began in 1988, "Christendom" has received full notice that she is weighed in the balance, is found wanting, and is going to be destroyed. It is the handwriting on the wall; and the rulers, although being informed, refuse to repent and refuse to cease interfering with Jehovah's witnesses in carrying the message of truth to the people. They show their stubbornness and disregard of God's Word by continuing to oppose the delivering of the testimony by Jehovah's witnesses. These facets have recently been presented
to the Congress of the United States, at the hearing of which Big Business, the clergy, and the political representatives were present; and instead of giving heed to the message and acknowledging Jehovah God as supreme, such rulers, like Belshazzar, appealed to their own "wise men", including the clergy, and ignore Jehovah's witnesses and His message of truth, and by their course of action they continue to reproach the name of Jehovah the Most High. They have heard the truth and have had full opportunity to know what course to take, but, like Belshazzar, they spurn the truth.© it was ‘the finger of Almighty God’, that is to say, his beloved Son Christ Jesus, that did the writing upon DBelshazzar’s banquet hall: {Phen was the part ai the hend sent from him; and this writing was writ- ten’? (Dan, 5:24) Sinee Jehovah has poured out his spirit upon all his faithful witnesses he has sent forth Hiese withesses and used them io write his message uf truth ‘upon the wall? of reveling “Uhristendom’’, but ie puters have jgnored and despised the message and wickedly persecuted the measengers, 1 Belshagzar’s feast of wine-drinking and debauch- ery did not cease after the handwriting appeared; on the contrary, the misuse of the golden vessels of the fomple eontinued. Likewise during the time the anti- typieal plagues were being ponred out upon the world, Jrom 1926 to 1929, the earousal of Christendom’? has eontinued and those participating therein have in- erenased their hatred and bitterness toward Jehovah's siinesses, During reeent years the faithful remnant, under the direction of Jehovah's Chicf Ofticer, have continued to boldly, plainly and fearlessly inform “Christendom’” that this world organization is that of the Devil, That message delivercd, and the reac. ticn of ‘Chyistendom’?’ thereto, is all well summed up in the words of Jehovah's prophet Daniel spoken to Belshazzar on the oeeasion of his feast, to wit: “And this is the writing that was written, MENTE, ADEN, TRKEL, UPILARSIN.”? (Dan. 5:25) From an au- thority on oriental literature the following is quoted: “hese nysterious words are Aramaic. They are ren- cored on the margin of RV. “Numbered, numbered, weighed, and divisions’; Pharsin being the plural of the noun percs, Mene being the regular passive parti- viple of its verb In the Peal species, and Tekel being regarded as likewise a passive participle, with the vocalization which is traditionally given to it changed from tekil to tekel to eonfurm to the sound of mene’, These letters were not voealized as written on the wall, cud might have becn pronouneed in a variety of ways, Hven if the correct pronunciation had occurred to ene of the wise men as among several possibilities, he had no means of establishing the correctness of his