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Xo.12 June 15, 1929






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"I will stana upon 1111/ tcatch ana trill .•et my toot upon the 1'01Ccr, and 'lull H atl h to .I'A tl'lwt lie ,rilE say unto 1110, alUl H /lat an;1I or I shall mak~ to thel1J; that oppose me."-Habakkuk 2: 1.

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L'pon the earth distress of nations. with perplexity; the ~ea and the "aves [the restless, discontented] roaring; men's hearts failing them for fe.lr, and for looking after those things which are ('Ollllll:; on the earth: for the powers of lH':lyen flhall be ~ll:.1ken. • • . hen th:'.. . e tbin~s be~in to come to paR", tlwn know that the Kin!'(]olll of God is at bam', Look up, and lift up your heads; for ;rour redell1ptlOU draweth nigh.-Luke 21: 25-31; Matthew 24: 33; )Iark 13: 20,




HIS journ~J is pu1Jl;shed ~o~ tho purpOS') aT ::ti'ling the ]>('('1"8 to ulHlerstuml the l1llIle plan. It 1'roi";,_: ,':~~Cl," ati,; Bible study in wl,ich all its rc,ukrs lle";'- ]'; ';,,-ly ('ng:;gl..~. It glYCS anllOUnC'2111cnt of the 'lSl!S 1l1:~(1e t~) :~jhlc ('l~lS;:;PR lJ'y traveling speakers, annOUIF~es ('ollyenhons, :lul C;l{'~ lC']>orts then'of. It announces radio prograll13 an,1 jJubli8hc3 suitable Blble instructiOll for broadcasting'. It adheres strietly to the Bible as God's rQ';oab] ,ror,l oj' ']', uti!. It st:m,1s firmly upon tho gn~at raU:;Olll sanifi,'p as tile fUll<lamcnta] dort]'ino by hich all doct,iu,'s ttl 0 rtwaou]'e'l. It i" free flam p:<l'ties, serts a!H] cree,Is of men. It does not assullie a ,]ogmdic attitwlc, but eou!i,Iently iUYit"s a rardul (',.all1inatioll of its lltiClances ill tile light of the infallible 'Yonl of Cor1. It does not ill<Iulge in eontro"ersips, ane! its t u lUll1ll8 :tI e no t opell to pel sOllal! ties.


TO US THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH TIL.T .IEIIOY..H is the only true God, the ::Iaker or l!":lYl'U nu(l l':uth, nntl is fronl f;Yel'lasting- to c,f~rlasting; that the Logos "as the llL'ginning of his ('reation; that the Logos be'came a man; that III' iR now tIl(' Loni .T,'sns Christ in glory, d"the,l ith all power in hea en amI in earth. THAT GOD C!'eaterl the earth for mrtn, rrerttec1 perfer·t man for the earth awl ]l!aI'l'd him upon it; that man wilfully disoheyed God's la" :l1uI was sentence,1 to death; that hy rertson of "rIam's wrongful act all men are uorn sinners and without the right to life. THAT JESUS wrtS mrtde rt humrtn heing in order that he might be~onJl) the Hedeel1ler of man; that he gaye his life a sacrifice fOl' man 1lld therf>by produc",1 the ransom pri"e; that .Tesus the ui inc "'as rais"d from th" ,I.-a,I, asp"lu]",1 into h"aYCll, awl pres"ntct1 the yalue of his human sacrifice as tho redempti yO In ice for man. THAT FOR :L.NY CE::T'FCRIES God, through Christ, has been sel,'ctin~ from aD1on~st men the members of his "JIlIl ('jl, which constitutes the bOlly of Christ; that the mission of the chUl'"h is to follo' in the footsteps of her Lonl Christ .T('sus, grow in his lik"ll('ss. !~iYe testimony to tlH' naD1f> awl plan of .TehO rth Goll, al1(l ultiD1rttely 1", glorifi,',l with ChriRt .I,'sus in his heawnl,v kin:;,loD1; that Christ, Jl"arl anll bo,ly. (·onstitut .." tlH' "s('(',l of . h,,:,l!:Ull" through ,dlich all tl,e f:t1l11lies of the ea rth shall be hIcsBed. 'l'HAT THE WORLD TI".S EKDED; that the Lorrl .Tesus has returne,I :' :e,I i] HOW pres,'nt; that J,·]IO' ,tll h"s pl:l('(',1 ('IlI'lst ~Tesus upon hid tII1011C and no,v COllUl1nntls all nation., amI peoples to llC:,r a:l<1 o1Jey him. TTL.T THE nOPE OF THE PF.OPLES of e::trth is resto· mtioll to hUll1:m lwrf"etioll dming tlw r"ig'1l of Christ; tImt the reign of Christ will afio1l1 opportunity to (,],;' man to han' :t ftlr tli,,] for life, and tl1Os,' who ohey Vlll live on e"rtll f')r en']' in a state of happiness. YE,IRLY r"TTFD Xl.;)!):


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CAXVASSING PARTIES All cnnmssing parties and all indi'i(Iuals Vho canyass should nll'ntion the nulio station in that 'lcinity that is broa<1castlll~ the truth. 'I'lns often proyes a means of opening the way to I'laee the hooks in the hands of the ppopll'. Haw in minrl that the chief ]JUrpose of the m'lio is to call the people's attl'ntion to the truth an,] then fUlllish the opportunity for thpm to goet a wid"r ullderstandmg of the truth by reading what is being print,>d. E'ery one eng'agl'll in the house-to,house work in territory now seryed by hrmulcasts of the WATCHTOWER network plO' gral nmy Ine a share in telling the people that this ullIque Sl'l' ico iR ayai]able eyery Sunday. The" Radio 81ip" suppli"d h;' the Society, descrihed more partieularly in The TVatch To1/'N for ).Iarch 1, 19~9 (page (6), is 111'0ying to be a eOll'enipnt an,l pffediYe I1lPthou of giying public notice of this chain pro· graul. HAS YOUR SUBSCIUPTION EXPIRED? l'rolll time to time tI,e suhsniption llepartnwnt receiYes an ('xpn'Hsion of surprise from a subscriber Vho discoyers that hi3 name has be('n "llroppN]" from the TVatch TOll:er list. For tIll' bf'nefit of subs"libers it lS hell' re!,eat('d, by wa~' of 1',' planation, that discontinuance of an cxpirc,] substription is accomplisht'd mechalllcally in evcry easp. Machine],;, uSl',1 to print a,hTress on la1wl or wrapper is so ronst1'ucte,] that the plate bearing' addrf>ss is automatleally "droppe(l" from the list at expiration. A l'f>npwal blank (carrying' also notice of expiration) IS sent with the journal olle month before the su!>sniption is due to l'xpi](·. On foreign subseriptions the p"pimtWII nO'Il'e is :;c'nt with the jOlllnal tyO months III allyance.


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jluilliilh,,'[ for the benefit of the hlilld. The Bwill" lIleil1O,1 lS n,e,1. Tl<- hooks are loaned to the blin,l without charge. The)' an' also sol,l at jl1iees to toY"r the tost of munufal'ture. For fmther .information :t<ldress atdt Towpr Bible &; 'l'raet Suclet;', Brandl for the BliIlll, Logansport, Imlianu. '11111111',111'11111<1111'1111,1'111,


I.B.S.A. Berean Bible Studies by means of

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t'l'k bt'g Illning July 14

~t.lting th~il' ra.;e and reque:--.tingo NlH'h prod-..lOn. 'Ye nrClo not onh· willing'. but anxIOU:-:. that all ~u-ch be ou out" Ibt ctJlltinu,tl1r .Httd in touch with the Here-all' Nt ndie~. ]I.-,;fice to f,i//1J8('} i1>eI'8: .A('].:;:nowlcd~ment of n new or a l'rnewal ::-.n1,. M'!'iption , ill he f-ent only WIWll l'eque"ted. ('h:ln~e of ~111(11 {'~"". "lIf>n rt"'lIlit'sted, 111ay be expeeted to fipJlcur on addre~..; l.lhl~l "ithi!l OWJ month . .. ren(>,111 blank (earrdlw notice of expirallon) WIll lJl} f,put with the jourlwl one month h~fore tho f'ub:,cl'iption ('xpirt:'. L'lIt(1 ell a, Seeolltl ClIt"" Mail Mattn at Brnok1vn, 'S. Y., Po,tofjice. Act oj Marcil J,


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"J{'l}(Jyah f'-3Ujllf'l1IP' 1 Issue of JIIIY }j, }!J!,'j

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                               AND HERALD OF CHRIST'S PRESENCE

Vol. L JUNE 15, 1929 No. 12

                                    THE HIGHER POWERS

"Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. - Rom. 13:2.

                                          PART 2

JEHOVAH is the supreme power, Christ Jesus and Jehovah the higher powers, and the arrangement concerning the church proceeds from Jehovah and by Christ. All in the church who are pleasing to Jehovah and to Christ Jesus must be willingly submissive or obedient to that divine arrangement. There is no exception to this rule; and therefore it should at all times be held in mind by the anointed of the Lord, and strictly followed. There is no conflict, of course, between the higher power and the supreme power, because Christ and God are always exactly in harmony. One translator renders the text: "Let every person be submissive to the superior authorities." (Diaglott) The apostles may be embraced in the superior authorities, because they are superior to all others in the church, aside from Christ and Jehovah. This scripture has been long applied by Christians to the Gentile governments and the powers thereof. It is manifest, however, that no such thought was in Paul's mind when he wrote the words.

2 The word "damnation" (Verse 2) in the above text is from the Greek word krima and means judgment, and is so rendered in the Revised Version. In the Diaglott it is rendered "punishment". Surely all Christians can now see that the arrangement or ordinance of God mentioned in the text does not have reference to the Gentile ordinance or arrangement. It is true that God has not interfered with the nations of earth in their making laws and enforcing them, but the responsibility for their so doing is not upon Jehovah. He has permitted it in that he has not prohibited it. The text says that it is God's ordinance; therefore we must understand that Jehovah assumes a responsibility for the same.

3 It could not be said that God was judging the world in Paul's day, because Paul himself wrote that 'God hath appointed a day [future] in which he will judge the world in rightcousness' (when unrighteous governments will not exist), and that such judgment would be by Christ Jesus. (Acts 17:31; Rev. 20:4) The judgment reffered to by Paul, in Romans 13: 2, must apply to the church, and that judgment must be by the power which God has ordained shall judge the church. In support thereof note the following: "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" (1 Pet. 4:17) Note Paul's words to the Galatians (5:10), "I have confidence in you through the Lord, that ye will be none otherwise minded [concerning circuncision]: but he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment [krima], whosoever he be."

4 If the "judgment" mentioned in Romans 13:2 is to be rendered and enforced by the powers of the Gentile governments, then such judgment must be rendered and enforced by some man as the judge; and that is contrary to the Word of God, regardless, of who the man is. No man in the church or outside of the church is authorized to judge one who is in the church: "Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. And thinkest thou this, 0 man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?" (Rom. 2:1,3) Therefore we must conclude that the "judgment" reffered to in Romans 13:2 is the judgment for which the Lord has arranged in his own organization or by those whom the Lord has appointed so to do.

5 The substance of Paul's statement (Rom. 13:2) is this: That whosoever in the church resists the arrangement which God has made for the governing of his church is resisting God, and therefore shall receive punishment from God through Christ Jesus for so doing. Whether or not the Gentile powers inflict punishment upon evil-doers often depends upon how much influence the one charged with the crime has with the one who does the judging. There is no partiality in God's judgment. The text says: "Whosoever therefore resisteth," and therefore applies to every one,



without any exception. This alone would confine the judgment to God's organization by the authorities in God's organization constituted to do judging.

6 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt haw praise of the same." (Verse 3) Who are the rulers here mentioned? The word "ruler" is derived from the Greek archoon, and is also translated prince or princes. Satan is the chief ruler or prince of this world. If the word "rulers" used In' Paul in Romans 13:3 does not apply to the arrangement in the church, then the word must apply to Satan and his organization. Is Satan, the prince of evil, or any part of his organization a terror to evil workers in the church? Most assuredly not. If a man in the church does that which is evil and therefore against God's organization, that is the very thing that Satan the prince of this world would have him do. Did not the rulers of the Gentile powers induce members of the early church to do evil by joining alliance with the Devil's organization? Instead of the Devil's organization or Gentile powers punishing men for so doing, they were commended and exalted for so doing.

7 Furthermore, can it he said that the rulers of the present governments of earth "are not a terror to good works"? Fully consecrated and anointed ones of God go about the country doing good by preaching the good news concerning God and his kingdom, and the rulers of the Gentile powers arrest, fine and imprison them for so doing good. Do faithful colporteurs and class workers, who go from door to door and thus do good by carrying the message of the kingdom to the people of the earth, 'receive praise' from the princes or rulers of this world? No one ever heard of their receiving praise for so doing. When Paul says, "Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power?" can it be said that he meant that the anointed of God are to fear the princes of this world and the rulers in his organization? If that be true, then every one would refrain from being a witness to the glory of God. That is exactly what the Devil would want them to do.

8 As an illustration: Recently the Society's representative, and one of God's children, in the far away country of Liberia. Africa, began to preach the gospel by word of mouth and by placing in the hands of the people of that land the printed books containing the gospel. The government informed him that he must desist, that the must circulate no books or pamphlets or literature, or give any public addresses, until such time as the ruling powers should grant a permit therefor. He went on anyway and placed in the hands of the people a great number of books. Had he obeyed the Gentile powers, he would not have preached the gospel. He obeyed the Lord and was protected. He did good, but he received no praise from the Gentile governors.

9 It is therefore apparent that Paul's words mean this: You who are anointed of God should fear the power (Christ the Judge); that the rulers (Christ, and those who act under his direction) are not terrors to good works but to evil, and if you do that which is good you will receive praise of that power (Christ, and those of his organization clothed with authority to praise). One may ask. Are we to expect praise of the powers in the church for doing good? In answer to such question, and in proof that the apostles had authority to praise the doers of good, and did praise them, and that the doers of good shall have praise, note the following texts: "Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God." (1 Cor. 4:5) "And we have sent with him the brother, whose praise is in the gospel throughout all the churches." (2 Cor. 8:18) "Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you." - 1 Cor. 11: 2.

10 When the members of the church come together for any purpose other than to do good, they do not receive praise, as the apostle stated: "Now in this that I declare unto you, I praise you not, that ye come together, not for the better, but for the worse." (1 Cor. 11: 17) It is therefore manifest from the scriptures above cited that the evil-doers receive judgment by God's arrangement, and that those who do good receive praise by the same arrangement.

11 "For he [the power] is the minister of God [God's servant: see Diaglott and Rotherham translations] to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid: for he [the power] beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God [God's servant], a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." (Rom. 13: 4) This text could have no reference to the power that the Gentiles execute. Surely God has not committed to Satan or any one in Satan's organization the power to act as G~d's servant or minister for good in the church. Nor has he appointed any of that same wicked organization to act as avenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil in the church. What, then, do the words of Paul in this text mean?

12 The answer is, that the authority and order in the church is arranged by the Lord for good to those who are of the church and for the judgment of those who do evi1. (2 Cor. 10: 8; 13: 10) What is evil in the church is illustrated by the following scriptures: " Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil; the Lord reward him according to this works." (2 Tim. 4:14) "For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it." (1 Pet. 3: 10,11) "But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart,


Jl XE 15, 1929 The WATCH TOWER 181

My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to cat and drink with the drunken; the lord of that servant... shall cut him asunder."-Matt. 24:48-51. 13 The Gentile powers use the sword to kill. If the text is applied to the Gentile powers, then it means that such are clothed with power and authority over the Lord's people to literally kill those who are in the church, and that such are avengers of God. Jesus was charged with the evil of sedition, was unjustly judged and killed. In so doing surely the Devil was not acting as God's avenger there. The words of the apostle mean that the sword represents the power which God uses to punish those in the church who do evil and who therefore do contrary to his law by which the church is governed. The creature (or creatures) whom God uses to exercise such power is the avenger to execute wrath upon the evil-doers. 14 This does not mean that every individual in the church may punish at will one or many who he thinks may be doing evil. The Scriptures expressly prohibit a member of the church from so doing. "That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified." (1 Thess. 4:6) The Lord did commit unto others the power to judge and to execute judgment in certain cases. This power he committed to his apostles because they were his special representatives. Paul says that it was reported to him that there was evil in the congregation, and then adds: "For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, to deliver such an one unto Satan [cut him off as with a sword from the ecclesia of God and turn him over to Satan] for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit [of the church, which is holiness and complete devotion to God] may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus [at the second coming of the Lord and the gathering of his people]." (1 Cor. 5:1-5; see also Acts 5:1-11; 8:20-22) Christ and the apostles are the rulers in the church, and were already set at the time Paul wrote these words, and to the ecclesia is committed some authority. None of these are a terror to good works; but that power which the Lord uses is a terror to evil works and bears not God's punishing instrument in vain. 15 "-Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake." (Rom. 13:5) God has not called his people to set them aside to be victims of his wrath. He called them to be his faithful witnesses and to receive salvation through Christ Jesus. (1 Thess. 5:9) But God's wrath is visited upon those who are disobedient and who do evil. (Eph. 5:5,6) Let no one for a moment believe that God has

appointed so-called "spiritual policemen" to avenge evil-doers in the church. Any punishment that results from anger or personal resentment is entirely wrong. -Col. 3:8; Matt. 5:22. 16 Paul's statement is that if one in the church does evil he shall suffer, and he should refrain from evil for that reason: but he should also for conscience' sake refrain from evil or wrong-doing in the church. If he refrains from evil merely in order that he may escape punishment, his motive is not proper and unselfish. If he refrains from evil because he knows that it is right so to do, and pleasing to God for him to refrain from evil, then he does so because he loves God, and his motive is right and pure and he has a clear conscience. "Now the end of the commandment is love, from a pure heart, and a good conscience, and an undissembled faith."-I Tim. 1:5, Diaglott.


17 "For this cause pay ye tribute also; for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing." (Verse 6) The fact that the apostle speaks of paying taxes has been considered a strong argument and has been used to prove that the entire chapter has reference to the Gentile powers. That argument is unsound, and the conclusion is not warranted. The rendering of this text as given by different translators is here set out for the purpose of comparison. 18 "For because of this are ye paying tribute also." (Rotherham) "For the same reason as you pay taxes." (Moffatt) "Why, this is really the reason you pay taxes also." (Weymouth) "For on this account also you pay taxes." -Diaglott. 19 The apostle does not command the payment of taxes or customs to anybody in the church. The epistle was addressed to those Christians who had once been Jews (Rom. 7:1) and who were familiar with the law of the Jews requiring the payment of a poll tax and other taxes imposed for the support of Israel's government. (Ex. 30:11,13) They would understand and did understand that the payment of taxes was a proper thing to do. When Paul wrote to them those Christians were residing in Rome and were paying taxes to the Roman government because not wishing to incur the wrath of Rome, and also for the sake of their own conscience, knowing that they were doing right. 'For this cause,' says the apostle, 'you pay taxes; and moved by the same good reason you should render your dues to Jehovah.' The words of the text, 'for this cause you pay taxes also,' appear to be a parenthetical statement and put in merely, to strengthen the force of the apostle's argument. For what cause do you pay taxes? For conscience' sake for the reason that it is right to pay for what service you receive. 20 Then reverting to the rulers he says: "For, they are God's ministers [servants, not Satan's servants,



which they would be if the officials of earthly governments were meant]." The word "ministers", as used in this text, is from the Greek leitourgos, and is the same word used to derive the English word "liturgy". Who, then, are God's leitourgos (ministers)? The word ministers is used to translate the word leitourgos in the following texts also, which texts prove beyond all doubt that they are God's anointed ministers ministering in and for the church. (Heb. 1:7; 8:],2,6; 9:21; 10:11; Acts 13:2; Rom. 15:16; Phil. 2:17, 25) Then adds the apostle: 'These ministers of Cod are attending upon this very thing.' Thereby he clearly means that the office of such ministers is to maintain order and authority in the church. His argument is, then, that there might be order and peace, and for conscience' sake the laws of the land should he obeyed where they do not conflict with God's law. 21 "Render therefore to all [whether inside the church or outside thereof] ... trihute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom." The words "tribute" and "custom" both refer to a commercial or financial obligation which the government may lay upon those who reside thereunder to meet the governmental expenses. Jesus and his disciples paid such tax. In reply to the question as to whether or not it was proper to pay taxes to the Roman government Jesus said: "Render therefore unto Cesar the things that are Cesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." Matt. 22:18-21. 22 But what does the apostle mean when he says in the same verse: "Fear to whom fear [is due]"? Does he mean that it is the will of God that the Christian is to stand in awe of or in fear of the appointed servants of the church? The clergy, elders and others of congregations have used this scripture as an authority for demanding that reverence and fear be given to them by the congregation. Such application of the text is wrong. Whom, then, do the members of the church properly fear? The following scriptures give answer. 23 "Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God." (Eph. 5:21) "Be respectful to all: love the brotherhood; fear God; honor the King. Let household servants be subject with all fear to their masters; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the perverse." (1 Pet. 2:17, 18, Diaglott) "But even if you suffer on account of righteousness, you are blessed. And fear not with their fear, nor be alarmed; but sanctify the anointed Lord in your hearts, and be always prepared with a defence for everyone demanding an account of the hope that is in you; but with meekness and fear." (1 Pet. 3:14, 15, Diaglott) "Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread."-Isa. 8:13. 24 The Christian is not to fear man. "The fear of man bringeth a snare; but whoso putteth his trust ill

the Lord shall be safe." (Prov. 29:25) Those who have an abiding confidence in God do not fear what man may do unto them. "By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the [Gentile] king's commandment. By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the [Gentile] king; for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible."-Heb. 11:23, 27. 25 It is entirely Scriptural, and therefore right, for Christians to show respect for one another in the church, because the Lord has set the members there. The apostle speaks of those in the church who follow a selfish course and "despise government", and whom the Lord will punish. Of such it is written: "Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities." (2 Pet. 2: 10) "Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities." -Jude 8. 26 Says the apostle: "Honour to whom honour [is due]." What does he mean by those words? The Scriptures make it clear as to whom the Christian should honor. "For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: that all men shall honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him." (John 5: 22, 23) "Be respectful to all; love the brotherhood; fear God; honor the King [Christ]." (1 Pet. 2:17, Diaglott) If an elder in the church labors according to the Word of truth for the interests of the kingdom, then he is entitled to double honor or respect. If he opposes the work of the Lord and the instruction concerning the Lord's work, then he is not entitled to any honor. (1 Tim. 5: 17) "Wherefore the Lord God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever; but now the Lord saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour; and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed."-1 Sam. 2: 30. 27 "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the layw." (Verse 8) Here is laid down the rule that Christians owe a duty to one another to love one another, that is to say, to unselfishly safeguard the interests of one another in the church. They should diligently seek to do good one unto another. Herein is found the real reason why Christians should be obedient unto all laws that are right.


28 "For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not hear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (Verse 9) When the apostle hero


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says "For this", For what cause? may be properly asked. The answer is, Because of love, thou shalt not commit adultery, kill, steal, bear false witness or covet. The things here mentioned which the Christian is not to do are crimes against the law of God. It is true that in most of the Geentile nations these same things are denounced by the law as wrong. If, however, a Christian would refrain from committing the crimes here mentioned merely because the law of the land would punish and does punish those who commit such crimes, then the Christian's motive is wrong. 29 What would induce any person to commit the crime of adultery, murder, theft or purjury? Selfishness, of course; and selfishness is the very opposite of love. If the person loves God and his fellow man he will not commit these wrongs. If he lows his neighbor he will do no injury to his neighbor. It is to satisfy some selfish or wrongful desire that leads men to do these wrongful arts. If a man loves his neighbor as himself he will be unselfish toward his neighbor and therefore will not wilfully do any wrong against his neighbor. For this reason the Christian obeys every law of the land that is in harmony with God's law. He does not obey merely because it is the law of the land, but because to obey is right. 30 "Love worketh no ill to his neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law." (Verse 10) In this verse the apostle could not have been referring to the laws of the Gentiles or so-called Christian nations, for the reason that not all the laws of all the nations could be fulfilled by one who is prompted wholly by love. If a nation commands that a Christian shall go to war and kill, love, could not be a fulfilment of that law. If a nation commands that a man shall not hand to his neighbor, who is sick and suffering, a glass of wine which would relieve him, love could not fulfil that law. 31 But every law of God is fulfilled by love or complete unselfishness because all the laws of God are right. Every law of every nation of earth that is in harmony with God's law should be gladly obeyed by the Christian whether he be a citizen of that nation or not. But where the law of the nation or government is contrary to God's law, then there is no compromise by the Christian: he must obey the law of God. If he does obey the law of God he will do not wrong or injury.


32 What, then, is the proper attitude of the anointed sons of God toward and with reference to participateing in war where the purpose of so doing is to kill human brings? The thirteenth chapter of Romans and the words of Peter (1 Pet. 2: 13, 17) have been repeatedly used to prove that Christians are compelled to engage in the deadly combat of war because the law of the land says so. Such application is entirely wrong. Neither of these scriptures has any reference

to the law of the nations, as the foregoing proof clearly establishes. Both of these scriptures have reference to the government, order and discipline in the organization of the Lord. Applying these words to earthly governments has been misleading and wrongful so far as Christians are concerned. The Word of God is explicit concerning his people when he says to them: "Thou shalt not kill." The Christian who kills in war breaks not only the expressed command of God, as above set forth, but breaks also God's everlasting covenant and therefore receives the disapproval of God and is barred from having a part in his kingdom.-Gen. 9: 5, 7; Ex. :20: 13; Matt. 5: 21; Isa. 24: 5; 1 John 3: 15. 33 Those who compose "the Society", within the meaning of that term as defined herein, and who are therefore of God's anointed on earth, and which company of Christians is otherwise spoken of as International Bible Students, while still in the flesh must be governed by the law of God. His laws as expressed in his Word are therefore the rules of the Bible Students, and these rules absolutely forbid such anointed ones to engage in warfare with carnal weapons. For this reason the Bible Students are misunderstood by the ruling powers of this world. They have no desire to interfere with worldly governments or the action thereof, nor can they willingly break God's law. It is not the prerogative of the Bible Students as Christians to say that the nations and peoples of earth shall not engage in war. That is none of their affair. It would be wrong for them to attempt to interfere with the nations' engaging in war or drafting men to engage in war. So far as the action of a nation is concerned in selecting and drilling an army, no Christian has a right to interfere. That is a matter that the nation itself must determine. 34 No truly consecrated Christian, however, can engage in literal warfare and at the same time maintain his integrity toward God. His duty is to hold aloof from the affairs of the nations that are carrying on war amongst themselves and to devote himself to the Lord and be obedient to his commandments. If commanded by the ruling powers of the nation to go to war and kill, in order to be faithful to the commandment of God he must refuse to go to war. That refusal will in all probability bring down upon the Christian the wrath of the government commanding him to go to war. The wrath of an earthly government is to be prefered by the Christian rather than to be subjected to the wrath of God for disobeying his law. 35 The consecrated and anointed Christian knows that he must die in order to be made a member of the glorious body of Christ. If he dies because of his faithfulness unto God and his covenant it will be well with him. If he disobeys God and willingly obeys rather an earthly ruling power, goes to war and dies therein, his opportunity for a place in the kingdom of God is for ever gone. He must therefore choose to obey man



or to obey God, well knowing the results. The Lord has caused a record to be made of a company of men who proved their faithfulness by martyrdom before the beginning of the selection of the church. Because they refused to obey the commands of Satan's organization, and because of their faithfulness to God, they "had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover, of bonds and imprisonment: they were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth".-Heb. 11: 36-38. 36 The apostle then adds that because of their faithfulness they obtained a good report and approval of God. The Scriptures show that the Lord will reward these faithful men by making them the visible rulers under the kingdom of Christ. It was their faithfulness unto God that the Lord will reward. Surely God will not require less of those to whom he will grant the unspeakable privilege of being with Christ in his throne and having a part with him in blessing all the famililes of the earth.-Rev. 2: 10; 3: 21. 37 The attitude of the true Christian toward war is not because of his animosity to men who have to do with earthly governments, but is because of his love for God and his obedience and faithfulness unto the Lord. God has called his anointed for his purposes and has made them his witnesses to honor his name. They must stand out separate and apart from the world. (Acts 15: 14; 1 Pet. 2: 9,10; Isa. 43: 10,12) These anointed ones have a warfare in which they must engage, but it is not a warfare with carnal weapons. "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds)." (2 Cor. 10: 3,4) The duty of the anointed of God is to do evil to no man but to render good unto all as opportunity is offered and to faithfully represent Jehovah.-Luke 3: 14; Gal. 6: 10.


38 For a long time Christians have been in a condition of sleep concerning their duty of service in the Lord's organization. They have tried to please the rulers of this world, and to do so they have taken a course of action that is a compromise between faithfulness to the Lord and faithfulness to the world. They have said in effect: 'We must let the world see that we are so sweet and inoffensive that the rulers will observe that we have been with Jesus and learned of him.' The Scriptures have been wrested to justify that position. There is no scripture in support thereof. The apostles were bold and fearless, and when told that they must be obedient to the laws of the land rather than to obey the laws of God, they replied: "Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken

unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." (Acts 4: 13-20) Even so now God is pleased only with those who are bold and fearless in representing his cause and declaring his name.-1 John 4: 17, 18. 39 "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed." (Verse 11) The anointed now know the time. They well know that the Lord is in his holy temple and that everyone who is of the temple must now show forth the glory of God.(Ps. 29: 9) The completion of the church, and therefore the salvation of the church, is nearer than ever before. It is now no time to be sleeping and dreaming and indifferent concerning the Lord 's cause. It is now the time to be wide awake, that we may see and appreciate the prophecies of God which he is unfolding, and his lightnings that illuminate them. Those of Zion now awake must serve joyfully, singing the praises of Jehovah's name. They must now obey the commandment of God and continue to remind their indifferent brethren of the importance of anointing their eyes that they may see and appreciate present truth and be obedient to its demands. (Rev. 3: 14-21) Those who are of the remnant are now commanded, "Cry aloud, spare not; lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression." (Isa. 58: 1) Those who are asleep and indifferent are committing the transgressions here mentioned. 40 The anointed now discern God's organization as they never saw it before. They now discern Satan's organization as they never saw that before. They see that the "seed" of the serpent and the "seed" of promise are brought forth and arc directly opposed to each other, and that the deadly conflict is on. There is no concord of Christ with Satan's organization. There is no part that the believer has with the infidel. "And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall he my people." -2 Cor. 6: 15, 16. 41 Surely God expects his anointed to obey his commandments rather than to yield to the rules of Satan's organization that are opposed to God's commands. There is no excuse or justification to longer misapply the Scriptures in an effort to cause the anointed of God to bow to the dictates of Satan's agencies and, particularly, to the ordinances thereof that would prevent the proclamation of the truth concerning God's name and his kingdom. Now is the time when God says to his own people: 'Ye are my witnesses to declare that I am Jehovah.' (Isa. 43: 10,12) "And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the


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earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people." -Isa. 51: 16.

42 We know that Christ Jesus is the Head of God's organization and that he is present directing the work of the anointed on earth. He has not two organizations on earth. There is but one. That organization of the Lord, or the body of Christians who are devoted to him, is known under the generic term of "the Society". God, through Christ, is now giving orders to his people which they must obey. These orders he makes clear by the flashes of lightning upon his Word, and discloses to his people the facts in fulfilment of prophecy which show that the time of fulfilment is at hand and the time for the setting up of the kingdom. Let every one who claims to be of the anointed of God keep abreast with the prescat truth and keep in step with Christ, the Head of God's organization. Therefore says the apostle to the anointed of God: "Let every soul | every one of God's organization | be subject to the higher powers," because this is God's organization and Christ Jesus now present is in command thereof. Then the apostle adds: 43 "The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light." (Verse 12) The day is at hand because Satan has been cast out of heaven and the forces are rapidly forming into battle array for the final conflict which will destroy darkness, completely sweep away the refuge of lies, and reveal the perfect light of day. (Isa.28:17) The works of darkness are the works of the prince of evil, Satan the Devil. There can be no compromise with any of his works or his agencies. The anointed must be for the Lord, wholly and completely. Holiness means an absolute devotion to the Lord. Any claiming to be the anointed of the Lord who now stand by and see the clergy, who are enemies of God because they are a part of the world, steal or rob God of the devotion of the people, and refuse to cry out in warning thereby become a party to the crime and prove their unfaithfulness unto God. Those who claim to be anointed of the Lord and who now refuse or fail to tell the truth because of fear of offending some of Satan's organization show thereby that they hate the instruction of the Lord and have his disapproval.-Ps. 50:17, 18. 44 As further proof that the Lord is displeased with any compromise being made by his anointed with Satan`s organization, his inspired witness says: "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." (2 Cor. 6:17:18) God's anointed must put on and henceforth keep on the armor of light and let that light so shine that no one can doubt as to where he stands. 45 "Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantoness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof." (Verses 13, 14) These words of the apostle make clear the proper course of the anointed ones. None such can walk in honesty who tries to compromise with the enemy. There must be peace and complete harmony in the ranks of the Lord's army, and all who look well to the goods or kingdom interests which the Lord has committed unto his servant class will work together in harmony. Those who oppose the action of the Lord's people in carrying on his witness work are not walking honestly, but are walking in rioting and drunkeness and wantonness, strife and envying, within the meaning of the apostle's words. 46 God's anointed are within the walls of his organization. Therefore let every one who is of that organization say: "Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee, Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good." (Ps.122:7-9) Let all controversies cease amongst the Lord's people, and let those who do not desire to have any part in the work of the Lord withdraw and remain quiet and not attempt to hinder the Lord's works. 47 The Lord Jesus is at the head of Jehovah's army. He is leading on to complete victory. Of the remnant on earth the singers are in the van, and in obedience to God's commands are proclaiming Jehovah's name and singing forth his praises. (Isa. 12:5, 6) God is safeguarding those in the van of the army. He warns the sleeping ones to arouse themselves out of their sleep and join the rear-guard. For the encouragement of those who so do he says: "Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy rereward [rear-ward]."-Isa.58:8. 48 Those who thus awake and join the army of the Lord and march on shall be safeguarded in the rear, as the Lord has promised, even as those in the front part of the army are safeguarded. Let the anointed now appreciate their privilege of being faithful and true witnesses in singing forth the praises of Jehovah.


1. State the arrangement which we find to constitute "th power that be", to which all in the church who would have the Lod's approval must be willingly submissive and obedient. 2. Show whether the existence and opertaion of the governments of the world would prove them to be ordained if God. 3. What does Acts 17:31 indicate as to God's having been judging the world during the Christian era? How does 1 Peter 4:17 support this conclusion? 4,5. How does Romans 2:1, 3 include application of Romans 13:2 to powers of the Gentile governments? How does the expression "Whosocrer resisteth " confine the judgement to God's organization?



6. Show whether the word "rulers" used here by Paul refers to the church or to Satan and his organization. 7. Prove, by illustration of their attitude toward good works and toward evil works, that the "rulers" referred to are not those of the governments of the world. 8-10. Relate circumstances which prove that applying the term "power" (here used) to the princes of this world, and acting accordingly, would God has been taking out a people for his name. To what power, therefore, must it refer? Describe the ----- of verse 4, in its correct application. 11-13. Is it reasonable that God would ----- to Satan or any of Satan's agencies the power to act as God's minister for good -- -- his --- to execute wrath upon any in the church? --- scriptures to illustrate the operation of Romans 13:4 in the church. 14. Explain --- individuals are empowered to judge and execute judgment in the church. 15. 16. What is the nature of the "wrath" mentioned in verse 5, and the meaning of --- subject "for conscience sake"? 17. Explain verse 6, and --- various translations to confirm such application of the apostle's statement. 18-20. An examination of the various texts cited (clearly)/ --- what as the meaning of the apostle's statement that "they are God's musters"? 21-24. What are the attribute and custom here mentioned, and to whom are these to be rendered? What does the apostle mean when he says: "Render fear to whom fear is due"? 25-27. Apply the words "honor to whom honor". How may it be known to whom to give honor in the church? How does love for one another meet the requirement of the law? 28, 29. To what does the apostle refer (in verse 9) when he says "For this", then mentioning several commandments? How does love operate in the keeping of God's law toward our follow man? 30, 31. Why could not love always be the motive for keeping the law of nations? To what law, then, does the apostle refer, by which the Christian must always be governed? 32, 33. Clearly, then, how is the Christian to meet the question of participating in war? Identify those, as a group, to whom this rule of conduct applies. What shall these say as to others' engaging in war, whether those be nations or individuals? 34-36. State the position the Christian must take in regard to the affairs of the nations. What is to be expected from the earthly ruling powers byone who is faithful to God? Describe the experiences of some of pre-Christian times who under similar conditions proved their reward? POint out the lesson in their example. 37. On what principle, and because of what relationship, does the time Christian decline to participate in the affairs of the world? 38. Describe the circumstances calling forth the expression recorded in Acts 4:19, and the lesson therein for the people of God at this time. 39-41. Apply Romans 13:11. Point out the importance of the present time and circumstance as urging the Christian to be appreciative of present truth and to accept the responsibility and privilege of service. What facts of present truth should enable one to discern clearly the proper course of action for the anointed of God? 42. Is it reasonable to think that God has more than one organization in earth? How should all who claim to be of anointed of God be able to discern readily in what organization lies their privilege of having a part in the work the Lord is doing in the earth at this time? 43, 44. To what "night" does the apostle refer in verse 12? To what "day"? How does one "cast off the works of darkness"? How "put on the armor of light"? 45,46. How many it be known whether one is walking honestly? What only reasonable procedure is there for those who do not desire to have part in the Lord's work? 47,48. The remnant on earth enjoy what privilege in Jehovah's army? State the purpose of the warning given to those not now awake to their opportunity to engage in the service as witnesses. What blessings await those who respond?

JEHOVAH, THE GREAT SCHOOLMASTER [Thirty-minute radio lecture]

A SCHOOLMASTER is one who gives instruction to pupils. A wise schoolmaster exercises patience and forbearance toward the pupil, and makes allowance for his ignorance and the many failures resulting from this ignorance. A wise schoolmaster not only teaches the pupil the rules and laws that explain why certain results follow certain courses and action, but he gives the pupil some practical illustrations, realizing that experience is the best teacher. He demonstrates to his pupil that the rules or laws are just aaccurate, and will continue this demonstration until the pupil is fully convinced and has learned the lesson well.

  According to the Bible, Jehovah God is the greatest schoolmaster in the universe. His school has already been in operation for over six thousand years and will continue to operate for another thousand years. His pupils are the whole human family. The Bible is the book of rules and laws, all of which must be learned and obeyed. For the past six thousand years Jehovah has been giving illustration after illustration of the operation of these laws, demonstrating to his creatures that thy are just and right, and convincing his pupils that violation of the rules or laws always brings punishment and that obedience to them always brings blessings. The most wonderful demonstrations that his laws are right lie just ahead of us and in the near future.
  Like a wise schoolmaster, Jehovah God is in no hurry. He does not get excited and nervous, nor does he scold the pupils. He has manifested a most Wonderful and commendable patience and forbearance toward them.                
  Through all these centuries of patience and forbearance he has suffered and grieved over the course and conduct of his pupils, and yet has borne with them, has considered their ignorance, and has taken no note of their failures unless these failurees were due to wilfulnes and perversity. Errors of ignorance and stupidity have his kindliest sympathy, and the doers thereof will be objects of his most tender merey and love. Wilfulness, obstinacy and rebelion, however, merit and will receive the severest condemnation and punishment that Jehovah God can give, namely, everlasting destruction, called in the Scriptures second death. In order to impress this lesson that ever


JUNE 15, 1929 The WATCH TOWER 187

lasting destruction is his penalty for wilfulness, Jehovah God has given many illustrations, which are recorded in his Word. The Bible does not say that God will eternally torment anybody, and that is why there are no illustrations of eternal torment found in the Bible. Such illustrations are found in man-made ereeds and in books like Dante's Inferno. What are the lessons which God wishes to teach the race of mankind? There are many of them; too many, in fact, to list them all in one lecture. But here is a partial list. God desires all men to know that he is the only God; that he is the creator of everything; that nothing but good and perfect gifts ever come from his hand; that he is entirely caselfish and has nothing but the best interests of his creatures at heart; that he is wise, just, loving and powerful, and that he never uses any of these attributes to the injury of his creatures; that obedience to his laws and arrangements brings peace, happiness, liberty and everlasting life, while disobedience to the same brings sorrow, regret, suffering and, eventually, everlasting death or destruction. He is also teaching the race that when either men or angels follow their own wisdom, their own devices, their own ways and their own sehemes, no matter how wise and proper these may seem, they always get into difficulty. He is showing up the wisdom of this world and revealing that it is foolishness with God. He is teaching the race that there is no other way to get blessings, no other way to get everlasting life, liberty, peace and happiness, except by obedience to his laws and fullest submission to his plans and arrangements. All these lessons are clearly stated in his Word, but Jehovah knows, as ---- wise schoolmaster knows, that it is not sufficient simply to commit to memory certain rules and laws, but that practical experiences are necessary to so impress the lessons that they will never be forgotten. --- he has set apart seven thousand years for the purpose of giving these experiences. Chief among these practical experiences for man is that God has considered it wise to let mankind try their own ways, plans, and schemes, knowing full well that every one of them would be a failure. For over six thousand years God has let man try out his wisest sehemes, financial, political and religious. Those six, thousand years are strewn with the wrecks of man's sehemes, man's hopes and plans. Every financial, political and religious scheme that earth's wisest men could conceive has been a failure, and yet mankind has not learned the lesson so clearly and pointedly stated in God's word, namely, that "the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God".

The reason that men's schemes fail is because they are selfish, while God's plans are founded on love; for Jehovah himself has decreed that' Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself'. Any scheme or plan for the blessing of the race, if founded on any other basis than love, is doomed to failure, with its accompanying sorrow, disappointment, and regret. Six thousand years of man's wisdom, with all its failures, disappointments and heartaches, have not yet taught man the lesson that God's law and plan is best. Why is mankind so slow to learn these lessons? The answer is that since man is fallen as a result of sin he has become proud, arrogant, boastful, obtuse, perverse, stiff-necked and hard-hearted, wilful and rebelious. This condition hinders him from profiting by his experiences. All this can be summed up in the one word, selfishness. Selfishness is of Satan, and is the opposite of love, which is of God. Fallen men, even the best of them, are controlled by selfishness. God planned to have a race of sinless and happy beings live for ever on the earth. He started this race in Adam and told him to multiply and increase and fill the earth. He told him in plain and emphatic language that if he obeyed he would live, and that if he disobeyed he would die. Adam was not ignorant of what God required of him. Paul says: "Adam was not deceived." (1 Tim. 2: 14) He had God's spoken word, but did not have any practical experiences to confirm it; and so when a crisis came, he lacked a proper confidence, reverence and devotion to his Creator, and deliberately chose to follow his own course. Doubtless he thought he was choosing wisely, and God let him do as he chose. The result was that sin and death, wars, crimes and every evil thing came into existence. God executed the penalty against Adam by driving him out of the garden and leaving him alone to follow out his own plans and devices. After 930 years of futile effort he died. But what a terrible legacy he left his posterity! It is recorded in Romans 1:21,31. I quote in part: "When they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God.... Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness,... who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator... For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections; ... and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient, being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to par



ents, without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful." What a terrible picture of the entire human family! And yet every one must acknowledge that it is a true one. Now the point to be noted is this: God is not to blame for these conditions. Mankind have no one to blame but themselves. The first blame is chargeable to Adam. He headed the race on its downward course, and each one of his posterity has only increased the downward momentum. Men are trying to stop this downward tendency in the race, but they are doing it in the wrong way. They are trying to do it in their own way and ignoring God's way. Man uses his wisdom and power selfishly. He strives to bring about righteousness by the use of force. He uses the strong arm of class legislation, military authority, and the power of propaganda to mold public opinion along false and selfish lines, and persuades himself that these will bring about a condition of righteousness in the earth. The attempt to force righteousness on people has always resulted in failure, and always will. In the face of six thousand years of failure, man is still confident of the success of his own schemes, is boastful of his own power and skill, optimistically predicts the success of his plans, and continues to make sumptuary laws and establish governments by dictatorship and bureaus and other methods of force. Seemingly he is not profiting by the lessons which Jehovah has given him along the lines of experience in the past.

But the Scriptures assure us that, just a little farther along, Jehovah God is going to interfere for the benefit of the race, and that he will destroy with a complete and everlasting destruction all the sumptuary laws, dictatorships, bureaucracies, and every other means of force, cruelty and oppression from tho earth. This destruction is called the "battle of the great day of God Almighty' '. It will be a victory of righteousness oyer unrighteousness, of love o'er selfishness, of justice oyer oppression, and of truth oyer falsehood.

That battle "'ill convince the majorit.r of mankind that their way is the wrong way, thcir plans arc the wrong plans, and that thcir yisdom is foolish. It will also convince them that there is a God, and that he is wise, just and powerful, and has been permitting man to follow his own devices only to teach him the futility of the same.

Now let me summarize some of the lessons whiCH Jehovah God, as a great schoolmaster has been giving the race throughout the six thousand ;rears of lmmall history. The fir.lf great lesson is the one already mentioned, namely, that in Eden God withdrew his power Oye1' amI eontrol of the race and let them follow their own devices in order to teach them the lesson that his




oro' is true, that Yiolation of God's law is sin and will bring its own retribution, in the way of poverty, more sin, distrc'ss, crime, yar, suffering, doubt, fear, oppression, profiteering, murder, hatred, selfishness, et('. Clod desires all the race to leal'll this lesson, and so will continue the lesson until all of Adam's chilc!ren arc bam, that they may profit thereby. }I'lIlkind follo'ed his own way for the first 1,6:)5 ~'ears of earth's history, until the flood, and the result of man's 'isdom is stated in Cenesis 6: 5,7, in these yords: "And Cod saw that the "ickedness of man was great in the earth, and that e"ery imagination of the thoughts of his heart "as only evil continually. And the Lord said, I yill destroy man, whom I haw created." Accordingly God sent a flood and destroyed everybody except righteous ~oah and his family. Many people blame nod for this flood, and charg;l him with cruelty and yiekedness in connection with it. On the contrm'~', to destroy such wicked and earrupt people is a merciful act. Civilized nations mercifully end the liYCs of mmderers for their oyn good and the good of athol'S. But the great Jesson behind this exhibition of pow· er is oyerlool,ed by almost e"el'ybod~r. God, as a great schoolmaster, was teaching' the people the lesson that he could destro~' sin amI e"il and all sinners in a moment if he so "ishec1. lIe was also teaching another lesson, which is taught all through his Yord, name· ly, that he will llen~r !>c'rmit sinners to enjoy everlasting life, but "ill destroy them in second death. God was simply illust rating in the flood just what his Yord teaches, that he is all-powerful and will destroy sinners. In permitting' these conditions to exist for 1,656 years Ciod yas also illustrating the fact that he is longsufi'ering, patient, merciful and for· giving. In saying' 1oah and his family he was illustrating' the fa('t that only the righteous are to have life and the blessing's of Jehovah Gall. The time came in the di 'ine plan when Jehovah would give an illustration of the kind of faith whicil yould please him and entitle one to his favor and blessing. lIe used Abraham to make this illustration. lIe asked him to leaye his own people and his father's house and go into a strange land, and told him that after he arrived there he would make a coycnant "'ith him. ) ..braham went 1;)00 miles to this land, and there God eoycnanted, 01' agreed, to make him the fatllC'r of many nations, and to gi"e him the land of Pales· tine, a promise which will be fulfilled to Abraham 'hen he is raised from the dead. He also used Abraham's faith as a sample of the faith which his ]WOpIe must have to please God. Thns Abraham is called "the father of the faithful". It is written that 'Abraham believed God and his faith was counted for righteousness'. There are fel' people on earth toda~' yho have a faith like ~.bra­ ham·s.


Jl:E 1;), 1D2G



'Yhen Gou uclivereu the childrNl of Israel from pieces as a potter's vcssel, neyer to be restored; thr the power of Pharaoh, he was simplr tearhing anoth- whole earth will be placed under one government, a er lessor!. Pharaoh pictures the Devil. Pharaoh op- diyine go'ernment, with Jesus as King. This gOYf'rnment will then proceed to demonstrate pressed Gou's chosen peoplc, The Deyil has oppressed all the peoples of earth. God purposps to ddiwr all God's loye hy opening the gran's and bringing forth people from the power of the Deyil anu utterly de- the dead, and teaching them, together with the milstroy the DeyiL IIis 'YoI'd tells us these facts, but lions of li'ing one's ,yho have not yet gone down into God illustrated his purpose when he deliwreu his peo- the tomb, the truth about God's plans and purposes; ple from the proud, haughty and dpfiant Pharaoh and teaching thrlll true instead of false doctrines; making drmmeu the hosts of Pharaoh in the Red Sea. Thi;,; an entirely new code of laws that will not benefit the means that Jl·hoyah will ueliyer everybody from Sa- rich and oppress the poor; rewarding the obedient with hC'alth, strength, liberty, peace anu everlasting tan and his power and destroy Satan, life, right here on the earth. God repeatedJ~- fought the battles of his chosen peoIn giving his only begottell Son to death to be ple, the Israelites, and repeatedly destroyed great numhers of their enemies in sudden and violent man's Redeemer, God YaS making a practical iUu'>deaths. Skeptics, professors and others, guided by tl'ation or demonstration of his love. He was Yerifytheir own human wisdom, see onlr cruelty and in- ing' the fact oft repeated in his 'Vord, that God is justice in this and charlIe God with evil intents anu love. Hence we read that "God so lo'ed the world, purposes. But the great Schoolmaster was only teach- that he' gave his onl.' begotten Son, that whosoever ing a lesson, which these men arc hindered from learn- belieyeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting' by their own human wisdom, their own self-con- ing life". Based on the fact of the death of Jesus, a resurrection of all the dead will be possible. This resceit. urn'ction of the dead will be a most wonderful illusThe enemies of Israel were also God's enemies. His tration of the great loye of God, as wcll as of his Word declares that he will destroy all his enemies in boundless mercy. For a thousanu years God will eOllthe second death. Jehoyah desired to give illustrations tinue to demonstrate his love and mercy by bringing of the fact that he had the power to destroy his eneforth from the tomb all that arc therein, and blessing mies and that he would eventually do it; hence these them wi111 a perfect knowledge of truth, righteonsg'l'eat destructions of life by hailstones, pestilence, and ness and loye. in other ways. It would Sl'em that these lessons, 'when completed, In the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha and the would hring every person that ever lived into hardeliverance of just Ijot, God gave another illustration mony 'Yith God; but the Bible teaches that some will of his pOWl'r and his purpose to destroy all evil and remain obdurate, selfish and wicked at heart, and all evil-doers and to deli,-er the righteous. that these, at the end of the seven thousand years, In saving the life of Daniel in the lion's den, and will be destroyed in second death. This will be anoththe three Hebrews in thr fiery furnace, God was illus- er act of mercy and loyc on God's part. To let wilful trating his power and uetermination to care for and sinners lin', when they would be a perpetual curse protect his faithful followers at all times, and thus to to themselves and others, is not a part of the divinr wrify his 'Vord. program. God's plan for the rebellious is stated in In the past Jehovah has bern more particularly il- Jeremiah 51: 39, 57, ,yhich reads: "They shall sleep lustrating his power and justice, but the time is soon a perpetual slerp, and not wake." This lJenalty of an eoming when he will giYe illustrations of his love. instantaneous destruction, without any suffering in Brfore that time, howewr, he will give one more il- connection there'Yith, illustrate's God's power, wi<;lustration of his justice. He has justly decreed that clom, justice and love. Those who will be let li,-e yill be the willing and no sinner shall live, but that all wilful and penerse under the seven thousanu years' schooling shall be the obedient, the ones 'Yho havc learned the lessoll'i uttedy uestro~-eu in the second death. Ill' has decreeu properly, and who arc entitled, thercfol'l" to the gift that all eYil in<;titutions shall be destroyeu. In har- of God, which is everlasting life. These 'Yill clearly know abont Gou's plan,; and purmony ,vit h these decrees, he has arranged for "the hattIe of the great day of God ~lmighty", ,yhich lies poses; they will know that he is the only true God; just ahead of us now. This hattle is called "the great they will have ahsolute confidence in him and will day of GOlI's wrath", and is also called "the day of have no confidence in man's wisdom. They will obey vengeance ". In this battle .TehO-ah 'Yill again demon- his law for eYer and do his will for ever. Thus we sec that the great Schoolmaster will take strate to the lleop](' his justice and pO'er, by destroying' evcry man-1Jlade schl'me of sin, injustice and op- snen thousand years to teach the ppople the great l)ression, political, financial and religious. False doc- truth uttered by .Tesus: "This is life eternal, that for eyer disappear; sumptuary laws will tlll'y might know tlll'e the only true Cod, and Jesu" trin(";; for cyer IJe tahooed; the nations 'Yill be dashed in Chri'it, ,diOlll thon hast sent. "--John 17: 3.



OPPOSITION TO CHRIST'S KINGDOM [Fifteen-minute rauio lecture]

IlEN Jesus was on earth, nearly nineteen 11l1Ildn·J years ago, he never faileJ to call the attention of his hearers to his future king-Jom. In all his parables he spoke of that kingdom. In one parable he pictured himself as ., a certain nobleman who went into a far country to re('eiye for himself a kingdom, and to return". J esm was that young nobleman. I-Ie went into a far country neady nineteen hundred years ago. At his return, that is, at his second adwnt, he will set up his kingdom. 'rIlis is the kingdom for ,vhieh .Jesus taught his follmvers to Pl'~:~-, sa~-ing, ",Yhen ye pruy, suy, ... Thy kin~~(I()m (·ome." ~s stat('J in Rcwbtion :20: 6, thi~; kingdom will be one thons::ncl ye:u's lon!-!.'; mHl that is why men ca]] it the lJillennium. The y-onl "millennium" means a thons<J!Hl :w'ars. In unmista';able language tIl(' Srripture:.; te~;rh that this kin!~dDlll, when esta1Jlish~d, "'ill he right here on the e~lrth. 'i']Jey tearh llwt during t Lis kin:~'dom :-:ata n v,-i11 1)(' hound and CIll'd 'ill pl'oeeed to hless all the families of the earth, both the liying' and the ue~ld. rrhe Scriptures fmthcr teach that this blessin!' ,vill consist of an myahning from the sleep of death for all who an' in the graYes, and that these, togetlH'l' with all the ]lving' O11('S, will be deliwred from the POH'I' of Sat~;l1; dcli'cred from sin uml death; from sickness, pain and suflering' of all kinds; from powrty, from oppression, from ,'ars, and from all fear of the same; from ::11 f:::be doctrines and creeds, until everybody shall know the truth, as stated by Isaiah, who ,note: "The carth shall be full of the knowledg-r of the Lord, as the waters coyer the sea. "-Isa. 11: 9. ,Ye read that when this kingdom work is finisheu 'eH'n' knee shall how, and every tongue shall confess that .Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father'. (Phil. :2: 10, 11) ,Ye read also that every man sh,~ll sit 111'UCr his own yine and fig tree, with nothing to mol('st 01' make afraid. (iUir. 4: 4) Picture in ~'onr mind a pl'l'feet earth, filled with a rontented, perfert and sinless race, having' ewrlasting life, with pei;re, lil)(,J'ty ,md happiness, without a pain 01' ache OJ' tear or death. These happy rrsults ,vill be accomplished by the coming- kingdom of Christ. No wonuer that Jesus aI,-ays helu up the picture of the kinguom before his ~ldienC'es. This kingdom is the only hope of the world. ,Yhile Jesus often referred to this kingdom as "my l.. i'lUdo1i!", yet in most instances he called it the "kingdom of God". It is God's kingdom in the sense that Cou arranged for it before the world began, and it is Christ's kingdom in the sense that God has appointed Jesus, as his Son and heir, to do the work of the Ling-clom and has given him the power and authority to do it. But, some one might suggest, surely no one ,Yould


resist and oppose the establishment of a kingdom which is to be a blessing to all, both living and uead. The Scriptures, however, show that there will be opposition to this kingdom. Speaking of its establishment, the psalmist says, "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together. against Jehovah, and against his anointed." (Ps. 2: 2) .J dlOyah 's "anointed" is his Son; hence, in verses 10 and 12 we read: "Be wise now therefore, 0 ye kings: he iIJstructed, ye judges of the earth. Kif:s the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little." Kotice the fact that this trxt says that it is th!' "kings of the earth", "the rulers," and "th" judges" that are mentioned us oppo::ing ,JellOv~dl',; anointed; and tlw other faet, that unll'ss they "kiss the Son" they will pl'l'ish because of the wrath of .Tl'1lOvah ag'ainst their stuhbornness and rebellion. Opposition to things righteous is mmally sLlpppseu to come from the lowl'r strata of soriety. Hence, ,yhen 'I'e reau of strikes, lockouts, riots, and bolsheyism, people are ever prone to charge the so-called "masses", "the labor deml'nt," etc" with being the trou1Jlebreeders. But according to the text just quoted, 01)position to the ('stablishmmt of Christ 's kin~):dom, the only gowl'llment that will give all the peo!,le universal blessin~,s, will come from the so-ralled "uPlJer stJ'ata" of life, from l:ings, 1'11lcrs and ,illdlJcs. To the majority of people this will seem altogrtlH'r incredihle, yet history shows that it hi;S always l)('('n the financial, political and religious clements of the world that have oPPosl'd ewrything' relating to Christ's kingdom. t-.'ineteen hundred years ago it ,ps the "bngs" and the "rulers ", meaning the lJOliticians and the" judges ", referring to the unjust one" who sat on the 1Jench of that day, who conuemned Jesus, an innocent man, to death without any proof of guilt; aIso the religious leaders, scribes, Pharisees, chief priests and elders, who claimed to lwlil'vc ill Jehoyah Cod and who were the appointed teachers of religious things, who were looking for anu expect insa coming Messiah; it was all these classes ,vho connived at the munler of the Son of Jehovah (Jod, 'Yhtl had come into the ,Yorld in oruer that the world through him mig-ht be saved. These financiers, IJol iticians and religious leaders devised the most wicked plot that was ever concocted to railroad an innocem man to dpath, and succeeded in their wicked designs. About fifty years ago the Intel'l1ational Bible Students began to announce the fact that the kingdom of Christ would be set up in great power and glory Oll this earth. They set forth the proofs from the Bihle, ,yhich no human being has been able to gainsay. They arc continuing this work now with redoubled energy and zeal. Nearly fifty million books and booklets in thirty odd languages have gone out all over the earth, 1DO




1;), 1929

and eyer~' one of these ann0111we8 the fact that Christ's kinguom will soon be estahlisheu in the earth. lIore than a lnmured radio stations arc now announcing the same fact ewry eek. Millions of the common people hear the message gladl~', and eycry uay othe1' thousanus are' 'listening in" and haying their heart made glad. But dlll'ing these fifty years the message put forth hy the Dible Stuuents. the glauuest message that this earth has p"('r hearu, has been yiolently opposed, an.} by the sanw rlassps that 0PllOsed Jpsus, and which were foretold b~' the psalmist, namel~-, the "kings", "rulers," "g1'eat men," and the "juuge's". The message which "'e arc pUttillg out has hepn misrepJ'esl'ntcd, distortpd and l)Pl'VCl·tL'd in mdc'r to prpjndice the people against it. Politic'ians haH~ spcured thc enactment of rity oruinances in O!'clL'r to stop t he distribution of the literature HllllOullcing the coming' blessings of the kingdom . .:lan~· of the rl'!igiolls leaders haye urged their flocks to bul'll the books, and haye joined in other methods or opposition. Kow we come to our final qupstion, 'Why do the TJeople in power oppose the establishment of Christ'!'l I,ingdom '! The answer is that t he people in power arc selfish, j llst like other members of the race. The'y l'njoy spepial priyileges which the masse's do not haye. The finaneil'rs usc their extn'me wealth to rontrol prires; to purphase immunity "'hen threate'ned with prosecution; to suborn judges and juries and control neYspapprs, and to purchase charters for publ ic uti!. itks which should belong' to the people. The politic'ians hold places of pO ~r and influence; t IH'Y arc sought out by ot l1('rs who haye an axe to grind, am} who desire slleciallegislation to grind their axe; they hold much political patronage under their rontrol and enjoy a certain immunity as a result of thC'ir position. The reli~!;ions leauC'rs have an C'asy job with much influence and prestige. They control the aets of grC'at numbers of people; thC'y hnye an eyerincreasillg political influence and arc the ch ief adYisers of great numbers of inuiyiduals. Bnt when Chri:,;t's kingdom is estahlished, all spe-


cia} pri'ileg'c's, speeial immunities and special adyantages ,,-ill end for e'er. Ewrything that savors of selfishness will be destroyed from the earth. There will be but one government under the whole heayen, and that gowrnment ,,-ill be a killgtlOlll, and Jesus "'ill be the King:, 'l'his ,viII mean that aU other kings "ill lose their throm's am} powel'. III Psalm 2, ycrse 6, we rl'a d: " Yet have I set m~' killg upon m!J holy hill of Zion." Jehoyah (;od is the speaker, and his king is King Jesus.•.gain in Psalm 72: 1,2 we reac}: "Gi'e the king tll!J jndg'ments, 0 Gou, ... he shall judge thy lwople with rirJ7drowmcss. a]](1 thy poor ,vith judg. ment." Ah, yes! When this kingdom is established it will operate in bC'llUlf of the poor, the oppressed, those who haye been deprived of their just rights by those who hold special IJl'ivikge'l no". This kingdom will establish rightconsm'ss, libert~- and peace on earth. It will therefore be opposed by all those who loye unrighteousnl'ss, by those ,vho depri,'e others o[ their liberty, and b~' all militarists, who fayor war instl'ad of peace. The laws of that kingdom ,,,ill be absolutely just, because God will be the author of the same. This will, of roursc', end the jobs of earth's present le"islators. Naturally, bl'ing selfish, thl'y will oppose thi~ new kingdom. endel' the kingdom, sickness, disease and death will end. 'This will l'nd the jobs of doctors, ~ur­ geons, undertakers; and there will be no me for hospitals or cemeteries. Sin and crime will ceate; and heuee there will be no usc for judges, jurors, lawyers, policemen, comts or a department of justice. All those people who enjoy special priyileges under thll present arrangement will lose the same, and, because of self· isluwss in their own hearts, will oppose the establishment of a kingdom which, instinctiwly, they feel will depriye them of their present ad·antages. This ex· plains wh~' there will be opposition to the kingdom and yh~T it wilt come from those in power, the" uppC'r" classes, Those '"ho persist in their opposition ,vill die the serond death, as the enemies of God, the ('lH'mics of their fellow men, and the enemies of truth and righteousness.


In BI:J:TJ]](J:~: "For 1 alll nut nsllalllPl1 uf till' glrlll tlilings; h"('ause th,·~­ a1(' tl,(' POWPI of 00'[ fu!' Sahation to l'H'I," Olle lJl'li,,ing'.··HOlll, 1: Hi. Ii/oploll. (l!'eetingH in the IkloYe,l. (Jill (,pl'1esia has Yelted to spn,l you itt<'11 ('~p]'(,sslon " [ our ('ontitl('nec in YOUl' attitwle toanl ~atall'~ llllllioll~, tU)ll also in thp Il('W 1I1~1 YP],~' ('Olllfortillg appltratlC>n of thl' gos[",l tl11ths to the prps('nt,tlay rOll(litiollH,

PH'1' in the histon' of the chu!'ch O!' of natiuns has hlUlIHn,

it~, Iwen in gTeatp1' l{"p,l of a rnreful yl't st<'1ll allll ]'"I"lItl,',s I ukls]"p. lpwr haye the~- been lllC)]'P iuto[,'lnnt of e~O'['H px, ]>rPHH<'<1 plans an<1 purposc's. Au,l as we spp ruthll'ss (lisor>l", an,l I'{'hellion upon all si,lps. we can only "',,n>l"r at tl", spirit of amlt," all,l justi('" manifeHt(',l ],~- Oil!' <It'ar HrnthPI' HutllPr· fo'u and IllS faithful absociatL's at headqllalt"ls. Dl:


"'h,ll' no ,Iull],t lllallY forllll'r 1)lt'lhn'll are cn ilil1l; IJ,'cau<l) thpir long,cl"'11Hhe,1 ,ies all' ,IiHturl"'d, the Tou'us and th8 (;O('(IIII1/UII hook ale to our lIttle bOlh oj consecwtetl in thlR plu('( ., strong 11lCat" in due S(la~OJl. • 'e wish III Hhort to e:s]', eSH our utnlllst couJidpnee both lU thp spilitunl teachings allll S"J'lptural interpretations anu in the' far,sight,',l InlsinPHs manag"lllent and condud of the Soddy's a"tiYiti,'s ill tIllS mlll other lantls. ";h" r"l)()l'ts ill the ruu Book are a s,JUrce of (':strcmc satis fal'tlO11 and an aSSUI':tlll'e that Gu,l is at the helm autl the tinal tliUllIl'h ran not be far aYa~·.

a~' ~'Oul' 1I:11111s he strengthene,1 anti your hearts upborne

I,y ,I "'illl' grnl'(' to continue the witnf'ss by m'er," means now u<,·,j till the' "il'ltl"'- IS WOll,-] .Tohn 3: I. ~. . lOUt' brethrpn hy his grace, Qn:cy (:las8.) ECCLESL. L, C. l'LUDIEP., Cor, Su 'yo


International Bible Students Association RADIO SERVICE The message of the kingllom of Jehoyah is broa(lcast by these and other stations in Australasia, Canalla and the L'nited

5tates. Local radio l'epresentatiYes are requested to send (1) prompt a(lvice of change in schedules and (2) a monthly

l'l'port to Hallio and Lecture DepartmeIlt, 117 Adams ::5t., Brookl3'II, N. Y. A I'STlULIA

.. GD)!

Adelaide Hun Inn 8.10-10



-;Ull l'Ill


Xpl'ca~tJe ~nll



PIll 7·8.30

6 r

~ .. ~~ (occa,ionaUy)





Tue pm 8.30




Cali!ary, .lla ~un Jllll J ,:10-2



...........• CKY 1J-12 :30 ("emi·monthly) IT'lllliltOll, Ont. . CKOC

--;1111 am 10-11*

London, Ont'. . ~ (".J(;C

--.un pm .:2-.1 (e'clY otllel' (,(,1)

Pl'(:",tnn, ()I,}', :,_' ._ ... _.. _.. ('KPC ~nll I III t.ri- .,0 ~Il'o:--e J::w, ~H"·k, .__ C.1I:: ~~lJl dlll 1(1.1:)- (mollthl") Sn . . . kfttOoll, Na:--k. . ..... ,{'.1 I I S ~Ull pm 1-2 Ylllllipi:'g. ~Ull



Fort Wa.1 ne ~llll IlIll 4·4.30 Inflian'apolis


Tcrr0 Haute

iun Jllll 1·1040


--inn alll !J-J OJ.. ; JlIll 1 ;:W-2 :10



lJlIl ::-, '~O-!).:JO

Cedar Rapids K'cn ~lIn am D.:10-10; l)lJl -l-a Yed JlIll !l·10 COlIUCll BlnffN ..•..••.....•..... KOIL~ SUll alll 10·11 D'lI'enport YOC Sun )Jill 10.13·10,43

II us"a tIllC

KTXT ~tlll pIll 1:!-1 (m'el')' 01 her ycek) 1'.X8.S



FI'l Pill (;-G.:10 "'lchita _._

>un alll D.:lO~l() 13

Il'rlllini!ham Sun lJlll 7.10-7,j;)






. ~<'!e',

_K l"'r ' [


am ~i.-: :l-11 : lllll ]:!:! ;;0, (i-7 --!:;, D.l ;)-1 (I :10 )IOll i~d FII <lIll S-f): IJ1ll

! ;10 :;'::0. -t :~O-G, 7 -t-.:W

TuE' TIlll :---::It ::1Il S-!l. 11-1~; 11m 1. ':()-(i. 7 -~.:JO, !J-lt

J)('11 '1'



....•.... _



__ ••••..•••••.

pm ('-(J.:10

__K(;!IF ~-::-,


nt ~ I HIt' r OF t'OT.r'lnT ·~LL

." ,!ling ron

-iUll alll ]0·11:









mn ] () :~O-l Pill 7 -Hi-;)

GIOlH'('stel' ~lIa



Galc,hur~ SUll [lIn

Ey~'1n&.yllle ~un nm


  • '



Suu lllll


Flint Fll





(;"allll ll:tl""" ~llll Illll D-]O .Ta"hon ~Ull pIll :2-:.!Aj



'00]) YJIl~1


. 0-] i :'


................... YD. Y




Y1l K

,pIll :!-;~. 7 K Ttl(' ','cd 'I'flll 1"1 i ~<:lt S-S :;0; '1'1111 pm 7.-1:):)

Cohnlllnl' Sllll

... Y.I U


t 0-11 '

Colllmhps S1111


... _....

Va,toll . ~a1 ~lIJl








pm 0·,J0


X orthwest netl'ork program.


pill ;2 :J:'-,J 01-T .::'.

..... KO('W



~lIn aliI



1111 SSOl'IlT

__ ,'" la:tJ

1'EX.S ~ .. ~




POl'tlnml KTDR

>1I11 am ]()·U··

pm s'30·D (GI'eek 01' Ger.) Jllli 9·10 (English)



Altoona Hun Pill 7·7.30 Erie

iun pill 9·D.30


Nun JlIll :! 30-;} Rn 1 . tolllO Sun 1Jln 1-2 Ya,()

Ull pIn G.-4


Kl'HC -1':(; I:C



1'1'.1 If

S"lt Lnke ('jl~'

iun pm 1·1.:;0


][:1;1 'il 

Xorfo1k .

... _.




Petl'l':<IIIll'i! Sun


D-10, pill :J




',"T. T~ 7-7:;;) . yLI'"

-1, ·l.~~n-;}


1'i(;'t 0""

KXI:0 ':'lnn 'f'd Fn pm 'i",:~O ~ D('lhngh:l1tl _ __ Kr(IS ~lIn am 10·] 1 ,., E Pl'et 1 ~ .~~ KFI:I, Sun am 10·11"


KO.IO Knll :lIn 10-J1- l' SI'()k'lll<1 KIIQ 'Inll alll 10·11" ; 11 +,·13·3,13 lInn r.I'Il(' Thu 1"1'1 Sa t am CiA3-';



"Inn I 'i1.

CharleRtoll ".r(l pIn H :30-D Yhl]IIJ:; ~ Hun 11111 1-2





>Ull am DA3·10,43




••• _••... _KF.J.F

D-n ::10 'l'hu pm 8.3()·9.] 3 ~nn



a t

Plll .J.;}(l ()



chain prog'ram.


NUll pm n.:;O-7




1:! 1, H-10

)lOIl 1'1'0 '"(-"}

till 11.;~( l:.!

rl'hn JIll I 7.;}O-D





. . KSOO t;un :-llil D.::O-11; pm :.!-'~ «(;Cl'llI:lll alltl .'"oll'gian occasionally) .


('11 pla 'j .:;O-S

CIJ1('11lna ti __ ._ .........•..... _"-FnIj] NUll pm 0-(;

},IllI]]('Hl 1oIIS .__.... "·TIILl ~un mn D.;jO-]() -l3



_". 1.81

-)Ull Inn :2, I ,)-:1; 1"1'1 Pill 7 j ..... .)

Fon 'or1lt ~. ~ K I'.J;r,



1"11 pill

pm :>:.!.13

St. .To"eph . Sun :nil 10·10,43 St. Lonis

Ull llIll (;.00-7

TRT .--:,I)

Sin"" FlIll"


•••.•••.•••.•• -XHC



Wlt. W

1)}'o'j(lcl1cC __ . Nun am 10-11'1"


._ .. __ Bun 11111 1.;jO-2

'tlH rH C.IlOLIX






SCl',lnton .. ........•....... 'y(aa

-;Ull am 10-11'"

]'1'1 pIll

CI' ....clt.nd . S,lll :lPl !J.:"1-11


1-3 TNDTAX.I . __ . ._•.......•.•.. _'YGBI,'







Sun plll 2-:J



n,lI' (',11' '1'11(' 1;m 7.-1j-~ 1,)


Nen PIll G ;}O-7.:~O

_.. __"·EI'::;

Xc", J:e<1j,)]'(j 'rue pm ~-~

1-7:;0 }'l'i


~'lll ,,,n 10-10.:':0 S:.l:)('l;-:P _.____ __._


. __ .. _


Sun alll ]0-11': pill Fri pIll 8.30·9.30 R0,,,ling ~un pm 7·S

Ililll..... 1o)l __ .




rrlIu Pill D-D.00 S:ll'anaf> Laldl _"_ .....•.•.•... "~Xl:7J



Harrisburg WIll' Sun alll 10·11" Oil City WLBW SUll pm 5-5.30 (second unu fourth, monthly) I'lllla,lelphiu YIP ~l1n PIll 2 ~O-3.30 (Gel'mall, (;l'eek, HaHan Poiish) l "~ed IBll :J.--1j~-l (Engllf'h) I'hilatlcilihia Yx...r Yetl pill 8.13·SAG



II:ttti0sbur;!; )lon pm S.:JO-i)

"'[Oil Tue "Teo Thn alll ] 0-11; JlIll 7·::; D0cntur

Tim pm

... _..... 'YCe:,1



'; .~O-S




~~ 1~ II lIlll Gl'CPJ):-lIOl'O




......YOnD am

-)Ull am U.:H)-11:'

!'pw York ~1I11 pm G-G


ILLI:OIS Clliea~o

ron am 10-1:!; JJIll 2-4

Tue IIIll 1:!-~; (j-,,",


n']uth.. Y.I.X


Yed :tin 10·1:!: J"" 1)·1:! Thu 1I1ll 1-:1, .s-IO Fl'i Pill 2-4, G-S r'PI' YOlk . YOV

pm U,:;O-lO


.T afi"onI'ill0 ~ ,

'. t.fuh· :!,"l) pm
lllallli .

. .~ ~ ~ NUll alll ]1-11.:10 ~':JJIlJla .


.__ ~.;1()-11 "';



"1<'1{ 1(;."

( OL(ni.DO

Coll)l':111o ~lll'i!l"" ~llll pm 7-7:;0

Pw'hlo _._ )1011 pill



()n~;l:~~H~ll~l__ !~~_~.O.







Xc", York






__ ._ S-~

ealtillwI C Sua pLl (j->;


--l:n pm 1-:!

Dillg-hamton .__ __. ._"~xral' KUll HIn 11-1; PUl 7-U 'rim pill ;';·9 Buffalo YEW:

-;UlJl IBn 2-3


WOCL Sun llIU II·]:! (fll'st allll third, monthly) Lono; Island City WLIIX Fri PUl 7-8


.... K(lY b-~


Snn am ]0·11

LOl·IST.:, .1

1:1 70'i.



lIopldnsyiIle .. __

>lln lUll 9·10"




Shn'YCpOI't rl'llu 11111

];EW ,TEilSEY l'atprson BUll alll 10-11" Nj.;W YOHE:


< 1:iTOC,DL,Xn

I't . .Tohn·"


'YO[:11 . YYY..




t:;Ull IlIn ]2.];)-1:!A.)

(fourth monthly) llilwaukee 'I~)! SUll am 10·11

>nll alll !l·10 (Polish, el'el'y

ot her 'eek) SUll am 11·11 :10 (last, monthly, German)