FEprusry 1, 1934
to this matter of Satan’s wicked organization and its
continued operation when he says: ‘‘ Which sometime
were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God
waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a pre-
paring, wherein few, that is, cight souls, were saved
by water.’”’ (1 Pet. 3:20) The language of the apostle
here used docs not mean that Jehovah God suffered
bodily pain or mental anguish by reason of the wrong-
doing of his creatures. Jehovah God is at all times
serene and self-contained. There would be no reason
why he should suffer bodily or mentally. The word
‘suffer’, as used concerning Jchovah, means that he
thus permitted without hindrance the wicked one’s
continuing his work. In other words, Satan operated
by the suficrance or permission of Jehovah, Man has
been left to exercise his own free will to scrve either
God or Satan, and almost all of human ercation have
yielded to Satan and followed him, and to that extent
it would seem that Satan had largely sueeeeded in his
Loastful challenge. Jchovah in his due time will prove
to all ereation that lives that he is the only true and
almighty God and that he is the Giver and sustainer
of everlasting life and that he gives life to those who
love and serve and obey him.
29 The divine deerce announeed by the holy Watcher
further discloses Jehovah’s purposes concerning fallen
man and his recovery. Never could it be possible for
man to have sustenance and life from that old ‘‘tree
in the midst of the carth’’, because such had become
wieked and now must be eut down, its leaves shaken
cff, and its fruit seattercd; but the deerce declares
that the stump of its roots in the earth must be left.
‘‘Nevertheless, leave the stump of his roots in the
earth, even with a hand of iron and brass, in the
tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the
dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts
in the grass of the carth.’? (Vs.15) The ‘‘stump of
his roots in the earth’? represented or pictured orig-
inal man, made a part of the organization over which
Lucifer was given overlordship. The leaving of the
stump signified Jehovah’s purpose to provide an or-
ganization or a new tree by and through which obe-
dient mankind might have life everlasting. Such of
mankind, however, must meet the conditions imposed
by the new tree or holy organization. This hope for
man would come, not by reason of his own efforts,
but by and through the kingdom of God with Christ
Jesus as the Savior and enthroned King and Overlord
of earth’s creation. The ‘‘band of iron and brass’’
around the stump shows that a long period of time
would elapse before the opportunity for the restora-
tion of obedient man under God’s organization would
come and in that period of time man would be under
the restraining rule of wicked spirit creatures, which
are pictured by the copper or brass, and also under
earthly rule of imperfect men, pictured by the iron.
This is corroborated by the prophecy of the Great
Image showing that wicked spirits and wicked men
have ruled the world and that this earthly rule of
iron has been and is harsh and selfish and cruel. (See
Danicl 2: 32,33; Light, Book Two, page 309.) This
entire organization, of course, has been dominated by
Satan. Furthermore, this band about the stump shows
that such period of time of waiting must continue
until God's due time to remove the restraining power
of Satan and his organization and that also Christ
Jesus must wait until God’s due time when he should
be sent forth to place the enemy under his fect. (Ps.
110: 1,2; IIeb. 10:13) During that period of waiting
the stump is in the ‘‘grass of the ficld’’ and ‘‘wet
with the dew of heaven’’. This shows that while man-
kind is alienated from God, out in the world with no
proper habitation, yet God would not permit the race
to perish and become entirely hopeless, but that it
should be kept wet with the dew from heaven, that is
to say, the refreshing promises which eould be laid
hold upon by those who love God and righteousness,
This is in harmony with the declaration of the Serip-
tures: ‘‘ My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech
shall distil as the dew.’”’ (Deut. 32:2) This refreshing
coming from heaven would work beneficially to those
of the human race who during that long period of
waiting would have and exercise faith in God and his
precious promises and who would endeavor to main-
tain their integrity toward him, The whole race would
be restrained and bound in a cruel rule, and those
who would have faith in God would receive benefit
and hope, illustrated by the dew.
30 Jehovah caused to be written both the words of
the dream of Nebuchadnezzar and the prophecy of
Job, and both are in exact harmony. The tree in its
entirety is symbolie of a living ercation or organiza-
tion of Jehovah both invisible and visible to human
eyes. The stump and the root forming a part of the
stump picture the visible part of that living ereation,
which is mankind. Now the human race has grown old
in the earth, yet there are some of the roots of that
stump that, as Job says, have had a seent of the water,
which water is symbolic of Jchovah’s life-giving and
life-sustaining truths, and those of humankind who
have had faith in Jehovah and his precious promises
have reached out for that life-giving and life-sustain-
ing water of truth and have continued to have hope.
Some of these creatures have maintained their integ-
rity towards Jehovah God and constitute the basis
for a new carthly organization. The faithful men
from Abel to the last of the prophets looked for a
new heavenly organization, even though they did not
understand it: and those faithful men will constitute
the base for the new earthly part of the living ercation
pictured by the new tree which grows up and rules the
world. (Heb. 11:13-16) Truly, therefore, according
to the propheev of Job, there is hope of a tree. The
stump of the original tree, representing man, and the
roots thereof in the earth have waxed old and yet
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