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Brooklyn, N.Y


that there is no monetary gain to the field ministers for publishing the message and likewise no monetary gain to the Society. True, some money is contributed for the literature printed, but the money donations received at the time that the Society's printed publications are placed with the people are applied toward printing and distributing more Bible-study helps; but such money-donations fall far, far short of sufficiency to carryon the Society's global work. Money gifts, in addition to the gifts for the literature, are financing our work in all lands. All this is by the grace of Jehovah God. This fact is not a secret; but The Watchtower has repeatedly announced it, since the Society's organization. Every year, the May 1 issue of this magazine, in an article such as this, has outlined the donation arrangement generally known as "Good Hopes".
The Society, in harmony with its governing principle mentioned above, never solicits money, never 'takes up a collection', never indulges in the mark of worldly-religion, begging. This article is not a solicitation for money, but is merely a reminder of the privilege open to its readers. Many persons, reading of what is done out in the field by the foreign and home missionaries, rejoice at it. They would like themselves to engage in foreign service and join in carrying the gospel to the ends of the earth; but, due to their physical condition or their obligations in their own home-country, they are unable to enjoy this privilege. Also they want to see the expansion work suffer no lag or diminution, and hence they earnestly desire to help the work by monetary contributions to the Society. Contribution to the "Good Hopes Fund" offers them an opportunity to do this. Through this "Good Hopes Fund" the Society is greatly assisted by being informed in advance the amount the contributors hope to donate during the twelve months now beginning. Such information enables the Society to anticipate how much it can spend as a limit during the year ahead.


Planning in advance what we can arrange to give is in harmony with the advice regarding donations at 1 Corinthians 16: 2. So it is suggested that, upon receiving this issue of The Watchtower, you address a postcard or letter to the Society and keep a copy as a reminder to yourself concerning the amount you hope to contribute. All you need to write is, in substance:
By the Lord's grace I hope to be able to contribute to the work of announcing the kingdom of Jehovah during the ensuing year the amount of $................, which I will remit in such amounts and at such time as I can find it convenient, as I am prospered.
[Signed] ..............................
Address yrour card or letter to
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society
Treasurer's Office
124 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn 2, New York
Those residing outside of the United States, and who desire to contribute in the above way to the coming year's expense, please address letters or cards to the Society's office in the respective country in which you live. (See page 130 for a list.)
Some persons may not care to undertake any such voluntary arrangement as that above, feeling they are obligating themselves. They prefer to send in their contributions to the Society at any time, according to their prosperity or ability to do so. In such cases they should send all their contributions to the Society at the above Brooklyn address, even if they have not notified the Brooklyn office in advance.
Your desire and ours is that God's will may be accomplished through his organization. And so, in prayer, present to Him our need for His guidance, that all money contributions we receive may be used to the best advantage to announce the Kingdom, until the end comes and the new world enters.-Matt. 24: 14.

EZEKIEL STRESSES JEHOVAH'S VINDICATION SALVATION of creatures! Salvation of the kingdom! These are the dombating thoughts that current through the minds of the Judeans. :Many gods they worship to insure personal sah'ation, and many schemes they hatch to preserve the nation. The times are stormy with political upheaval and international pressures. A tug of war between the world powers of Egypt and Babylon had been raging for some years now for control of Judah. First Egypt dominated through the puppet-king Jehoiakim, but after Nebuchadnezzar's defeat of the Egyptian armies in the battle of Carchemish at the Euphrates river in 625 B.C. the political strings passed into Babylon's hands. But puppet-king Jehoiakim rebelled at Babylon's pull- ing of the strings, and as a result brought against Jerusa- lem the hordes of Nebuchadnezzar's fighting men. Now as the Judeans look back at that trying time only five years ago, in 618 B.C., how well they remember that many thou- sands of important and essential Israelites were taken cap- tive to Babylon! They fear that Babylon may return to again slaughter and enslave, and many hopeful eyes turn toward Egypt for salvation. Even many of the religious prophets point to Egypt as the source of sal va tion for both nation and individuals. But in this year 613 B.C . not all eyes look toward Egypt, not all minds focus on salvation of creatures and nation. Ezekiel's eyes and mind, for an outstanding example. In this year, over in Babylon, among the captives by the river Chebar, his eyes are opening to visions and his mind is comprehending something far more important than personal or national salvation. Not only are his eyes and mind busy absorbing this all·important truth, but his hand is at work writing it and his tongue telling it. This truth is that the most important issue up for settlement before the entire universe is the vindication of the name of Jehovah God. All the prophecies that Ezekiel is inspired to utter high-light the one theme: Jehovah's vindication. More than sixty times crops out the majestic determination: "They [or ye] shall know that I am Jehovah." The first three verses of the book of Ezekiel tell that Ezekiel was of priestly rank, the son of Buzi, was earned captive to Babylon and in the fifth year of that captivity was inspired of God to prophesy, in 613 B.C., at which time