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{{raw:data:s|NEED THE LORD'S KINGDOM}}
{{raw:data:s|NEED THE LORD'S KINGDOM}}
Dear Reeturen;
{{raw:data:p|nq|In the middle of October, when I started for Parry island from Honey Harbor, Ont., on the Georgian bay, by boat, we ran into bad weather and crawled along the shore for nearly two weeks before getting there. I had my own house on the island, but my son, age 22, single, lives in it. It wasn't long before I knew he was working against me and the Lord's work. I can neither read nor write, but speak Indian, French and English. My husband has the truth also, and he can read, and that helps me along, but I know the Lord makes everything clear to me so I can explain the books by the name.}}  
{{raw:data:p|nq|In the middle of October, when I started for Parry island from Honey Harbor, Ont., on the Georgian bay, by boat, we ran into bad weather and crawled along the shore for nearly two weeks before getting there. I had my own house on the island, but my son, age 22, single, lives in it. It wasn't long before I knew he was working against me and the Lord's work. I can neither read nor write, but speak Indian, French and English. My husband has the truth also, and he can read, and that helps me along, but I know the Lord makes everything clear to me so I can explain the books by the name.}}  
{{raw:data:p|nq|I walked for miles to reach the outlying districts, and took my boat where I couldn't walk. Had some good experiences and found some interested. The Pentecostals are holding meetings on the island and go from house to house each evening. Some neighbors brought the preacher to see me, but he didn't know then that I was working on the island too. So I told him, and he said I had no backing and that he was backed by the government. So I said, "Yes, Satan's government, and he was their god and will soon be destroyed." He was very angry and left. Soon after this I had a summons charging me with selling books and causing mischief on the reserve and also for holding meetings in my home and trying to get the people away from the churches.}}  
{{raw:data:p|nq|I walked for miles to reach the outlying districts, and took my boat where I couldn't walk. Had some good experiences and found some interested. The Pentecostals are holding meetings on the island and go from house to house each evening. Some neighbors brought the preacher to see me, but he didn't know then that I was working on the island too. So I told him, and he said I had no backing and that he was backed by the government. So I said, "Yes, Satan's government, and he was their god and will soon be destroyed." He was very angry and left. Soon after this I had a summons charging me with selling books and causing mischief on the reserve and also for holding meetings in my home and trying to get the people away from the churches.}}  

Latest revision as of 08:46, 23 May 2020

This page has not been proofread

When Jehovah drove Adam and Eve from Eden he likewise pronounced a condemnation upon Satan. He said concerning Satan and concerning the woman who symbolizes God's universal organization: "I will put enmity between ... thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." (Gen. 3:15) From that time forward Satan the great adversary has attempted to destroy every one whom God has favored and who Satan thought might constitute the seed of promise.
Jehovah has given to Satan four separate and distinct names, all of which have a deep significance. Besides the name Satan he is designated as the Dragon, that old Serpent, and the Devil. The name Dragon means devourer or destroyer; and Satan has at all times been seeking to destroy or devour Jesus and his true followers, who constitute the seed of promise. His name Satan indicates adversary; and he has opposed in every way the development of the new creation, consisting of Jesus and his bride, the church. His name Serpent means deceiver; and he has applied all his wily methods to deceive, and, as Jesus has declared, he would deceive, if possible, the very elect, but God will not permit him thus to do. His title Devil means slanderer; and he has constantly carried on a campaign of slanderous propaganda against the people of God even unto this day, and has never lost an opportunity to try in his various ways to destroy them.
Indisputable proof from the Scriptures shows that Jesus' mortal enemy the Devil guided the so-called "wise men" in his plot to wreak destruction on the holy child.




In the middle of October, when I started for Parry island from Honey Harbor, Ont., on the Georgian bay, by boat, we ran into bad weather and crawled along the shore for nearly two weeks before getting there. I had my own house on the island, but my son, age 22, single, lives in it. It wasn't long before I knew he was working against me and the Lord's work. I can neither read nor write, but speak Indian, French and English. My husband has the truth also, and he can read, and that helps me along, but I know the Lord makes everything clear to me so I can explain the books by the name.
I walked for miles to reach the outlying districts, and took my boat where I couldn't walk. Had some good experiences and found some interested. The Pentecostals are holding meetings on the island and go from house to house each evening. Some neighbors brought the preacher to see me, but he didn't know then that I was working on the island too. So I told him, and he said I had no backing and that he was backed by the government. So I said, "Yes, Satan's government, and he was their god and will soon be destroyed." He was very angry and left. Soon after this I had a summons charging me with selling books and causing mischief on the reserve and also for holding meetings in my home and trying to get the people away from the churches.
I had to go to the court in Parry Sound, so I took a few books with me to show them that I was doing the Lord's work. The crown attorney knows me; so he said, "Hello, Julia, what have you been doing?" So I told him, and I know the Lord was with me. The judge asked me if I was going around with these books during the week, and I told him I was, and on Sundays too, and I don't care what they do to me, that I would keep on with it as the Lord commands. So the judge said, "This woman has done nothing that is wrong. You are discharged." Before I left I gave them a good witness; so they laughed, and said nothing will come out of it.
After I went back to the island my house was filled with people every night while I stayed. I got some of them to read and ask questions. My son hit me twice because he didn't like it. I placed 8 bound books and 30 booklets and found there two Christian brothers who are sincere. Some of the homes had the books, as the pioneers had been there sometime.
The demons are very busy among the Indians with the "medicine man" trick. The secret is known to all, and there are many deaths through it. It's a piece of root that is eaten when they want revenge on one and the other, and they go through a ceremony, and there is no satisfaction until the victim is dead. Lately there have been as high as five deaths within a week through it. They sure need the Lord's kingdom.
Thanking the Lord for this privilege of taking the message to Parry island,

A Kingdom worker, MRS. JULIA SIMONS.



May I thank you for your wonderful helps in studying the Bible? About ten years ago one of the Bible students came to see us, and I chased him off the porch with a broom. I sure am sorry for that. Now I am out doing witness work for Jehovah.
My husband John and I were married twelve years ago. I was a Lutheran; he was brought up a Mennonite. When we married he started to go with me to church. About four or five years ago we started to wonder why there were so many different churches. Then later we wondered why Jesus had to go to hell for three days. We thought, then what chance had a poor sinner like us? All these years a few things (like that and some more) made us wonder if our church was teaching us the truth. We were half sick about it.
Finally, about eight months ago, we happened to tune in on the Sunday forum. You know what we heard. We could hardly wait for each Sunday to come around. We used to say to each other, "If we could only understand tho Bible like that!" Then, about five months ago, we prayed specially for the Lord to guide us to the right road and, if necessary, to give us a push on to it. We felt that the road was there if we only could find it. Well, the next morning one of Jehovah's witnesses came to the door with a booklet, just what we wanted. We sent for a set of books, and read one (The Harp of God). We saw the truth right away.
We hunted up the company here in C- and started out in the witness work right away. We did not want anything to do with the Devil's world, so we cashed in all our insurance and used the money to pay up all our bills, and put away just enough to bury us. We had just enough left to buy ourselves a good Bible.
We finished up all our worldly things and cut the last string with Satan's organization on Thursday, October 19, 1933. On Friday, October 20, 1933, my husband came home sick, and died of pneumonia on the 27th of October, 1933. We were out in the service two times together before he died. Now I must go ahead by myself with God's help. If I did not have the comfort of knowing the truth I don't know what I would do. I love him and miss him, but I know the time is short till we shall meet again, never to part any more, and to work together again to the honor and glory of Jehovah's name. The last thing my husband John spoke of before he died was the "highway" and that he would be made new again. "God bless you and help you."
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your goodness in writing those books for us to understand the Bible. I am doing all I can to help others gain the knowledge my husband and I did. We have a little girl, six years old, who is learning all about Jehovah God and Christ Jesus. I remain

Your sister in Jehovah, MRS.-H-,Ohio.