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period of time is represented by multiplying the days
of one year, 360, by seven (times), equaling 2,520,
and as the Scriptures fix a day as a symbol of a year,
the period of ‘‘seven times’’ therefore equals 2,520
5The ‘seven years’ did not begin to count from
the date of the decree condemning the tree to destrue-
tion, which deeree would be from the time of the fall
of man onward. Thereafter and during the time of
Melchizedek, and of Isracl as God’s covenant people,
there was at least during those times typically the
kingdom of God on the earth, and as long as these
existed the ‘‘seven times’? could not begin to count.
The reason is that the stump (picturing mankind)
with bands of iron and copper around it shows the
non-existence or non-activity of the kingdom of God
in the earth, The beginning of the counting of the
seven times must wait until the overturning of Isracl’s
last king, whieh took place in the year 606 B.C. From
that time the seripture applics which says: ‘It shall
be no more, until he come whose right it is’? to have
the kingdom and rulership of the world. (Ezck. 21; 27)
It was at the overthrow of Zedekiah that this deerce
against Tsracl was entered, and there it was that Sa-
tan became ‘the god of the whole world’, and it was
then and there that the seven times, mentioned in
Daniel's propheey, in the fourth chapter, began to
count ; meaning that God would not interfere with the
beastly rule of carth until.the end of that specific
period of time. That period of seven times, beginning
in 606 B.C. and extending over a period of 2,520
years, ended in 1914, when Christ was enthroned by
Jchovah and sent forth to rule amongst his enemies.
—Ds. 110: 2.
®° The deerce heard by Nebuchadnezzar, recorded by
Daniel, was a divine judgment: ‘“‘This matter [ques-
tion at law] is by the decree of the watehers [Jeho-
vah and his Logos], and the demand [the judicial
decision, Strong] by the word of the holy ones; to the
intent that the living may know that the Most High
ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whom-
soever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of
men.”’ (Vs.17) Jehovah and Christ Jesus are the
only “holy Ones’’, (Isa. 57:15; Rey. 3:7) The
judicial deerce is rendered by Jchovah and is an-
nounced and exeented by the Vindicator of Jehovah’s
name. Jehovah and Christ Jesus are the watchers
named in this verse, as it will be noted that the word
is in the plural. They are the watchers over Jchovah’s
name, and that pertains to its vindication. The in-
tent or purpose is made certain by the words: ‘‘To
the intent that the living may know that the Mast
High ruleth in the kingdom of men.”? Therefore the
supreme purpose is the vindication of Jchovah’s name
and the settlement for ever of the question of his su-
premacy and his inherent rulership. Again the vin-
dication of Jchovah’s name is magnified as the most
Brooxiyn, N. Y.
important of all doctrines taught in the Scriptures.
When Christ Jesus comes to the temple of Jehovah
that marks the beginning of the time when the rulers
of the world shall no lotiger plead ignorance but they
must know that Jehovah is God. ‘That men may know
that thou, whose namc alone is JEHOVAN, art the
Most High over all the earth.’’—Ps. 83:15.
™The words of the text ‘‘kingdom of men’’ do not
refer to the petty kingdoms of Satan’s wicked world,
but to the kingdom or invisible lordship sct up over
man. Jchovah has no responsibility for the national
governments of the present wicked world, and cer-
tainly not as to who gets into office or is put out of
office by the votes of men. Those who are wholly de-
voted to Jehovah, therefore, can have no part in the
selection of sueh rulers. The fact that Satan has been
permitted to continue to exercise overlordship of man
is no contradiction of this. Te has so exercised ruler.
ship, not beeause his power was superior to Jchovah’s,
nor beeause he is higher than Jehovah, but Satan
has exereised the overlordship because Jchovah has
suffered it to be so, having fixed a time certain to
permit Satan to work out his strongest practieal argu-
ment in support of his beastly challenge of Jehoval’s
position. Otherwise stated, Jehovah has stood by and
let Satan do his worst and bided his own good time
to prove Satan the most fertile liar in the universe.
Jchovah in due time shows his supremacy, first mak-
ing known to his faithful witnesses why he has waited:
“But for this cause have I allowed thee to remain,
in order to show thee my power; and in order that
they may proclaim my name throughout all the
earth.’? (Ex. 9:16, Leeser) The fact that Jehovah
directed Jesus to remain inactive and wait until 1914
to begin his work of interferenee with the enemy
proves that Jehovah is ‘‘the Most High [that] ruleth
in the kinedom of men’’, and that he is therefore
supreme. In his own due time he delegates this power
of rulership to whomsoever he pleases, and he makes
known now that he has given it to Christ Jesus and
that he will associate with Christ Jesus in that or-
ganization 144,000 others, the true and faithful foot-
step followers of Christ Jesus, who maintain their
. integrity to the end, (Dan. 7: 18-27) ‘‘Fear not, lit-
tle flock ; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give
you the kingdom.”? (Luke 12:32) In this latter text
the words of Jesus are not only strong but conclusive
proof that the giving of the kingdom over mankind is
exclusively within the power of Jehovah the Most High.
8 Jesus, although the beloved Son of Jchovah, must
suffer humiliation in order to prove Jehovah's side of
the question at issue and in order to demonstrate his
own qualification to beeome Jehovah’s Vindicator.
(Heb. 5:8,9) Concerning Jesus it is written that he
was meek and lowly. (Matt. 11:29) ‘(Ile was despised,
and we esteemed him not.’’ (Isa. 53:3) Tle made