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and its later vindication. Daniel 8; see The Watchtower, 1933, pages 179-186, 195-202, 211-219. The time of the fulfilment of the prophetie picture of the feast of Belshazzar seems to be shortly preceding Armageddon. The record thereor as set forth in the fifth ehapter of Daniel begins in tgis manner: Belshazzar the king mae a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and drank wine before the thousand.(Dan. 5:1) This feast was held in the king's place, and on the very night that Babylon was overthrown by the Medes and Persians, and hence must picture a time after Christ begins his reign and is sent forth to oust the enemy and shortly preceding the battle of the great day of God Almighty. That derinitely fixes the time of the fulfilment of the prophetie picture after 1914 and shortly before the battle of Armageddon; hence both the scripture and the physical facts show that the prophecy is now in course of fulfilment.