferrl"! to alP not tho"w 1)1' thp gOY(,l'llIllPnts of tlit: world. " ~-!I), H,'lat,' ,'irl'ulllstalll"'S yhi"h pro'(' tllat appl:-ing' tlw tl'JIll "jlll,'r" (11,']'(' UHl'll) to the prinel's of this world, anll H('ting aC·(,()l'din~.J.·. woulll he iUf'OIlHistent WIth the YC'l'y purpos,' ful' IIII'll (lur! has bl','n takIllg ont a pl'opll' for his IlHlllt'. To what IWt'r, tlHll.'folP, 111U~t it ]'Pfl.'l"? Vp~wrIl)e tlH~ llllt'otkllig qf Yl'r~t' .~. in ltS ('dl'l'pet applif'atiol1. ... 11-1.i, I~ Jt n'a~(nl(lbh' that Ood WOll}IL COlllllllt to f4atall 01' an.' or ~at~la's ai:!,l'lu'it':-l tht' POY'l' tl1 a('t as Goll's JnilliHter for gO'ld (JI a~ lIi:4 --:l'} itnt to t'X{('utp wrath upon an;v in th~ ,'lIur..],? (lu<Jt" ,It'l'iptul('s t<J il1u'trnte the o['l'nttion of HoJIlHIlH 1::: ± III tht' ('!lUI (.1J. " l,l, }:xplalll h"tll'l' i"rlij,luals (nt' elllp0'l']'l'll to judge

lnd to




17. E'plain f),I~-" n, awl quote- "arion;:;; tntnslntioIlH to ('OHM til'l1l suelL appli('atloll of tlIt apoHth '" Rtat()lllPnt. ,- l,~-:!<I, _.u "x:lluinatltln 1l1' the allOU~ texts ('it('ll ekalh' Jll" of'



hat as thl' I1H'anlllg' Ilf th" a]>ostl,' 's stat'"U1pnt' tiI:,t

". till"" altO (+041'", Illlnu;;tt)l'H"



,; :!1-:2,", 'hat an' thl' trillnt,' ttll,l eustom hrrt' ml'ntHJlw,l, alit!

to lholll an' th"H!' til llt' ](']],l,·](',l! l'IiHt dOI'~ the apostle HUYH, 'H(llld,),l' f"ar to WhOlll ft'ar is (luc'! ~ :2,)-:!7, _[']>1,' tllt: worrls ., houo!' to whom honor' '. How may it be kl1()

til ~hUlU to gin' honor in thl' ehureh f lIow does

Ill(' for Ilne another JIl"l't tIlt' requirement of thp law! " :!s. :2. To what rilles the apostll' n'fer (in yerse 9) when he sa 's ,. For this". thl'll Jlltlntioniug se-I'rnl t'ommandllll'nts! ]I;,w ,lOl'S 10 I' 0llt' I':(t l' in tilt, k,'el'illg of GOll's law towan! IlUI' ft'l!llw III an , " :,11, ::1. I'h' !'oul,l nllt 10(" always hp the lllotive for ket'l'" Illg' th,' 1>",' of natltms f To what 'law, then, ,lops thp apostle n'fl'r, h) hll'1t the' l'hristlllll 111l1~t alwa.-s he goYenll'd'

N. Y.

~ :1~,

jlldgllH'ut in tl1' (,}nu<'1t.

,- [.). 11i, I'hat IS th,' uatur,' of thl' .' wlath" Illpntionprl m PIHt ;;, awl tll' l11t':J..uing of llt'lllg :-ubJt"t·t "for ('unStjl'llCC' ~j:tkt' •• !


]llt'au IlPn ht'


,; ..

3:1, Cl('arl:', then, how is the Christian to meet the qUl'Stion of pHrtH'ipating in 'ad Idpntif:' tiIOSl', as a g'ronp, to 'hom this rule of ,'ondnrt apphl's, I'hat shall these say as to othprs' engaging 1ll war, 'IIPther those he nations or indi",rlnals1

14-,10, ftate the position tho Christian must take in reg'an!

to the affairs of the nations, 'hat is t~ he expected from the eat tid:" rullllg pOWl'J's Ly one 'ho is faithful to God ~ ll"s(']ih" tIll' ""peril'n('es of son1(l of pre-Christian hml'S wlIo unrlpr slluilar eonrlltlOns 11l'OY(',l thpir nnswl'rnng d"Yohon to OOl1. I'hat is to hr' their reward? Point out the lesson III tju'ir "xample,

li, On 'hat prinl'ijllp, :lllil hl'eausl' of what relationship,

dol'S the t1 ll" CllllstlHn decline to partieipate in the HffaIl'S of tlw wOlldl

,~, J)psrrihl' tlI" {'ir('nnlst:llH'pS {':tiling forth the expr"ssiou

l'l'<'onll'd in Acts +: JIl, and the lesson th(']'"in for the people of Got! at tJus time.

11-41. Apply Romans ]:1: 11. POlnt out the importaneo of

the j"esent ti,lle an,! ('IJ'('Ulllstance as urging tlte Christian to he apprl'('IHti e of pn'sent trnth an,l to accept the responsi1>iht," and jlri'ilege of sprYi"e. I'hat facts of present tlnth should enahIt· one to dis('orn clearly the propel' coulse of a"tion for the anointed of God? -l2. Is it reasonahle to think that God has more than onp organization on parth' How shonld all who claim to he 01 tlte anointe,l of Go,l be aLlo to discl'l'n rea(lily in what organization lies th"ir privilegp of hHying a part in the WOI k the Lonl is doing in tlte "arth at this time ~ 4::, 4+. To what" night" does the apostle refer in yersp 12' To what "day'" lIow <loes one "cast off the works of ,larkm'ss" 1 uZ)y "put on the armor of light"? -!5, -l0. How may it he known wlwtht'r one is walking honestly 1 IVhat only reasonable prOl'edure is tlterp for those who ,10 not desire to hayl' part in the Lord's workf 47, 4il. The rl'nmant on earth pnjoy what privilegl' in .IAhovah's army! Btate the purpose of the waruing given to thosp not now Hwakl' to their opportllnit:' to engage in the s"r"il'p as witnl'sses, IVhat blessings await those who lespoJl(I'

JEI--IOVAH, THE GREAT SCHOOLMASTER [TlJirt>'-lllillllte radio IN'tllrl'l


SCTIOOL}!.:-;TElt i" one who gin'S instrnc· tion to pnpils. ~ wiSt' sehoolmaster (·xercises patil'llt'e mill forheurunee toward the pupil, amI makt'~ allowance for his ignorance and the many failnres rl'sulting' [rom this ignoralleC'. A 'Yise sellOol. mash'r not only t(',1('he" the pupil the rules and laws that expJ,lill why eertuin results follow certain eoursps [Iml actiull. but hI' giVL'S the pupil some practical il· lu-;(rat ions, realizing' that experience is the hest teach· el'. 1Ie uemonstrates to his pupil that the rules 01' Ja ~ are just allll <I('curatp, and ,rill continue this del1!OIl-;tratioll until the pupil i.., full." eonYilH't'(1 [I1lt1 J1< learne(l tht' Il'-;-;on ,n·11. .ceonlillg' tu thl' Dihk .Jehoyah Cod is the gn'atest sl'llOolmastl'r in the lln i nnw. His sehool has alread~' hel'n in operation 1'01' 0'('1' six thousand ~'p[lrs allll ,rill continue to Upt'l'atl' for allothl'r thousand years. Hi-; pnpil~ an' tht, "'hole human fmnil~·. The Bible is thl' hook 01 rules and Jaws, all of which must be It'al'lll,(l an.l uh".H'd. Fo!' the past six thousand year" ,ll'hoal1 11<-; hl'l'1l gi'ing' illustration [Iftpr illustratioll of tht' opl'ratiun uf th('; laws, demonstrating to his CI'l'atun'.., that tht,,- are just alllll'ight, and eonyincing'

his pupils that yiolation of the rules or laws always hring's punishment and that olwdience to them alwa~'s hring's hh·ssings. TIll' most woncll'rfnl demollstrations that hi" Jaws are right lie just allt'ad of us and in tIlt' np,Il' future. Like a 'Yise schoolm[lste!', ,TeJlOyah Cod is in no hnrry. IIe doC's not get C'xcited and nC'lOUS, nor does hl' scold the IJl1pils, He has manifested a most wonderfnl and commendable patience and fOl'lJl',Il'a m'l' toward tJlt'm. 'l'hroug'h all these centuries of patipn('e and f()]'h('<ll·· mlet' he has snffered and grieved OH'r the course and l'Ollllnet of his pupils, and ~"et has horne ,yith thl'lll, has considprpd t he·ir ignormlt'p, allll has taken no not( uf thpil' failure" unless thpse faillll'es were due to wiI. fuInc"" and pplersit~·. Errors of ignorance and stupillity haw hi" kindliest sympath~-, and the doers thereof will be ohjrcts of his most tendcr merey and low. ,Yilfnlllrss, obstinae~' and rC'lwllion, hOWCycl·. mcrit and will reeC'i,"o tho Sl'H'I'l'st eondemnatioll and pnnishment that .TdlOyah God can g-iYe, namely, r"el'1astillg destrnction, called in the SC'1'iptm'e-; serolltl death. In order to impress this lesson that e,'('I'-

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