the tempter and to disobey God and thus sin. But sin could not pass to all humankind by Eve alone as a sinner. Why not? Because the woman could not of herself give life to children. God had not constructed woman that way. He made her to provide the fleshly body for offspring and to nurse them. But to the man it was that God gave the power to impart the sperm of life to his offspring which he could have by woman. It was therefore only the man Adam that could cause sin and death to pass down to all his offspring. How? By choosing the yay of sin before ever becoming their father. Suppose Adam used the deceived and sinful Eve as his wife to mother the children he wanted. Yet if he refrained from sin, his offspring would not necessarily be shaped in iniquity and born in sin because of being born from Eve. Jesus was born from the Jewess Mary under the 1Iosaic law which condemned her and all Jews as sinners. Still he was not born a sinner, condemned to die. (Gal. 4: 4, 5) No, it was not the condition of the mother, but that of the father, which determined whether the offspring would be free from imperfection, sin and
condemnation to death. What, then, if Adam joined his wife Eve in sinful disobedience to God and came under the death sentence and, after that, became father to our race? Why, he would cause sin and death to spread to all his offspring.followed sin, and so death spread to all men, because all men sinned." "For since it was through u man that we have death, it is through a man also that we have the raising of the dead. For just as because of their relation to Adam all men die, so because of their relation to Christ they will all be brought to life again." (Rom. 5: 12 and 1 Cor. 15: 21, 22, An Amer. Trans.) It was not because Adam was deceived by the tempter, as his wife Eve had been. It was because of willful selfishness that Adam broke God's law and
took the way that brought sin to a world of peopleyour pain at child-birth very great; in pain shall you bear children; and yet you shall be devoted to your husband, while he shall rule over you.' And
to the man he said, 'Because you followed your wife's suggestions, and ate from the tree from which I commanded you not to eat, Cursed shall be the ground through you, in suffering shall you gain your living from it as long as you live; ... By the sweat of your brow shall you earn your living, until you return to the ground, since it was from it that you were taken; for dust you are, and to dust you must return.'" -Gen. 3: 13, 16-19, An Amer. Trans.toward God in the midst of a world of temptation under the invisible rule of the great tempter, the deceptive Serpent Satan the Devil. Those showing
faith and keeping their integrity toward God would please him. These would provide a strain of the human family to which the Deliverer, the Seed of