vindication, and those he pictured do likewise today. Ezekiel's name means "God will strengthen; strength of God". The present spiritual remnant that he pictured are "strong
in the Lord, and in the power of his might", are "strengthened with might by his spirit". (Eph. 6:10; 3:16) Jeho-vah's witnesses stand as watchmen and warn that not national salvation, not personal salvation, but Jehovah's vindication is the issue of universal importance. At Armageddon he will vindicate his name, and thereafter restore Edenic conditions to earth. In Jehovah's vindication lies
creature salvation.
A court trial in Quebec City centered around the work of Jehovah's witnesses, and appearing to testify against the Witnesses was a Catholic priest. The result was much discussion about Catholic doctrine in the light of the Bible. That this was an eye-opener to honest Catholics is shown by the following experience of a pioneer publisher in
Quebec City:"The other night when I arrived back at the hall I found two of our company publishers very ably haying a book study with seven young men who had been following the court trial. They had read our hall address in the papers. One of their number has a sister with whom I placed some literature in 1946. This group of young men customarily hang around a corner downtown, drink 'cokes' and generally do nothing but talk. However, because of the interest in the trial they all procured Bibles and had many questions to ask. The priest refused to answer their questions; so they came to Jehovah's witnesses. They were all quite satisfied with the answers received and were loud in their praise of our knowledge of the Bible. The last boy did not leave
the hall till 3 a.m."
While in a hospital in Florida one of Jehovah's witnesses helped a patient by telling him some of the marvelous
truths contained in God's Ward."There was a young man who had been in the hospital for sixteen months. He had been in the Pacific islands during the war and hardly got a scratch, but was run down by an auto and had his left leg crushed, and after all this time he thinks it will have to come off. His wife, who is a Catholic, told me that he felt so despondent that nothing would cheer him up. Well, the next time I saw him on the porch, I began talking to him about the truth. At first he was not interested, but, when I took the Bible and showed it to him, then he believed it. I took him from when God formed man and blew breath into his nostrils and he became a living soul, right up to the Kingdom. He was surprised, as he said he had asked several ministers and none could tell him what I told him about the resurrection and the new world. Why, he talked about it to everyone. He took 'Let God Be True', 'The Truth Shall Make You Free', 'The Kingdom Is at Hand', 'Equipped for Every
Good Work', and a Bible. He has read all of them andis reading the 'Let God Be True' book the second time. I am going to have a Bible study with him on Tuesdays. His wife told me that I did him more good than all the
nurses and doctor put together."
The following experience sent in by a publisher in Texas shows the need to back-call on all placements, and also that it is not always experience that enables one to place literature. The bubbling zeal of newly interested ones is also
effective."I called on a good-will lady to conduct a study in 'Let God Be True', and found she had company. I asked the lady visitor whether she cared to study with us. 'Yes, I do!' she quickly replied. She asked many questions and when the study was over said that she had the book 'Let God Be True', but that she had not studied it because she could not understand it. I set a date to call on her, and when I arrived she was waiting for me. I asked her to select a subject that she would be specially interested in hearing discussed, and she chose the 'new earth'. She was very thrilled and asked many interesting questions, and said that she realized that all she had now was going down into destruction and that she wished she could sell everything and just go into this work. I invited her to go out into the work with me for an hour right then. She stated she would be glad to go, but she didn't know how to give a witness. I stated that she could listen to me and learn, and then she could try a door. She got her mother to keep her twin babies, and she went with me to the first house. When I started to witness to the householder the householder said she couldn't take the book and handed it back to me. But it was soon placed when the newly interested lady began telling how wonderful she had found the book to be. The next door I gave the witness and again the householder refused, but the new witness joined me in testifying and soon she made the placement. The next door she took alone, and returned to tell me that the lady was quite sarcastic. But at the next door, where I had tried but failed to make placements in the past, she gave a brief witness and as she left I could hear her saying, 'You be sure to read this book.' I only had two studies with this good-will lady of about 20 years of age. Now she attends company studies
and participates in the Theocratic ministry school reviews."