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Template:Watchtower cover with rounded tower

19 bytes added, 03:59, 7 November 2019
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<div class="cover-footer">
Upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves [the restless, discontented] roaring; men's hearts failing them for fe.lrfear, and for looling looking after tho-.;e those things which are roaring; men's hearts fa!ling themn coming on the earth: for the powers of hea"en heaven shall he Rhnkenbe shaken. . . . "hen th~se hings When these things begin to come to pass, then InlOW know that the Kinp-rlom Kingdom of God is at ham"!hand. Look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemptIOn redemption draweth nigh.-Luke 21: 2(j25-31; lIIatthew Matthew 24: 33; ~Iark Mark 13: 20,29.