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    • The bands of copper and iron being removed

from the old stump, no mere shall the human race be ruled by wicked spirit and crucl human ercatures. The new cedar tree, the righteous overlordship and government with Christ as Head, King and Savior, is made available for all of the human race who will be obedient to God. The One who was lowly and Cespiscd of men and by wicked angels is now exalted to the highest place, and thus Jehovah creates a new tree; and enthroning his Son as King and Overlord of man he has thus set up him who Broogiyn, N.Y. vah's Vindicator, and now he commands that the mes- sage shall be declared, that ‘‘in his name shall the nations hope’’. %4The propheey of Daniel, chapter four, concludes with the words: ‘‘Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase.’’ (Vs. 37) Now .Je- hovah’s witnesses as heirs of the kingdom do also “‘praise and extol and honour the King of heaven”’ and delight to bear his was ‘‘the basest of men’’ BO AIS CEO ig ger Va truths to the people. His in the eyes of others of ON gah he Sr ne IRE ered LF, truth and judgments are ereation, This new tree is re oe eK ap now being made known in far more excellent than rete ae . ee gh ee ige the earth and must con- the original tree. It is the ET pattie OT ope tinue to be made known planting of Jehovah God te ate eee Deter tte until all shall know that and for ever continucs : Sy de ee ee oe Sa : Jchovah is the Most High righteous. It makesample {§ ayaa oC! wee oe eet ee over all the earth and that provision for all the obe- fA oo ee An! Ad RO Re FAS all those like Satan, who dient ones and ‘‘in it [is] ter Tato " continue to walk on in meat for all’. Under its -o> 0 yer x ; pride, Jehovah is able to righteous shadow allerca- f°.’ ee. Vee and will completely abase tion that is obedient to [> ” Nea Ar gaptig kegs od and destroy. Jchovah shall find shelter | aa OS ae Ie 33 Jehovah usesthethings and rest and shall feed OF OES of the creation of earth to upon its life-giving fruits. : - eee AT pret teach important lessons to

  • 3The people of good feu. epee eh Pg ee OO eS those who have an honest

will now on earth, and be. . fp apres ot desire to learn the truth. otherwise designated the [0-7 OR mp, OYE ake Now he makes known that Jonadab class, are pie- i en ee nS aie Nae pride and the love of self- tured in the tender roots Ke ae ae Ea on Rage Oe! gain led Lucifer to rebel- in the old stump which [ Be Me ae lion and to his destruction. “through the scent of i ‘ , ere te As we observe the new water’? reach out after 5 Shyer” , uy eedar tree raised up by God and lay hold upon j Na: _ Jehovah in the place of the precious truths of his a race! . that one that goes into Word and render them- bose, . Moa re complete destruction let selves in obedience to his} ee OM a us give thanks unto Je- rightcous organization un- Kal C_ ee ea a hovah God that he has der Christ ; and, doing so, they shall live. Into this new tree are first brought This etching is from an actual photegraph taken on the bank of a Canadian lake. It shows a dead cedar stump, and a young tree growing out of the routa that have reached down near the water’s edge. It illustrates the articles foregoing. made provision for the re- establishing of an organi- zation that will be true and faithful to him for the faithful pody members of Christ who are blessed with the privilege of being made a part of the tree or organization that shall administer blessings to the obedient ones of mankind. Under the organization, and as servants thereto, eomes the ‘‘great multitude’’ class. The faithful prophets of old were pictured by the tender roots left in the old stump, and because of their faithfulness they will form a part of the new tree; and into that organization shall be gathered all those of good will who will give themselves wholly to Jehovah God and his righteous government. The new tree is truly a tree of hope. That tree bears the name that Jehovah gives; it is Jchovah’s organization. He has put his holy name upon Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of man and Jeho- ever and which will bring endless blessings to obedient ones of his creation, The great tree of the earth, which Nebuchadnezzar saw, pictured Sa- tan’s organization which now shortly shall pass away. The new great tree of hope is the organization under Christ Jesus into which obedient man shall be brought and find life everlasting. The name of Christ Jesus is the hope of the world, and there is no other name in which men ean hope. Let all those who have responded to the call for the kingdom give thanks and rejoice that they are now favored with the great op- portunity of knowing Jchovah and having the priv- ilege of being his witnesses and thus have some part in the vindication of his name. All such will continue,