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Revision as of 05:07, 27 March 2020 by Administrator (talk | contribs)


This template is recommended to be used whenever a literature paragraph is needed.

p - name of template, stands for paragraph
first - number of the paragraph
second - the question number or numbers that points to
third - the actual text of the paragraph

Paragraph points to a simple question


{{p|7|This is the actual paragraph text.}}


It will automatically link paragraph 7 to a question that links itself only paragraph 7.

Întrebare cu un singur paragraf

{{paragraf|întrebarea=7|paragraful=7|conținut=Conținutul paragrafului}}

Întrebare cu mai multe paragrafe

{{paragraf|întrebarea=5-7|paragraful=5|conținut=Conținutul paragrafului}}