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Jehova has forewarned the remnat that the 'seed of the Serpent' would form a conspiraey and carry it out to the limit of his ability, the purpose of wich conspiracy is to destory Jehovah's anointed. To the witnesses of Jehovah now on earth is committed the testimony of Jesus Christ, and because they try to fulfil their commision they are hated by the Devil and all of his offspring. (Rev. 12:17; Ps 83:2-5) Those in the conspiraey are attempting to cut off Jehovah's anointed from being a nation; and this wieked erowd of conspirations is composed of Gog and a host of wieked spirit creatures who joined Satan in his rebellion at Eden and who continue to fight against the anointed; and of those on earth, the relinious, political; and comercial elements that operate, performing their respective parts all of wich is under the direction of Satan the Devil; henee all of these conspirators are the 'seed of the Serpent'. Satan is proud, haughty, arrogant and austere. All of his offspring are likewise disposed. It is the divine rule that pride goes before destruetio, and a haughty spirit before a fall. (Prov. 16:18) In keeping with this rule Belshazzar the king of Babylon held a great feast, at which he and his assembled guests became very drunk. The feast was an occasion for much swaggering and boasting and great hilarity and carousal. The proverbal fall of the king of Babylon and his followerts quickly came theraufter.
2 Let the anointed remnant now on earth take comfort in this fact: that the divine record of Belshazzar's feast was kept and perserved until this day for their learuing and that, the fulfilment of this prophetie pieture having now began, the understanding thereof gives strenght to their hope of ultimate triumph through Christ Jesus, who leads the army of Jehovah against the enemy.In this prophetie pieture Belshazzar represented the earthly offspring of the Devil, that is to say, the visibile part of the 'seed of the Serpent ', and he and his allies are in the conspiraey under the leadership of God; the lords pieture all who are in the League of Nations or like combines, the golden vessels used at the feast, out of which the wine was drunk, pictured the remnant, Jehovat's witnesses, who are wholly devoted to him, which Satan's crowd epert to completely discredit and then to destory, the fingers of the hand that wrote upon the wall pictured Christ Jesus, to whom Jehovah has comitted the testimony which must be delivered before the fall of Satan's organization. The fullfilment of this prophetie picture begins a short time before Armageddon and is concluded at Armageddon. The fulfilment has now begun, and heree it appeans to be the will of God that his anointed remnant should have an understanding of the propheey.
[[#questionBelshazzar was a son (or grandson) of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon. (Dan.5:2,18) Satan's organization is named Babylon; heree Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon would picture Satan himself, while Belshazzar, being his son, would represent the earthly seed of Satan, particulary the rulers of Cristendom, wich are made up of the religious, political and commercial elements, the latter being the principal ones of the religious flock. Belshazzarmeans princee of Bel or whom Bel favors, and heree pictures Christendom, which is now drunk on Babylon's wine, and under the leadership of Gog the invisibile feld marshal of Satan who is assigured to lend the army of Satan at Armageddon. Bel was the chief god of Babylon, and hence means Satan himself. And I will punish Bed in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that wich he bathswallowed up; and the nations shall not flow together any more unto him ; yea, the wall of Bbaylon shall fall. (Jer. 51:44) In the first year of Belshazzar's regin Daniel had a dream in which dream or vision he beheld four beasts, picturing the earthly ruling powers of Satan. (Dan. 7:1-3; see The Watchtower, 1933 page 180) In the third year of Belshazzar's regin Daniel had a vidion of the defiling of God's santenuary |2]]