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1;), 1929
and eyer~' one of these ann0111we8 the fact that Christ's kinguom will soon be estahlisheu in the earth. lIore than a lnmured radio stations arc now announcing the same fact ewry eek. Millions of the common people hear the message gladl~', and eycry uay othe1' thousanus are' 'listening in" and haying their heart made glad. But dlll'ing these fifty years the message put forth hy the Dible Stuuents. the glauuest message that this earth has p"('r hearu, has been yiolently opposed, an.} by the sanw rlassps that 0PllOsed Jpsus, and which were foretold b~' the psalmist, namel~-, the "kings", "rulers," "g1'eat men," and the "juuge's". The message which "'e arc pUttillg out has hepn misrepJ'esl'ntcd, distortpd and l)Pl'VCl·tL'd in mdc'r to prpjndice the people against it. Politic'ians haH~ spcured thc enactment of rity oruinances in O!'clL'r to stop t he distribution of the literature HllllOullcing the coming' blessings of the kingdom . .:lan~· of the rl'!igiolls leaders haye urged their flocks to bul'll the books, and haye joined in other methods or opposition. Kow we come to our final qupstion, 'Why do the TJeople in power oppose the establishment of Christ'!'l I,ingdom '! The answer is that t he people in power arc selfish, j llst like other members of the race. The'y l'njoy spepial priyileges which the masse's do not haye. The finaneil'rs usc their extn'me wealth to rontrol prires; to purphase immunity "'hen threate'ned with prosecution; to suborn judges and juries and control neYspapprs, and to purchase charters for publ ic uti!. itks which should belong' to the people. The politic'ians hold places of pO ~r and influence; t IH'Y arc sought out by ot l1('rs who haye an axe to grind, am} who desire slleciallegislation to grind their axe; they hold much political patronage under their rontrol and enjoy a certain immunity as a result of thC'ir position. The reli~!;ions leauC'rs have an C'asy job with much influence and prestige. They control the aets of grC'at numbers of people; thC'y hnye an eyerincreasillg political influence and arc the ch ief adYisers of great numbers of inuiyiduals. Bnt when Chri:,;t's kingdom is estahlished, all spe-
cia} pri'ileg'c's, speeial immunities and special adyantages ,,-ill end for e'er. Ewrything that savors of selfishness will be destroyed from the earth. There will be but one government under the whole heayen, and that gowrnment ,,-ill be a killgtlOlll, and Jesus "'ill be the King:, 'l'his ,viII mean that aU other kings "ill lose their throm's am} powel'. III Psalm 2, ycrse 6, we rl'a d: " Yet have I set m~' killg upon m!J holy hill of Zion." Jehoyah (;od is the speaker, and his king is King Jesus.•.gain in Psalm 72: 1,2 we reac}: "Gi'e the king tll!J jndg'ments, 0 Gou, ... he shall judge thy lwople with rirJ7drowmcss. a]](1 thy poor ,vith judg. ment." Ah, yes! When this kingdom is established it will operate in bC'llUlf of the poor, the oppressed, those who haye been deprived of their just rights by those who hold special IJl'ivikge'l no". This kingdom will establish rightconsm'ss, libert~- and peace on earth. It will therefore be opposed by all those who loye unrighteousnl'ss, by those ,vho depri,'e others o[ their liberty, and b~' all militarists, who fayor war instl'ad of peace. The laws of that kingdom ,,,ill be absolutely just, because God will be the author of the same. This will, of roursc', end the jobs of earth's present le"islators. Naturally, bl'ing selfish, thl'y will oppose thi~ new kingdom. endel' the kingdom, sickness, disease and death will end. 'This will l'nd the jobs of doctors, ~ur geons, undertakers; and there will be no me for hospitals or cemeteries. Sin and crime will ceate; and heuee there will be no usc for judges, jurors, lawyers, policemen, comts or a department of justice. All those people who enjoy special priyileges under thll present arrangement will lose the same, and, because of self· isluwss in their own hearts, will oppose the establishment of a kingdom which, instinctiwly, they feel will depriye them of their present ad·antages. This ex· plains wh~' there will be opposition to the kingdom and yh~T it wilt come from those in power, the" uppC'r" classes, Those '"ho persist in their opposition ,vill die the serond death, as the enemies of God, the ('lH'mics of their fellow men, and the enemies of truth and righteousness.
In BI:J:TJ]](J:~: "For 1 alll nut nsllalllPl1 uf till' glrlll tlilings; h"('ause th,·~ a1(' tl,(' POWPI of 00'[ fu!' Sahation to l'H'I," Olle lJl'li,,ing'.··HOlll, 1: Hi. Ii/oploll. (l!'eetingH in the IkloYe,l. (Jill (,pl'1esia has Yelted to spn,l you itt<'11 ('~p]'(,sslon " [ our ('ontitl('nec in YOUl' attitwle toanl ~atall'~ llllllioll~, tU)ll also in thp Il('W 1I1~1 YP],~' ('Olllfortillg appltratlC>n of thl' gos[",l tl11ths to the prps('nt,tlay rOll(litiollH,
- PH'1' in the histon' of the chu!'ch O!' of natiuns has hlUlIHn,
it~, Iwen in gTeatp1' l{"p,l of a rnreful yl't st<'1ll allll ]'"I"lItl,',s I ukls]"p. lpwr haye the~- been lllC)]'P iuto[,'lnnt of e~O'['H px, ]>rPHH<'<1 plans an<1 purposc's. Au,l as we spp ruthll'ss (lisor>l", an,l I'{'hellion upon all si,lps. we can only "',,n>l"r at tl", spirit of amlt," all,l justi('" manifeHt(',l ],~- Oil!' <It'ar HrnthPI' HutllPr· fo'u and IllS faithful absociatL's at headqllalt"ls. Dl:
"'h,ll' no ,Iull],t lllallY forllll'r 1)lt'lhn'll are cn ilil1l; IJ,'cau<l) thpir long,cl"'11Hhe,1 ,ies all' ,IiHturl"'d, the Tou'us and th8 (;O('(IIII1/UII hook ale to our lIttle bOlh oj consecwtetl in thlR plu('( ., strong 11lCat" in due S(la~OJl. • 'e wish III Hhort to e:s]', eSH our utnlllst couJidpnee both lU thp spilitunl teachings allll S"J'lptural interpretations anu in the' far,sight,',l InlsinPHs manag"lllent and condud of the Soddy's a"tiYiti,'s ill tIllS mlll other lantls. ";h" r"l)()l'ts ill the ruu Book are a s,JUrce of (':strcmc satis fal'tlO11 and an aSSUI':tlll'e that Gu,l is at the helm autl the tinal tliUllIl'h ran not be far aYa~·.
- a~' ~'Oul' 1I:11111s he strengthene,1 anti your hearts upborne
I,y ,I "'illl' grnl'(' to continue the witnf'ss by m'er," means now u<,·,j till the' "il'ltl"'- IS WOll,-] .Tohn 3: I. ~. . lOUt' brethrpn hy his grace, Qn:cy (:las8.) ECCLESL. L, C. l'LUDIEP., Cor, Su 'yo