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J l":' E Hi, 10:!i)




earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people."- ing and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Isa, 51: 16. Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the 42 Ve know that Christ Jesus is the lIead of God's organization and that he is present directing the ,york flesh, to fnlfil the lusts thereof." (Verses 13, H) of the anointed on earth. lIe has not two Ol'o'anizations 'l'hese words of the apostle make clear the propel' on earth. There is but one. That organization of the course of the anointed ones. 1'one such can ,,'alk in fjord, or the body of Christians 'ho arc de,'oted to honesty ,,'ho tries to compromise with the enem'. him, is known und('r the generic term of "the So· There must be peace and complete harmony in tl~e ciety". God, through Christ, is now giving orders to ranks of the Lord's army, and all ,vho lool~ well to his people which they must obey. These- orders he the goods or kingdom interests which the Lord hao;; makes clear by the flashes of lightning upon his Word, ~ommitted unto his sen-ant class will work togcth,;l' iCllll discloses to his people the facts in fulfilment of 111 IwrIl1ony. Those who oppose tlw action of the LordJ Fophery ,,'hirh show that the time of fulfilment is people in carrying on his witness work arc not walkl't hand and the time for the setting up of the king· ing hon('s1l)', but are 'alking in rioting and drunkendom. Let eH'ry one who claims to be of the anointed l!ess anu wantonJ1l'ss, strife and envying', within the of nod keep abreast with the j)I'CSC;tt truth and krep meaning of the a post I p's ll'lk ,10 God's a1lOintpd arc ,vithin the ,valls of his oro'an· in s1('p ,,'ith CI11'ist, the Head of Cod's organization, Therefore says the apostle to the anointed of COlI: ization. Therefore let e'Cr," one rho is of that or:'an" Let. e"ery soul eVl'ry one of noel's organization'l be ~zatiOl~ s<~y : " Pt'nrt' 1)(' rii hin thy walls, and [Jro;~)('r­ sub,ject to the higher pO"('I'S," ])('canse this is Cod's lty ,nthm th)- pelaees. For my b1'ethl,t'n and comorganization and Christ .Jesus now prl'sl'nt is in com- panions' sakes, 1 rill now SllY, PCllCC he vithin the<'. Becanso of the honse of the Lonl our Uod 1 ,ill sock mand thereof. Then the apostle aelus: tll,,- good." (Ps. 1:22: 7-9) Let all eont1'o'ersies ceaSt' 4,' "The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let amollgst the Lord's people, alld let. those ,rho do llOt us tl[('1'l'£ore cast off the ,,'orl,s of darlmcss, and Il't lIS desire to han any part in t he work of t he Lon} wit hput on the armolll' of light," (T erse 12) The day is at dra and remain quiet and not attempt to hindt'r the hand bccause Satan Iw~ bccn cast out of hca "e'n and Lord's 'ol'k. the 1'01'('('S arc r,lllidly fOl'lnin~; into hattlc alTay fol' 4'The Lord Jesus is at the head of .Jeho'ah 's army. the final conflirt whieh will dpstroy dal'!mess,' eom· lIe is ]p[,din2,' on to complete vietory. Of the !'l'Jnlla:lt p]ete]y s,,'epp av,ay the refuge of lit'S, and l'l'veal thl) 011 em't 11 the singers arc in t he van, and in obet1iencn perfect light of day. (lsa. 28: 17) The ,yorks of to God's eommands arc proclaiming' .]ehO'ah's 11an](' (brkncss are the works of the prince of m'il, Satan the and singing forth his praises. (Isa. ]2: 5, 6) God j,; Devil. 'l']l(']'e can he no compromise "'it h ali ' of his s:tfegnarding those in the van of the army. Ill' warn..; 'orl,s or his agencies. 'rhe anointed must bo' fOl' the the sleeping ones to arouse tlwmsel'l's out of theil' Lord, "'holly and completely. Holiness means an absl:'ep and join the rear-guard. For the enrouragement. solute devotion to the Lord, An)' elaiming to he the of those who so do he says: "Then shall thy li'..]11 l~nointed of the Lord who now s1;~ml b' and sec thE' break forth as the moming, and thine healtll sl~all c!cr:c:y, who are enemies of Clod bee,ill~e tlll'y are a spring forth speedily: amI thy righteousness shall gil part of tlw world, sll'al 01' rob Uo(l of the devotion of before thee; the glory of the Lonl sha II be thy l:ethe people, and rdllse to Cl'Y ant in warnino' thpl'eby l'e,nll'd [rear-wan1). "-Isa. :Ji-: Ii. ])('eo111e a party to the el'ime and prove thcil~ unfaitl;. 4b '1'I1Ose who thus awake and join thr army of tlte fulncss unto Cod, Those ,rho claim to he anointed of Lord and march on shall be safeguan1ed in the real', the Lord l111d ,yho now refuse 01' fail to tell the truth as the Lord has promiseu, e'l'll as those in the fronr bce-anse of fear of offending some of Satan's organiza1Jart of the army arc safeguarded, Let the anointed tion show thereby that they hate the instl'llction of now appreciate their privilege of being faithful and the Lord and have his disapproval.-Ps. 50: 17, 18. tl'ue witnesses in singing forth tll(' praises of Jehovah. H ~-s fmther proof that the Lord is displeased with any compromise being made hy his anointed with ~a· QUESTIONS FOR BEREAN STUDY lall's organization, his inspired witness says: "Vhere· ~ 1. State the anang-cmcnt ,vhil'11 'e fiud to constitute "tile fore come out from among them, and be ye separate, po'crs th,at be", to wIuch all iu the church who 'ou1<1 have thc Lord s approval must he mlhngly suhmissil'<1 an,l obcsaith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thin o" and l!lent. 1 will receive you and will be a Father unto yo~;, and 11 2. Show, whether the existence and operation of tIle governye shall he my sons and daughters, saith the l.Jord "ments of the world would pI ave them to be ordained of God. mighty." (2 Cor. 6: 17, Hi) God's anointed must put 'if ~. hat docs "cts 17: ;n indicatc as to God's ha ing- beeu J1Hlgmg- the world during the Christian era 1 How doe~ 1 PI" on ami henceforth keep on the armor of light amI let tcr 4: 17 SUppOl t this conclusion 1 . that light so shine that no 011e can doubt as to "'here 'i 4, 5. How does Romans 2: 1, 3 ploclude application of H,,mans l:l: 2 to powers of the Gentile govellllllents 1 How he stands. does the expression" WhosoCL'cr resisteth" confine the jud"" 4;; "Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in riotJIIont to Gou's organization 1 b
