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64 JEHOVAR’S INEXHAUSTIBLE SUPPLY Desk BrRoTtHER RUTHERFORD and HELPFRs: ’ Having read, and received so much benefit from the differ- ent articles in The Watchtower for the last several months, I sometimes wonder what could there be of real interest in the next issue of The Watchtower. It appears that the Lord -has an inexhaustible supply of ‘‘meat in due season’’, I have served as an ‘‘elective elder’’ for many years. But ali the while I realized the fact that the company could not make an elder of me by the election, and I told them so twenty years ago. There were some who did not agree with me, but I saw that it was the truth, and so I stuck to it. I also saw that the ‘‘elective elder’’ system was a gap-through which Satan could continue to do some of his nasty work, and for a long time I was somewhat grieved over it; but now I am no longer grieved, J am among those who went into the ‘‘vineyard’’ at ‘the first hour’? and have borne some of the ‘‘light burden’? of the Lord during the Acat of the day. (IL was umong those wie suffered in prison in 1918.) But not only am f willing to see those who have labored only one hour be paid first, and get as much as [I get, but it really pleases me to see the Master of the vineyard do as He pleases with His own. I agreed to work for ‘fa penny’’, und that is all that I could expeet to receive when the evening and pay hour arrived. [ am so well satisfied with the wages [ have received, until Iam really anx- ious to work on during the future duys to come. As suggested in Zhe Watchtower, it is » real joy to me to realize that I have been used of the Lurd, to some little ex- tent, in helping to bring others to a unity of the faith, and common union in the body of Christ. If anvthing, L have been overpaid. IL am puor in this world’s goods, but I would not swap my ‘‘spiritual penny’’ for millions of dollars of this world’s money, With much love to you and to all of Jehovah’s witnesses, ALEXANDER Evans, &r., Louisiana. fhe WATCHTOWER Brooxiyy, N.Y. RECEIVED WITH EAGERNESS Deak Brotuer RUTHERFORD: It seems as if we must express our thanks to you for send- ing us the testimony for the new book Preparation. We don’t wish to take up much of your time, but we both have rejoiced greatly because of the privilege of ‘‘bearing the fruits’? con- tained in Preparation to the people. The past week has brought one thrill after another as we have seen with what eagerness the people received this book. Realizing that the Lord is putting the words in the mouth of his witnesses, that accounts for our stock of books being ex- haustel in the first six days of Jehovah’s witnesses’ Praise Period, although we ordered plenty to last more thun the nine-day period, based on reports of previous testimony periods, . This letter is also to assure you of our continued coopera- tion in spreading the kingdom message. Exits L, PLUMMER aND Carnig M. ANDERSON, Pioneers. MORE THAN THANKFUL OvuR DEAR BRETHREN: The Newark (N.J.) company of Jehovah’s witnesses declare thenelves wholly on the side of Jehovah, the Lord of Hosts, and fully acknowledge the fact that the visible part of his mighty organization is the Watch Tower. We rejoice to say that we delight in having an active part in the work of serving notice prior to the complete destruction of Satun’s wicked system, In this connection, we are more than thankful for the en- couragement we receive in this fight by being fed on such wonderful things as have been recently extended toward us, especially through the méans of the large hook-ups. In follow- ing them up we find many, many people who have drunk of that refreshing water of life, and want to continue drinking. We use this means cf expressing our thanks to Jehovah ag an outlet to the gre.t joy and enthusiasm which bubbles within us. We pray for strength that we may meet the opportunitics and greater privileges which are ahead for those who love and serve Jehovah, SERVICE APPOINTMENTS T. E. BANKS Hartford, Conn, ...... Mar, 1,2 Attantic City, N. J. Mar. 17,18 New Elaven, Conn. ” 3.4 Philadelphia, Pa, " 2 Cliffwood, N.S. 6,7 Washington, D.C, Brooklyn, N.Y ” 4,9 Norfolk, Va... New York, N.Y. 10,14 Loydton, Va. Newark, WN. J. 13,14 Lynchburg. V Montelair, N. J. 15,16 Roanoke, Va, ... Austin, Tex, ....0........Mar, 1-3 Hfenderson, Tex, .. 17 San Marcos, Tex. 7 4 Overton, ‘Tex. .... 18 Pastrop, Tex. .. ” 6 Giadewater, Tex. 20 Taylor, Tex. .. " q Rhonesboro, ‘Tex. 21 teckdale, Tex. ” & Texarkana, Tex. 22 Temple, Tex, . au 9 KBogata, ‘Tex. 23 Waco, Tex, " 10 Weaver, Tex, ” 2 Mexia, Tex, ... -* 11,12 Denison, Tex. . "25. 26 Teague, Tex, - ” Bonham, Tex, ... ” 2x Rusk, Tex. ..... 7 15 MeKinney, Tex, ” 29 Jacksonville, Tex, ...... ” 16 Dallas, Tex. cence "30.31 M. L. HERR Atoka, Okla. ou... Feb, 19-25 Cloudy, Okla. ........Mar. 12-18 Lehich, Okla. Feb. 26-Mar. 4 Valliant, Okla. 7 19-25 Dunbar, Okla. wu.....-Mur. 6-11 Idabel, Okla. ...... Mar, 26-Apr. 1 A. H. MACMILLAN Jacksonville, Fla, New Orleans, La. _" Deaumoent, Tes, San Antonio, Tex, Ft. Valley, Ga, Columbus, Ga. Albany, Ga, Thomasville, Quitman, Ga. .. ” 8S El Paso. Tex. Waycross, Ga. .. ” 9 Phoenix, Ariz. . Savannah, Ga. o...... * 10,11 Los Angeles, Calif, G. ¥. M’CORMICK Monrovia, Calif, ...... Mar. 1,2 Porterville, Calif. ...Mar. 14 Ventura, Calif. .......... ” »4 Tulare. Calif. ” 15 Santa Barbara, Calif. ” Lemoore, Calif. 16 Paso Robles, Calif. ...% 7,8 Fresno, Calif. 17.18 Bakersfield, Calif. 10 = Atwater, Calif. 2 Arvin, Calif... 1100s Turlock. Culif. 21 Taft, Calif,” 2.7. 13 Los Angeles, Calif. 2." 29329 a. C. RAINBOW Mar. 3 Clear Lake, Towa Towa City, Iowa Allison, Towa .. Davenport, Tow: Clinton, Iowa . 3,4 Jowa Falls, lows Dubuque, Jowa .. 6,7 It. Dadge, Tuwa " 21 Cedar Rapids, Town 2” 8.9 soone, Iowa .. " 22 Jesup, Towa ? 10 Ames, Iowa . ” 23 Waterloo, Iowa 11 Colo, Towa ...... id 2 Oelwein, Iowa. 12 Des Moines, Tow 2h, 26 Readivn, Town - 33 Colfax, Lowa .. 28 New Hampton, Iowa .. 14 Hartford, Iowa 29 Eima, Towa ” 15 aAdair, Towa... 30 Mason City, Iowa ...... " 16 Atlantic, Iowa ... a1 W. J. THORN McGees Mills, Pa Mar. 2 New Castle, Pa Du Beis, Pa. 7 3 Viltsviille, Pa Brockway. Pa ” 4 Farrell, Va, Ciarien, Pa. » 5 Sharon, Pa. . Fairmount City, ” % Greenville, Pa Kittanning, Ba. . 8 Meads ile, Pa. 6 New Kensington, Pa. " 9 OU City, Pa. ee Butler, Pal lee 7 OIL | Titussitle, Pa. . + 30 New Brighton, Pa. 12, 14 Cambridge Spr, Pa...” 31 Ellwood City, Pa. WG Erie, Pas we Apr, 1,2 S. H. TOUTIJTAN Shaw, Misa, ..........-.-. Feb. 28 Lamar, Ark, ..........Mar 16 Mound Bayou, Miss. Mar. 1 Fayetteville, Ark... " 17,18 Shelby, Miss... wee 2 Springdale, Ark. ” 2 Tutwiler. Miss. .. 8 Rogers, Ark. ....- ” 21 Clarksdaie, Miss. 4 Gravette. Ark. ” 22 Sardis. Miss, Gentry, Ack. 2. " 23 Memphis, Tenn. . 7,38 Et. Sintth, Ark. ” 24 Tromann, Ark, 9 Roles, Ark... " 25 Jonesboro, Ark, 10) Big Fork, Ark. . ” 2 Paragould, Ark. IL Amity, Ark... ” 28 Leachville, Ark. 13 De Queen, Ark ” <9 Success, Ark... 14 DeRoeche, Ark. .. " 30 Pangburn, Ark. 15 Hot Springs, Ark. ...... ” 31 J. C. WATT La Grande, Oreg. .. 1,2 Wenntchee, Wash. ....Mar. 13, 14 Hermiston, Oreg. . 3,4 Entiat. Wash... ad 15 Brosnér, Wash, one 6 Seattle, Wash. . ” 1s Sunnyside, Wash. aad q Portland, Oreg. ... ..... 17,18 Yakima, Wash... 8.9 San Francisco, Calif, ” 20,21 Ellensburg, Wash. ...% 10,11 Los Angeles, Calif. 2.0% 24-28

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