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May 1, 1949

men.If they are expressing themselves in accord with Watchtower publications and in submission to counsel from the Watchtower Society on Theocratic order and procedure for Jehovah's witnesses, then the women are not teaching. It is God through his organization that is doing so. The women are merely using the spiritual provisions He makes for all his people and are repeating what they have been taught.
32 Thus by showing proper modesty and submissiveness our consecrated Christian sisters will show real Theocratic charm and will win respect of all the congregation and the blessing and approval of Jehovah God. In final fulfillment of Joel 2: 28, 29 his spirit has been poured out in these last days of this world. It has been outpoured with mighty activating power upon all consecrated flesh, male and female. Irresistibly the Lord God's daughters and maid-servants must prophesy, explaining His will and purpose to others according to his prophetic Word. So, with his blessing and therefore his unmistakable

approval, women are engaging in spreading his Word from house to house and in public places. They are carrying on private Bible studies with Watchtower publications in the homes of the ignorant. As mothers, they are instructing their own children in God's Word. They are acting as missionaries to lands calling for spiritual help. They are offering the spiritual sacrifices of praise to God everywhere, together with their Christian brothers. Records show more women are engaging in this service than men.
33 Though subordinate according to God's will, such women are most helpful to their Christian brothers and are fighting shoulder to shoulder with them for the faith of the Kingdom gospel. We rejoice with them in their privileges. We admire them for their uncomplaining submissiveness and loyalty. We are glad they share equally with us in vindicating Jehovah's name. We thank God they are heirs with us of the gracious gift of eternal life in the righteous new world. In all purity we will help them to gain it.


IF THE Watchtower Bible and Tract Society were a commercial organization, selling some product or service, or peddling a religious message, in this world where dollar-getting is the order of the day, people would not ask concerning the Society: "Where does all the money come from for this?" But because the Society does not follow the method of Christendom's religious organizations of taking up money collections or demanding tithes, the question is frequently asked.
The Society has a Godly purpose, which purpose was clearly stated in the charter granted it in 1884, to wit: "The purpose for which the corporation is formed is, the dissemination of Bible truths in various languages by means of the publication of tracts, pamphlets, papers and other religious documents, and by the use of all other lawful means which its Board of Directors, duly constituted, shall deem expedient for the furtherance of the purpose stated."
From the very formation of the Society, even before its legal incorporation in 1884 for the above-stated work, persons devoted to God recognized that, since this work is of Him, he will make regular provision for it to continue. To this year of 1949 Jehovah God has performed this miraculous provision. How? Through willing, unforced, unsolicited givers. Persons have been moved by love of God and his Word and by His spirit to contribute what they had of time; effort, ability and money to the spreading of the message of man's salvation by God's kingdom. The many privileges of supporting the world-wide witness to God's kingdom have been grasped voluntarily and cheerfully, and only God's spirit leads a person to do that. All along the Lord God has permitted men and women to contribute of their own free will money, or material wealth, to the support of His work on earth. If this were not so, the widow would not have dropped her two coins, her last mite, into the collection box, causing Jesus to say she donated more than
all other contributors. (Luke 21: 1-4) "God loveth a cheerful giver." (2 Cor. 9: 7) Thus the money has come from thousands of men and women, in all stations of life and in all parts of the earth, who want to share in helping the Society as an organization to advance Bible-education among all peoples, with no financial profit to themselves and with no financial profit to the Society or anyone connected with it.
In doing this, such contributors act wisely, discreetly, looking beyond this present uncertain world to the approaching new world of eternal life, peace and plenty. With money and other material things, or, "mammon," as Jesus called them, at Luke 16: 9, they are making friends with Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, and through these two they hope to gain eternal dwellings in the new world, there to serve Them forever.
It is the pleasure of The Watchtower to have many thousands of new readers. To all our readers, new and old, we delight to bring information concerning the present expansion of true worship of God on earth. The Watchtower itself is published in twenty-two languages, but the Society operates through more than sixty Branches and literature depots in over ninety different lands. In addition to this, it has sent abroad more than 500 missionaries graduated from the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, whom it supports financially, besides maintaining other hundreds of home missionaries or special publishers and traveling representatives. Also, yearly millions of pieces of literature are distributed absolutely free of cost to those accepting. And the work is not by any means over now, but we look forward and are preparing for an even greater work, of bringing the saving news of God's kingdom by Christ to hundreds of millions in all lands.
Hence, in sincerity, persons often inquire as to how a work of such magnitude is maintained, it being obvious