legal incorporation in 1884 for the above-stated work, persons devoted to God recognized that, since this work is of Him, he will make regular provision for it to continue. To this year of 1949 Jehovah God has performed this miraculous provision. How? Through willing, unforced, unsolicited givers. Persons have been moved by love of God and his Word and by His spirit to contribute what they had of time; effort, ability and money to the spreading of the message of man's salvation by God's kingdom. The many privileges of supporting the world-wide witness to God's kingdom have been grasped voluntarily and cheerfully, and only God's spirit leads a person to do that. All along the Lord God has permitted men and women to contribute of
their own free will money, or material wealth, to the support of His work on earth. If this were not so, the widow would not have dropped her two coins, her last mite, into the collection box, causing Jesus to say she donated more thanlook:ng beyond this present uncertain world to the approaching new world of eternal life, peace and plenty. ,Yith money and other material things, or, "mammon," as Jesus called them, at Luke 16: 9, they are making friends with
Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, and through these two they hope to gain eternal dwellings in the new world, there to serve Them forever.sands of new readers. To all our readers, new and old, we delight to bring information concerning the present expansion of true worship of God on earth. The WatchtolUel' itself is published in twenty-two languages, but the Society operates through more than sixty Branches and literature depots in over ninety different lands. In addition to this, it has sent abroad more than 500 missionaries graduated from the Watchtower Bible Sehool of Gilead, whoP.1 it supports financially, besides maintaining other hundreds of home missionaries or special publishers and traveling representatives. Also, yearly millions of pieces of literature are distributed absolutely free of cost to those accepting. And the work is not by any means over now, but we
look forward and are preparing for an even greater worl, of bringing the saving news of God's kingdom by Chl'lst to hundreds of millions in all lands.