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November 1, 1934
The Watchtower

sideration of "Christendom's" ruling powers. These kindly and considerate men of the official family of the present rulers recall that Jehovah's witnesses used the Bible testimony to point out the World War and other difficulties that then and now beset the world, and that all their efforts are put forth in the spirit of kindness, and that they exhibit the wisdom that comes from above, and not the wisdom of man. They seeing that what these witnesses of the Lord have said and are saying finds support in the Bible, the recommendation is that they be publicly heard. Before 1918 there were some in the official element who observed closely what the Lord's devoted people were saying and doing, and it was easy to be seen that such witnesses were much more sincere and possessed much more faith than the clergymen. Many honest men have seen that the clergymen, out of cruel hatred, cause the faithful followers of Christ Jesus to be greatly persecuted and that they did so during the World War merely because such faithful ones were preaching the truth of God's Word. These honest men in official positions took notice then, and now they well know, that the clergy are hypocrites and practice hypocrisy while they falsely charge Jehovah's witnesses with wrongdoing and persecute them because they are doing the work of the Lord.
26 Daniel had exhibited the spirit of God in the day of Nebuchadnezzar; and he queen, knowing this, said: "Forasmuch as an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, interpreting of dreams, and shewing of hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts, were found in the same Daniel, whom the king name Belteshazzar: now let Daniel be called, and he will shew the interpretation." (Dan. 5:12) This exactly describes the spirit and the work exhibited and done in the Elijah period of the church by those who were made members of the "faithful and wise servant" class upon the coming of the Lords to the temple. The governing powers were taking notice of these faithful men and women and of what they were telling about God's kingdom during the World War, and were really afraid that there was much truth in what they said, and hence gave ear to the appeals made by the clergy that something should be done against these witnesses. On the other hand, the class of men whom the mother queen foreshadowed, and who are of less importance in governmental affairs, and are therefore called the "weaker vessels", take notice that the true followers of Christ Jesus, who were and are the faithful witnesses of Jehovah, had a real message from God. Still holding to that belief these men, like the queen, recommended Daniel, that is, Jehovah's witnesses, to the greater ruling element, saying, "Let them be called and heard." Those who are willing to give Jehovah's witnesses, the faithful remnant, opportunity to talk believe that if these cannot give a true interpretation of the present distressing world conditions and what the Bible has to say about the same , then no
one else can, and certainly the hypocritical clergy have made such a miserable failure in giving explanation that it is time to give opportunity for those to talk who give evidence that they are really sincere and have the spirit of the Lord and know what they are talking about. Jehovah had arranged this matter and was now causing a picture to be made and a record thereof to be kept for the aid and comfort of the faithful remnant now on the earth. This fact gives much consolation to Jehovah's witnesses, and with eagerness they continue to seek a better understanding of the prophecy, particularly with reference to the meaning of the calling of Daniel before the king and what relation that has to the activity of Jehovah's witnesses in the present day.
(To be continued)