Hope of a Tree
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FEBRUARY 1, 1934
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"Convention aeeertninenenensenenmnennn BE (] i
Lh BN saith JEHOVAH, Hh t NN that Tam God Uh Isa, 43112 i ij
117 Adams Street ~ Brooklyn, N. Y., U.S.A.
J. ¥. Roruerrorp President W.E. Van AuBuncy Seeretary
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and
great shall be the peace of thy children.”~ Lseiah 54:13.
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of
lis creation and his active agent in the creation of all
things; that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ im glory,
elothed with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chict
Executive Officer of Jehovah,
THAT GOD ereated the earth for man, created perfect
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man wilfully
disobeyed God’s Jaw and was eentenced to death; that by
reason of Adain’s wrong act all men are born sinners and
without the right to life.
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf-
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
name and clothed him with all power and authority.
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare
i8 purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and
to bear tho fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD haa ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ
has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority,
has ousted Sutan from heaven and is proceeding to the
establishment of God’s kingdom on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of tho peoples of earth
ean come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under
Christ which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great
net ig tho destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab-
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the
kingdom all those who will obey its rightcous laws shall be
restored and live on earth forever.
For the year 1934 the Memorial of the Lord’s supper will
be held after six o’clock on the evening of March 28 The
Watchtower hopcs to contain some timely instruction for all
those who partake, and we suggest that each one be prepared
by thoroughly considering the matter in advance.
Los Angeles, March 24-28 inclusive, are the place and time
for a convention of Jehovah’s witnesses. All! mectings except
Sunday afternoon will be held in the Trinity Auditorium,
Grand Ave. and 9th. Sunday afternoon, from 2 to & o’elock,
the Shrine Auditorium will be used. At 3:30 to 4 o’elock
p.m. Brother Rutherford will deliver an address which will be
broadcast from coast to coast, The convention will conclude
on the night of the 28th with celebration of the Memorial.
The forenoon of each day of the convention will be used for
house-to-house witness work. This marks the beginning of the
THANKSGIVING Periop. The booklet Dividing the People will
be used throughout the entire world during that period. The
brethren on the Pacifie coast will have opportunity of a eon-
vention, and doubtless most of them will take advantage of
it. For further information, address C. V. Knemeyer, 2345
Fernwood St., Lynwood, California.
HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses, It arranges
systematic Bible study for its readers and aupplics other liter-
ature to aid in such studies, It publishes suitable material
for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruc-
tion in the Scriptures,
It adheres strictly to the Biblo as authority for its utter-
ances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sec‘s
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without
reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
his Beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful
- and eritical examination of its contents in the light of tha
Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
umns are not open to personalitics,
Yrarty SusBscrirTion PRIce
$1.50; Great Brivarn, AUSTRALASIA, AND Soutm Aric, 7s.
Amcrican remittances should ba made by Express or Postal Money
Order, or by Dank Draft. Canadian, Pritish, South African and
Australasian remittances should be mado direct to the respective
brane. offices. Ltemittances from countries other than those men-
tioned may be mada to the Brooklyn office, but by International
Postal Money Order only.
Forriaw Orricrs
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Canadian .4.6..¢.. 40 Irwia Avenue, Toronto, Ontarlo, Canada
Australasian .. T Beresford Road, Strathfield, N. S. W., Auctralia
Sauth African .... Doston House, Cape Town, South Africa
Please addrexs the Society in every case.
(Transiations of thie journal appear in eeverut lenguages.)
All sincere students of the Rihle who by reason of infirmity,
poverty or adyersity are unable to pay the subscription prica
may have The Watchtower free upon written application to the
publishers, made once each year, stating the reasom for sq re-
questing it. We are glad to thus aid tha needy, but the written
appHeation once each year is required by the postal regalaifons,
Notice to Subsertbers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
scription will be sent only when requested. Change of addres,
when requested, may ba expected to appear on address label wituin
one month. A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will
be sent with the journal one month before the subscription erpircs,
Entered as Second Closs Matt Matter at Brooktyn, N. Y., Postofice,
Act of March 8, 1879.
Jehovah's blessing has been markedly upon the use of the
portable transcription machine. He has plainly manitested
that this machine mects the need of the hour, when the enemy,
under Gog, is seeking to curtail the use of the radio by God’s
anointed and when the people’s ears are eager to hear, not
man’s message, but God’s. The transcription machine has in-
creased the power of Jehovah’s witnesses afield to preach His
truth manyfold, so that the desire for the literature is stimu-
lated and study classes of many interested hearers are being
formed. Besides more than 300 such machines in the United
States alone, great numbers are now being effectively used in
countries near and afar. For more information, write tho
The Year Book for 1934 is now ready. The Society has had
the grandest and most intense and eifective service year of its
history, and the annual report thereon as compiled by the
president will be sure to delight all who have the kingdom in-
terests at heart, Also, there is a pointed discussion of the
1934 year text, and a text and appropriate comment for each
day of the year. The book is 50¢ a copy, mailed anywhere.
Remittance to cover should accompany each order. Company
members will place their orders with the local stockkeeper,
that he may send in a group order. This will reduce shipping
costs and also expedite filling of orders here,
“For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground; yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant.”—Job 14:7-9.
Fesrvary 1, 1934
hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been
his ecounsellor?’’ (Rom. 11:34) ‘‘Who hath directed
the spirit of the Lord [Jehovah], or being his counsel-
lor hath taught him? With whom took he counsel,
and who instructed him, and taught him in the path
of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed
to him the way of understanding?’’ (Isa. 40: 13, 14)
No one gave Jehovah instruction, and he took counsel
with no one.
That covenant by sacrifice and the purpose to make
it was seeret unto all until God’s due time to reveal
it. ‘‘Which things the angels desire to look into.”’
(1 Pet. 1:12) Doubtless this ineluded the Logos, the
chief of all angels. ‘‘The seeret of the Lord is with
them that fear him; and his covenant to make them
know it.’’ (Ps, 25:14, margin) This text and others
strongly support the conclusion that the covenant by
sacrifice was not known to any creature in the universe
until the time for making it. The covenant is sacred
to Jehovah. He says: ‘‘My covenant will I not break,
nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.’’—~
Ps. 89: 34.
The coyenant and its outworking required the serv-
ice of a high priest to perform the sacrificial duties
in the priest’s office. ‘‘And no man taketh this honour
unto himself, but he that is ealled of God, as was
Aaron.’’ (IIeb. 5:4) If ro man could take the saeri-
ficial offiee of priest upon himself, much less could
the creature propose the covenant with Jchovah by
sacrifice, The proof is thercfore conclusive that it was
Jehovah alone who originated the covenant by sacri-
fice and made it known in his own good time.
What was the occasion for this extraordinary cove-
nant? Not any desire on the part of God for blood.
With him is the fountain of life. (Ps. 36:9) He did
not need blood for self-gratifieation. “If I were
hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine,
and the fulness thereof. Will I eat the flesh of bulls,
or drink the blood of goats?’’ (Ps. 50:12,13) ‘‘To
what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifiecs unto
me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings
of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not
in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.’’
—Isa. 1:11.
The oceasion was love and grace exercised by Je-
hovah. The honor of Jchovah’s name was involved,
and love and grace acted with wisdom to provide the
need. Life of man is a saered riglit or privilege. (Gen.
9:5) Adam violated the sacredness of God-given life.
Now Jehovah would afford a sacrificial course to be
taken by some one, that the sinner might have that
sacred gift of life renewed. Jehovah required no one
to sacrifice; therefore the sacrificial arrangement was
the outgrowth of love. The sacrifice would be just as
much on the part of God as on the part of the other
party to the covenant, because God alone provided and
arranged for the sacrifice. The entire arrangement
must be of God’s own volition and by the voluntary
agreement on the part of the other one to the cove-
nant. For this reason the covenant was the only ar-
rangement that could fitly serve the purpose of pro-
viding a basis for man’s reconciliation. The liberty
and free moral agency of the one sacrificed is not
interfered with.
In determining where the covenant by sacrifice was
made, the purpose of the covenant may be said to con-
trol the conclusion, A perfect man had sinned and
lost his right to life. God now would have that right
to life purchased by another perfect man. Tis law
required a life for a life. (Deut. 19:21) That man
with a human life must be the one that should be
sacrificed. A spirit ercature could not enter into a
covenant by sacrifice and redeem a human creature,
because that would not be a corresponding price. It
is truc that the life of the Logos was transferred from
the spirit to human, but there is no Seriptural evi-
dence that a covenant by sacrifice was known to the
Logos at the time of the transfer. Being fully con-
formable to Jehovah’s will, he eame to earth in har-
mony with his will, being made a perfect man. He
was begotten, not by fallen man, but by the power
of Jehovah, When he reached his majority as a man
he doubtless knew that he was to do somcthing in
connection with man’s recovery to life. Whatsoever
the will of his Father might be in that respect or
any other, he was ready to do it. This is shown by
his use of the words: ‘‘Lo, I come: in the volume of
the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will.’
(Ps. 40:7,8) Paul fixes the time of the eovcnant as
at the Jordan when the words above quoted were made
effective. (I[cb. 10: 5-7) There Jesus eame into the
world as a mature man and must determine whether
or not he would be of the world. Prior to that time,
although he was the heir, his position was nothing
different from that of a servant, because he was under
the discipline of the law eovenant.—(al. 4: 1, 2.
When ‘the appointed time of the Father’ arrived
there was a feature of God’s will to be carried out
which prior to that time was sceret to all, At the
Jordan, which fixes the time of the consecration of
the man Jesus, was the appointed time of the Father.
That clearly, therefore, seems to be the proper and
due time for the making of the eovenant which re-
sulted in the sacrifice of the man Jesus. The uncon-
ditional agreement there on the part of Jesus was to
do his Father’s will, whatsoever that might be; and
if it meant that he must dic, he was agreeable to that.
The sacrifice was primarily the sacrifice of Jehovah,
because it was Jehovah who gave his dearly beloved
Son, him who belonged to Jchovah exclusively, to be
sacrificed. This was shown in the picture on Mount
Moriah when Abraham, representing Jehovah, offered
his only son Isaac, who at that time represented Jesus.
It was the love of God that provided the sacrifice
which the sacrifice on Mount Moriah pictured. This
is further proved by the words: ‘‘For God so loved
the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but
have everlasting life.’’ (John 3:16) The irresistible
conclusion, therefore, is that the covenant by sacrifice
was made on earth, and not in heaven, and that it was
made at the Jordan when Jesus consecrated and was
baptized. It hardly seems reasonable that Jesus un-
derstood prior thereto that he was to be sacrificed.
Immediately following his consecration at the Jordan
he went into the wilderness to study the divine pur-
pose. There Jesus undoubtedly learned the full mean-
ing and importance of his covenant with his Father.
It was in the wilderness that Satan placed before him
the great temptations in an effort to induce Jesus to
abandon his covenant. At that test Jesus declared in
substance that eternal life depends upon full obe-
dicnce unto God and the faithful performanee of his
covenant with God. (Matt. 4:4,10) Without doubt
the perfect man Jesus continued to study his Father’s
purpose and to fully appreciate that his covenant re-
quired his death. He said that he came to give his
life for men. (Matt. 20:28) Again, he said: ‘I am
that bread of life. I am the living bread which eame
down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he
shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is
my flesh, which I wil! give for the life of the world.
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his
Brooxiyry, N. ¥.
life for the sheep. As the Father knoweth me, even
so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for
the sheep. Therefore doth my Father love me, because
I Jay down my life, that I might take it again.’’—
John 6: 48,51; 10:11, 15,17.
That Jesus was taking this course of action in keep-
ing with the terms of his covenant with his Father
is proved by his words: ‘‘No man taketh it [my life]
from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power
to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.
This commandment have I received of my Father.”
(John 10:18) When Peter recognized Jesus as the
anointed One of God and so stated to him Jesus re-
plied: ‘‘The Son of man must suffer many things,
and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and
seribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day.’’
(Luke 9:22) Thus he showed that he understood
his covenant was that he should be slain and that he
should be raised from the dead. Undoubtedly Jesus
understood that his baptism in the waters of the
Jordan symbolically represented his death and that
his real baptism meant his sacrificial death. ‘‘I have
a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I strait-
ened till it be accomplished !’’—Luke 12: 50.
11 sufferings of Job, painful beyond almost any
comparison, had a most unusual beginning.
Highly interesting is the account of these suf-
ferings which, as the Scriptures show, are deeply
signifieant to the perplexed and weary peoples who
live in this day of uncertainty and distress that afflicts
the world.
The Scriptural proof is positive that God used the
people of Israel to make pictures of the outworking
of his purpose of salvation. The law which God gave
to the Israclites foreshadowed better things to come
to humanity. What came to pass with the Jews was
recorded for examples or ensamples for the benefit
of those who will learn of the outworking of God’s
purpose. Although Job was not a Jew, that would
in no wise mean that God did not use him as an ex-
ample or picture. Job being the greatest man of the
east, and seeing that many creatures of heaven and
earth were involved, even the great Creator himself,
we are warranted in the conelusion that the picture of
Job must have even a greater scope than the one in
which Israel was involved. If so, then the picture
would have to do with all mankind, both Jews and
Gentiles. It is deemed advantageous to the student in
the examination of the book of Job to state here in
general terms what are some of the pictures that
plainly appear, and then to show from the Seriptural
proof the correctness of that conclusion.
Job in the day of his prosperity pictured Adam, the
perfeet and prosperous prince in Eden.
Job in his adversity pictured the entire human race
suffering loss, sickness and death by reason of sin,
which sin the enemy Satan put in operation through
Job suffering the loss of all his children pictures
Adam losing all his offspring by reason of sin which
was put in operation by Satan the enemy through
Adam’s wrongful act.
Job maintaining his integrity under test pictures
a class of men who under test do prove their fidelity
and devotion to God.
Job as the servant of God maintaining his fidelity
pietured all the servants of God who through adver-
sity steadfastly and immovably hold their faith in
The three men, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar, who
posed as friends of Job, were in fact not his friends.
They can better be classed as three frauds. They,
therefore, picture the Devil’s agencies, or his organi-
zation, attempting to direct man as to what is the
course for him to take.
Ehhu, the young man, well pictures or represents
God’s anointed messengers who magnify the name of
Jchovah and, as God's messengers, speak his message
of truth to those who will hear.
The wife of Job also pictures an instrument that
Feprvuary 1, 1934
Satan the Devil employs to induce men to curse God,
and therefore well represents Satan’s organization
passing under the name or symbol of a woman.
Job fully restored to health and happiness and to
all and even more than he had in former days pictures
the great truth that God in his due time will restore
the human race to health, happiness and life.
One greai lesson taught by the book of Job is that
of life from the dead by means of resurrection and
regeneration ; also that life, which is the greatest desire
of man, may be had only through the office of a re-
deemer and mediator whom God provides.
The presumption is here indulged that all students
will carefully study the Scriptural record designated
in the Bible as the book of Job. Reference to the text
is made here, but a proper consideration cannot be
given thercto by anyone without a careful studying of
all the texts of the book.
From the very beginning of the experience of man
the controversy was between the great Creator and
his son Lucifer coneerning man. The record shows that
Lucifer was one of the ‘‘morning stars’’ who, being
informed of God’s purpose to create the carth and the
ereature man for the carth, joined in a song of praise
to Jehovah. Man was ercated and placed in Eden and
was put there under the supervision of Lucifer by
Jehovah’s appointment. Lucifer knew that it was the
duty and privilege of man to worship his Creator.
Lueifer selfishly desired and coveted the worship of
man for himself, He rebelled against God and led man
to his downfall. Then his name was changed to Sa-
tan, which means adversary of God. Ever thereafter
Satan has striven to turn man against God that he,
Satan, might have the worship of man and hold man
in subjection to him. This great fact should always
be kept in mind in examining the Scriptures, and
particularly the book of Job.
At the time of the assembly of the sons of God to
present themselves to the great Creator, as mentioned
in the record under consideration, almost all men on
earth had turned to evil by yielding to the wicked
influence of Satan. God had not removed from Sa-
tan the lordship of earth, but permitted him to econ-
tinue to exercise his power over man, and thereby
afforded a full opportunity for the testing of all his
creatures. It must have been with much arroganee
that Satan appeared in the presence of God, boasting
and proud of the fact that he had turned almost all
men away from God the great Creator. Jchovah
called upon Satan to report his own movements, and
the response of the adversary was that he had been
about the earth. While the reeord is silent upon the
point, it is reasonable to conclude that by his very
arrogance in the presence of God, Satan declared, in
substanee, that no man would willingly continue to
serve God, and in facet would not serve him at all, un-
less there were some selfish reason therefor.
What, then, was the issue in the controversy at
that time? Doubtless it was this: Will man maintam
his integrity before Jehovah? Can God place a man
on earth who will be faithful and true to him? Sa-
tan would insist that no man would do so, but that
all, under certain conditions, would turn against God.
Manifestly it was the purpose of God to demonstrate
that man, by the grace of God, and acting under his
counsel, can maintain his integrity and, by meeting
the divine requirements and being obedient to God’s
provided way, obtain life everlasting.
To determine the issue God would therefore permit
Satan to go to the full limit in his attempt to turn
ali men against the Lord, and then in his own due
time and good way God would demonstrate his own
absolute supremacy. Thereby he would teach all erca-
tion the all-important lesson that Jchovah is the only
true God and there is none besides him. At this point
in the controversy Job pictured a class of men who
do maintain a perfect condition of heart and hold
the confidence of Jehovah. Therefore at the proper
oceasion Jchovah offered Satan the opportunity to
do his worst. ‘‘And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast
thou considered my servant Job, that there is none
like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man,
one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?’’—Job 1: 8.
Satan denied that Job really loved God. He accused
God of so hedging Job about that Satan did not have
an opportunity to put him to the test. ‘‘Then Satan
answered the Lord, and said, Doth Job fear God for
nought? Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and
about his house, and about all that he hath on every
side? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and
his substance is inereascd in the land: but put forth
thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he
will eurse thee to thy face.’’—Job 1: 9-11.
That was a challenge to Jehovah; and the Lord did
not permit the challenge to pass, but told Satan that
he might take what Job had. Satan went out from
the presence of the Lord and devised ways and means
for the destruction of Job’s property and family and
carried out his wicked purpose. When he had thus
brought great disaster upon Job’s household, he failed
because Job still trusted in God and worshiped him.
At a subsequent meeting of the sons of God to pre-
sent themselves to Jehovah, Satan being there also,
God reminded Satan that Job still ‘‘holdeth fast his
integrity, although thou movedst me against him to
destroy him without cause’’, With arrogance and
erucl sarcasm Satan replied to the Lord: ‘A man will
give his skin for his skin, but all that man hath will
he give for his life.’ ‘‘But put forth thine hand now,
and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse
thee to thy face.’’ (Job 2:4,5) Again the test was
on: ‘‘And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, he is
in thine hand; but save his life. So went Satan forth
from the presence of the Lord, and smote Job with
sore boils, trom the sole of his foot unto his erown.’’
—Job 2: 6, 7.
Notwithstanding this terrible calamity Job humbled
himself before God, as shown by the fact of his sitting
down in the ashes. Again Satan had failed to turn
Job against the Creator. Satan must have been some-
what disturbed at this turn of affairs. Then he be-
thought himself of how he had reached Adam through
his wife. He injected the thought into the mind of
Job’s wife and induced her to make an effort to in-
fluence Job to forsake God; and she, acting as Sa-
tan’s instrument, ealled upon Job to forsake God, re-
nounce him, and suffer the consequences. But Job
Brookuyn, N. Y.
did not yield to the evil devices of his wife. Turning
upon her, he rebuked her and said: ‘‘Shall we receive
good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive
evil’? Again Satan had failed in his attempt to turn
Job against the Lord. In this experience Job must
have pictured that small number of men who through-
out the ages have withstood all manner of persecu-
tion and have still maintained their faith and devo-
tion to the Lord God.
Dear Sin:
I would like to write a few lines to you and tell how eom-
forting your messages have been to me. I have always wanted
greater understanding of the Bible, which a person does not
seem to get in a church. It seems as if my prayers are an-
swered, because your books have been so helpful to me. Of
course, some of the interpretations are a little different than
we learn in Sunday school and church, but it is all plain in
the Bible with your Lible helps. There is quite a lot I have
to learn yet, but I would be glad to be classed as one of Je-
hovah’s witnesses, and I only pray my family will all come
I have been studying since last spring, and I would just
like to say God seems nearer than he has all my life. Would
you please pruy for me that I may have greater understanding
to help others to the honor and glory of Jehovah?
Yours sincercly,
M. Wricut, Ontario,
Drar Brotuer RvuTuwerronp:
At our last mecting under the sharpshooter arrangement,
August 13, we reorgunized under the company arrangement
to further the activitics of the Kingdom service in this terri-
tory. At the same time we adopted the resolution in. the
Septemher 1 (1933) Tower, and are fully in accord with it.
We assure you, dear brother, you have our full cooperation,
love and confidence,
We are glad to inform you that we are rejoicing in our
privilege of service to Jehovah, Our desire is to put forth all
our energy in the witness work, singing praises to His great
We wish to express our gratitude for the meat in season
which exposcs Satan and his organization, and gives great
comfort to the remnant,
We are greatly rejoicing in the privilege of having a part in
announcing the King and the kingdom, and pray that Jehovah
will extend his loving-kindness toward you till the end.
Sincerely your brethren and coworkers,
In the name of our Father Jehovah God, and our Savior
and King Christ Jesus, I greet you, while praying that the
joy and peace of the kingdom’s blessings may be multiplied
toward you and all of like precious faith to be strengthened
for the exact zeal in the service royal that is needed in this
time of Jehovah’s preparation through his great Executive
Christ Jesus. The object of this letter is, first, to thank you
for the book Preparation, and, second, to express my gratitude
to the Lord Jehovah for the abundant admonition, encourage-
ment and marvelous truth expounded in that book, while I
fully decide in the strength of the Lord to put myself on the
offensive side with our Leader Christ Jesus and not to lose a
single minute in this great prepuration work and press the
battle to the very gates of the enemy. 1 will not take more of
our time, for I know that same is precious, as it is the Lord’s;
ut I pray the Lord his blessings unto you and all of like zeal
in the service.
Accept my gratitude, while I remain
Your fellow servant by His grace,
Lionen E. CALLenpar, Pioneer, Cuba,
Dear Brorier RUTHERFORD:
Your time is precious. I will take but little of it, but I
wish to thank you for the book Preparation. I thank Jehovah
for the truth which it contains, That is his, You, as his serv-
ant, have lovingly and generously provided for us, the scattered
ones, who must eat if we continue to carry ‘‘the fruits of the
kingdom’’ to the people.
Preparation defies description. It must be felt. One must
eat it and drink it to understand it. Chapter XII, WAR, is
like the shout of the victor, a triumph in which Jehovah will
The ‘‘remnant’’ need it now. The strain is heavy, but they
are joyful in what is the best of all the years of service. We
think of and pray for you who we believe are faithfully serving
the great Shepherd's flock.
Yours by his favor,
Bertita ELLER, North Carolina.
Dear Brorner RvuTHeRrorD:
We are glad to be able to send in the enclosed to be used
in kingdom work, and pray it may redound to Ilis honor who
has now come to His temple.
How thankful we are tu our gracious heavenly Father for
the wonderful food that he is providing for us at this time,
and we wish to thank you, and the dear brethren at the office,
for your loving faithfulness in dispensing it to us. The Lord
surely knows how sorely the remnant are in need of this to
strengthen them in these days of trial, when Satan and prince
Gog and his host are doing all they can to destroy us and
disrupt the work.
But greater is He that is for us than all they that be
against us, Though even the brethren fail us, just when we
need them the most, yet we know that God is just and right
and true, antl he will never leave nor forsake us if we continue
to put our trust fully in him,
And as we partake of God’s bounteous blessings we are
glad, yea, anxious, to tell the kingdom message to others until
the great battle is fought and our King is victorious!
With Christian leve and greetings from
Mrs. Mary Scutattre anp Pasty, Kansas.
Dear Brorner RvurHERFORD:
Since I have had a knowledge of the great truths which the
Lord has provided for his servant through The Watchtower
there have been many times I have offered a prayer of thanks-
giving to Jehovah for his bountiful provision for his faithful
ones. And now the remnant have been given the new joy of
the kingdom in the book Preparation.
As each part appeared in The Watchtower it became ap-
parent that these gems of truth were the most brilliant that
the anointed have yet received. In fact, these truths appear
as jewels which have now been placed in the book Preparation
and carefully set by a Master Workman, as shown by your
letter to the faithful, and the Preface. This setting adds
much to the brilliance of these gems of truth.
I am indeed grateful to you, Brother Rutherford, and all
the coworkers for these truths which have been provided by
Jeliovah through you at this time of preparation for Armaged-
Your brother in His service,
I. K. SourmworrTu, Kansas.
Feorcary 1, 1954
My pear Broruge Ruriuerrorp:
May I take a moment of your valuable time to tell you of
an incident that came to me a few days ago while in the
house-to-house work, and proving the radio is doing a wonder-
ful work? This day out in service { came to a neat colored
home, found the man, his wife, and aged mother of seventy
years enjoying the Watchtower program, The mother cannot
read or write, but she knew the truth. She hus learned it from
your voice over the radio. She tuld me that every Sunday when
if was time for you to come on she sat close to the radio to
fatch each word; and that the message was so sweet, so beau-
tiful, so wonderful, that the tears flowed freely; and that she
longs for the kingdom you tell about.
I asked her if she ever heard the ministers of the various
churches that come over the air. She suid, ‘‘Yes, yes. I some-
Scottsbl’f KGKY Sua 10:15am
We 5:45pm Fr 5:45pm
York GBZ Su 5:45pm
Th 2:00pm
Reno KOH Su 10:30am
Manch’ter WFEA Su 2:45pm
We 7:00pm
AtlanticC’y WPG 8u 10:00am
Paterson WODA Su 10:00am
We 7:45pm Fr 7:45pm
Albug’que KODBSu 5:45pm
Roswell KGFLSu 5:15pm
We 4:30pm Fr 4:30pm
Auburn WMBOSu 6:30pm
8a 2:15pm
Ring’mtonWNBF Su 7:00pm
Brooklyn WBBE Su 10:15am
Su 6:30pm Mo10:30am
Tui0:30am Tu 6:30pm
Wel0:30am We 6:30pm
Th10: 30am Th 6:30pm
Fri0:30am) Fr «(@:30pm
Brooklyn WCNW Mo 9:45pm
Th 6:30pm Sa 5:00pm
Buffalo WGR Su 10:00am
Buffalo WEBW We 10:00am
Freeport WGBBSa 9:00am
Ta 7:00pm Th 7:00pm
Hudson F. WGL7 Su 10:45am
Jamestown WOCL Su 7:00pm
New York WMCA Su 10:45am
Saranac L. WNBZ Su 10:15am
Tu 4:15pm Th 4:15pm
Syracuse WSYR Su 10:30am
Tupper L. WHDL Su 10:45am
Th 10:00am
Wh. Pl’ns WFAS Su 6:00pm
Mo 1:00pm Sa 9:00am
Asheville WWNC Th 5:30pm
Charlotte W2BT Su 10:30am
Greensbore WBIG Su 9:45am
Raleigh WPTFSu 10:00am
Wilm’ton WRAM Su 10:00am
Wo 7:00pm
DevilsL. KDLR Su 12:30pm
We 6:00pm Fr 6:00pm
Fargo WODAY Su 10:00am
times hear one that comes after the judge; but, honey, he
ean’t talk like the judge. Judge Rutherford is learned of God
and has godlv wisdom; the other man is learned of the world
and has worldly wisdom.’?’ The other man is the pastor of one
of the Jargest and richest churches here.
I thought the old colored woman had a unique way of tell-
ing the truth. ‘The other man is not learned of God,’ not
in his temple, has not a seat at his table to partake of the
wonderful food provided.
The November 1 Watchtower is ‘‘meat in due season’’, A
man told me Sunday, when out in the service, to ‘get out before
he killed me’. It is my desire to be faithful to the end. God
bless and keep you, dear brother.
Your sister by His grace,
Mars. A. F, Hontowe.t, North Carolina.
(Continued from page 48)
G'd Forks KFJM Su 5:00pm
We 5:00pm Fr 5:00pm
Mandan KGCU Su 11:20am
We 8:45pm Fr 8:45pm
Akron WADC Su 1:45pm
We 1:00pm
Cleveland WHK Su 6:30pm
Tu 3:15pm Th 9:15pm
Cleveland WJAY Su 9:45am
Columbus WAFU Su 10:00am
Th 7:30pm
Columbus WCAH Su 9:45ain
Mo 2:06pm We 2:00pm
Fr 2:00pm
Mt.Orab WHBDSa 4:45pm
We 4:45pm Fr 4:45pm
Toledo WSPD Su 9:30am
Sa 8:15am
Youngst 1 WKBN Su 10:00am
We 4:00pm
Zanesville WALR Su 10:00am
We 4:15pm
Elk City KASASu 1:15pm
Enid KCRC Su 2:45pm
We 5:00pm Fr 5:00pm
Okl’aCity KOMA Su 1:45pm
Ponca City WBBZ Su 10:00am
We 9:00pm
Shawnee KGFF Mo 8:45pm
We 8:45pm Fr 8:45pm
Klamath. KF JI Mo 8:15pm
Marshficld KOOS Mo 1:30pm
Medford KMED 8u 10:06am
Th 4:00pm
Portland KWJJSu 9:30am
Portland EXLTu 7:00am
Altoona WFBG Sa 10:30am
Tu 8:1lipm
Erie WLBW Su 10:30am
Glenside WIBG Su 12:lipm
Weil2:lipm Fr l2:lipm
Johnstown WJAC Su 4:30pm
Phil’a WCAU Su 12:00 nn
Pittsb’gh KQV8u 10:30am
Wo 1:45pm Fr 1:45pm
Pittsb’gh WWSW We 5:15pm
Reading WEEUSu 3:45pm
We 3:45pm
Wash’ton WNBOSu 9:45am
W'msport WRAK Su 9:15pm
Th 7:15pm
Charleston WCSC Su 1:00pm
We 7:00pm Fr 7:00pm
Columbia WISSua 1:00pm
Fr 6:45pm
Greenville WFBC Su 9:30am
Spart’b’g WSPA Su 6:30pm
Pierre KGFX Su 1:00pm
fu 4:00pm Th 4:00pm
Sioux F’'ls iKXSOO Su 10:00am
Th 2:45pm
Watertown KGCR Su 9:15am
We 8:45pm . Fr 8:45pm
Bristol WOPIWe 6:45pm
Sa 6:45pm
Cha’nooga WDOD Su 1:00pm
Th 8:00am
Jackson WTJISSu 1:30pm
We 5:00pm Fr 5:30pm
Knoxville WNOX Su 1:45pm
We 5:30pm
Memphis WMCSu 4:00pm
Memphis WRECSu 9:30au
Amarillo KGRSSu 9:00am
Austin KNOW Su 10:00am
Beaumont KF DM Su 10:0¢am
Tu 7:45pm
Borger KSRB Su 5:00pm
We 5:00pm Fr 5:00pm
CorpusChr. KGFISu 9:00am
We 6:45pm Fr 6:45pm
Cuero VOC Su 2:45pm
We 4:45pm Fr 4:45pm
Dallas ERLD Su 5:45pm
Dublin KFPLTh 8:00pm
Fr 10:00am
EtPaso KTSMSa 7:30pm
Ft. Worth KTAT Mo§:15pm
We 5:15pm Fr 5:lipm
Galveston KLUF Su 10:15am
We 2:15pm
Houston KPRC Su 10:00am
S. Angelo KGKELSu 1:45pm
Th 8:45am
8. Antonio KTSA Su 10:45am
Wichita PF, KGKO Su 12:30pm
Th 8:45pm
Ogden KLO Su 3:00pm
We 5:00pm Fr 5:00pm
Salt L. City KSL Su 11:15am
WSYB Su 10:00am
Th 5:30pm
Waterb’'y WDEV Mo 9:45am
We 9:45am Fr 9:45am
Ch’lottesv. WEIIC Su 10:45am
Danville WBTAM Su 9:15pm
Lynchb’g WLVA Su 12:45pm
Petersb’g WPHRSu 6:45pm
Woel0:00am)=s Fr 10:00am
Richmond WHRVA Su 12:15pm
Roanoke WDBJ Su 12:30pm
We 5:00pm
Aberdeen KXROSu 1:15pm
Bell’ham KVOS Su 10:00am
Th 5:30pm
Seattle EAR Su 10:00am
Seattle KVL Mo 6:45pm
Tu 6:45pm We 6:45pm
Th 6:45pm Fr 6:45pm
Sa 6:45pm
Spokane KFIOSu 9:15am
We 7:45am Fr 7:45am
Tacoma KMO Su 10:20am
We 5:00pm Fr 5:00pm
Tacoma, KvViSu 2:30pm
Walla Walla KUJ Su 7:45am
Su 1:00pm
Wenatchee EKPQ Su 10:00am
We 17:00am
Yakima KIT Su 10:00am
Th 7:00am
Bluefield WHISSu 9:00am
Fr 8:00am
Cha’ston WORUSu 4:00pm
Hunt’ton WSAZTh 4:00pm
Wheeling WWVA Su 10:00am
Eau Claire WTAQ Su 9:15am
We 6:15pm
La Crosse WKBII Su 1:00pm
Madison WIBA Su 10:00am
Fr 2:15pm
Sfa’towoe WOMT Mo 7:00pm
Th 1:00pm
EDEN Su 10:30am
Th 8:45am
(Current local time is shown
in each Instance.}
Albury 2-AY Tu 9:15pm
Broken Hil 2-XL Su 8:45pin
Canberra 2-CASu 8:43pm
Goulburn 2-GN Su 7:20pm
Gunnedah 2-MOSu 7:00pm
Lismore 2-XN We 7:15pm
New Castle 2-HDSu 9:30am
Su 7:15pm We 6:45pm
Sydney 2-UESu 7:00pm
W'ga W’gu 2-WG We 7:45pm
Brishane ) 4-BC Su 10:15pm
Mackay 4-MK Su 11:00am
Townsville 4-TO We 8:00pm
Ballarat 3-AC Su 10:15pm
Jallarat 3-BA Su 1:15pm
Bendigo 3-BO Tu 8:00pm
Hamilton 3-HASu 8:30pm
Melbourne 3-AW Su 4:40pm
Sale 3-TR Sa 9:00pm
Swan [fill 3-StU Su 7:lopm
Wanguratta 3-WE Su 8:lopm
Kalgoorlie 6-KGSu 7:40pm
Perth 6-MLSu 9:00pm
Launeeston 7-LA Fr 10:15pm
Hainayt BONNE Sa 5:30pm
Calgary CFCNSu 5:45pm
CJCB Su 9:00pm
Hanilton CKOC Su 10:30am
Su 1:30pm Su 8:15pm
Shanghai XIUEH Su 10:00am
Havana CMK Su 11:30am
also Spanish Su 9:00pm
fanta Cl’a CMHI Su 12:00 nn
Reval RADIO-Su 3:30pm
(296.1 m) TALLINN
Beziers RADIO- Th 8:00pm
(220.1 m) BEZIERS
Bordeaux RADIO- Mo 7:45pm
(237 m) SUD-OUEST
The good news of the kingdom of Jehovah is broadcast each week or oftener by these and other stations at time shown.
(223 m) MANDIE
English: Su 4:00pm
French: Tu 8:00pm
Paris RADIO LL Fr 8:15pm
(370 m)
Paris RADIO- Su 12:00nn
(312.8 m) VITUS
Th 7:30pm Sa 7:30pm
Toulouse RADIO- We 7:15pm
(385.1 m) TOULOUSE
Birm’ham WAPISu 9:45am
Birm’ham WBRC Su 10:00am
We 4:30pm
Dothan WHET Su 10:30am
We 1:15pm Fr 1:15pm
Mitgomery WSFA Su 3:45pm
MuscleS. WNRA Su 6:00pm
We 8:00pm Fr 8:00pm
Anchorage KFQD We 9:30pm
Ketchikan KGBU Mo 7:15pm
Th 7:15pm Sa 7:15pm
Bisbee KSUN Su 4:00pm
We 4:00pm Fr 4:00pm
Jerome KCRJ Mo 5:15pm
We 5:lipm Sa 5:15pm
Spanish Th 4:30pm
Phoenix KTARSa 9:00am
Prescott KPJMSu 5:45pm
We 5:15pm Fr 5:15pm
Tucson KGAR Su 7:00pm
We 5:45pm Fr 5:45pm
Tucson KVOA Su 8:45am
Th 8:00pm
Yuma KUMA Su 6:15pm
Spanish Su 6:00pm
Fay’ville KUOA Su 12:45pm
Well:45am Fr 6:00pm
Hot Sp’gs KTHS Su 12:lipm
Little R’k KARK Su 9:00am
Little R’k KGUHISu 7:00pm
We 5:45pm Fr 5:45pm
Little R’k KURA Su 10:30am
Paragould KBTM Sua 10:00am
We 11:30am
Texarkana KCMC Su 6:45pm
El Centro KXO8u 10:00am
Eureka KIEM Su 10:30am
Fresno KMJ Su 3:45pm
Hollywood KNX Su 9:15pm
Long B'ch KGER Su 10:45am
Los Angeles KTM Su 9:30am
Su 8:00pm Th 8:00pm
Oaklana KLS Su 11:15am
We 2:45pm Fr 2:45pm
Oakland KROW Su 10:liam
Su 6:15pm ae 8:15pm
Sa’mento KFBE Su 9:30am
8. F’ciseco KTABSu 9:30am
Sa 8:30am
Stockton KGDMSu 9:30am
We 7:15am Fr 1:15pm
Col’o Spr. KVOR Su 10:30am
We 4:50pm Sa 4:30pm
Denver KFEL Su 7:00pm
Grand J’n KFXJSu 1:15pm
Greeley KFKA Mo 7:lopm
Lamar KIDW Su 7:15pm
We 2:40pm Fr 2:40pm
Pueblo KGHF Mo 8:15pm
We 10:45am
Yuma KGEK Su 12:45pm
Well:45pm 3 Fri2:45pm
Bridgeport WICC Su 10:60am
Wilm’ton WDEL Su 7:00pm
We 8:30pm
Wilm’ton WILM Mo 8:45pm
Miami WIOD Su 12:15pm
Miami WQAM Su 4:30pm
Orlando WDBO Su 12:45pm
Pensacola WCOA Su 1:00pm
Wo 7:30pm) Fr 6:30pm
Athens WEI Su 9:45am
Atlanta WCST Su 5:45pm
Augusta WRDW Su 3:00pm
Th 7:45pm
Columbus WRBL Su 9:50am
LaGrange WKEU Su 3:00pm
We 3:00pm Fr 10:00am
Rone WEDV Su 12:30pm
Woe 8:dopm Fr 8:45pm
Savannah WTOC Su 1:lopm
Tho’villeWQDX We 9:loam
We 7:30pm
Honolulu KGMB We 12:05pm
Fr 7:lipm
Boise KIDO 8u 10:30am
We 8:30pm
Nampa KFXDSu11:00um
Pocatello KSEIS8u 2:00pm
Su 9:00pm
Twin Falls KTFI Su 10:45am
Chicago WJJDSu 2:30pm
Cicero WHFC Su 6:00pm
We 5:00pm Fr 6:00pm
Decatur WJBL Su 10:00am
Mo 7:30pm
Harrisb’g WEBQ Su 6:00pm
Mol0:00pm = Fr10:00pm
Joliet WCLS Su 12:15pm
Wel2:45pm = Fr12:45pm
LaSalle WJBCSul10:15am
Rockford WROK Su 10:00am
Su 10:00pm We 10:00pm
Sp’gfield WCBS Su 12:30pm
Sa li:ldam
Tuscola WDzZ Su 10:00am
Gary WIND Su 10:45am
Ind’apolis WK BF Su 10:092m
We 2:00pm
WLBC Su 1:30pm
Fr 7:30pm
T. Haute WBOW Su 12:45pm
Decorah KGCA Mo
Wo 9:00am Sa
Des Moines WHO Sua
Marshallt nKFUJB Su 8:45am
We 6G:lipm Fr 6:15pin
Shenandoah KMA Su 11:15am
Waterloo WAIT Su 6:45pm
Coffeyville KGGF Su 1:45pm
Th 8:00pm
Kans.C’y WLBF Su 5: lépin
We S:lipm Fr 5:15pm
Bangor WLEZ Su
Portland WCSIL Su
Baltimore WBAL Su 4:15pm
Cumberl’d WT BO Su 2:00pm
We 2:00pm Fr 2:00pm
Hagerst’n WJEJ Su 10:loam
Babson P, WSO Su 12:30pm
Boston WNAC Su 10:00am
Lex’gton WLEY Mo 1:30pm
We 1:30pm Th 1:80pm
Sp’gfield WAMAS Su 10:00am
Worcester WORC Su 10:30am
Calumet WHDE Tu
Detroit - WJRSu
Ironwood WAMS Su 5:00pm
We 7:00pm Fr 7:15pm
Jackson WIBMSu 10:00am
Kalamazoo WKZO Su 9:45am
We 3:00pm
F gus Falls KG DE Su 10:00am
Min’polisWRIEM Ta 8:00pm
Moorhead KGIFK Su 7:30pm
Wo 5:1ipm Fr 5:15pm
St.Paul WKIEM Su 12:30pm
Th 1:00pm
Nattiesb’gWPEFB Su 1:30pm
We 7:45pm
Laurel WAML Sa 12:45pm
Meridian WCOC Su 10:00am
Wo 6:45pm
Miss. City WGCM Su 9:45am
We 8:45pm
Columbia KFRU Su
Kans.C’y KWEC Su
Billings KGHL Su 12:15pm
G@’t Falls KFBB Su 10:00am
Kearney KGEW Su 9:00am
Woe 6:45pm Fr 6:45pm
Lincoln KFABSu 9:30am
Lincoln KFOR Su 10:15am
(Continued on page 47)